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undefined apes

This page is dedicated to the proposition that the ape species will NEVER DIE!! Gorillas will always be among us. Sometimes you see them in the weirdest of places. This site will show you the truth behind the exploits of gorillas.... They have infiltrated you and me, and will soon own the world. In the words of many famous people, today you and me are being taken over by gorillas, TOMORROW THE WORlD!!!!

I shall demonstrate how this phenomenon works. Apes such as gorillas hide themselves in photographs using a special cloaking system. You cannot see them with the naked eye, but your subconcious sees them.... They use this cloaking to infiltrate your subconcious and use it to take over your mind without you even knowing it!! HAH, take that. And you thought you had control over your life, that I'd like to see.

proceed, and learn the truth!