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  Website of Sofia, Tricia and Eldar



Oslo, April 10th 2003
Sofia is gaining weight
Sofia was on the scale again today, and she is gaining weight faster than normal (just like her parents). Today the weight was  4 440 grams (9 lbs 12 oz). That is up 495 grams in 16 days.

We added pictures of Sofia taking a bath - have a look....


Oslo, April 5th 2003
And then she smiled :)
At 10:50 am Central European Time Sofia smiled for the first time. She might have smiled before, but sometimes it is hard to tell if she is smiling or just gassy. This time, however, she was definitely smiling. One for mum, one for dad.


Picture Galleries:

   Most recent pictures
published April 10th

Taking a bath

Second most recent pictures
published April 6th
Sofia's first smile!!
Third most recent pictures
published April 4th
1: Sofia and friends
2: Sofia March/April
February/March 2003:
  Sofia, first pictures
March 2003:
  Bob and Deanie visit Oslo
July 2002:   Summer Vacation





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