* Fri July 20th
Salmon Arm at the Wharf 7pm
* Sat July 21st
Banff Downtown Gazebo 6pm
* Sun July 22nd
Canmore Stan Rogers Stage 7:30pm
* Mon July 23rd
Hinton Millenium Park 7pm
* Tue July 24th
Edmonton Legislative Grounds 2pm
* Thu July 26th
Drumheller Centennial Park 7pm
* Sat July 28th
Revelstoke Grizzly Plaza 5pm
- Friday July 20th ~ DISCO Bowling!
- Met in Morning to pack things onto bus
- Went for lunch in Kamloops (Gyro Park) where there were these like floaty white things. Thats when I realized I had lost my sungalsses Case! Only 3 hours into the tour!! : P
- Long bus ride to Salmon Arm
- Salmon Arm Concert! Me and Alex Decided to do the lazy-take the "heavy" sign to the street, job for tour
- Played Cancert (or tried to if Julian & David didn't make me laugh too much : P
- Went cosmic bowling in evening
- Saturday July 21st ~ 1st Night Swimming!
- Had Breakfast at some big church thingy where Cindy showed us her smooth eating skills
- Gave Gretchen a dead flower from church : )
- Had Lunch at Roger's Pass? I think thats where we didn't know wheather we were in B.C. still or Alberta...
- Dinner at Pizza Place where we had an "interesting" Dinner Conversation
- Saw My Cousin and Aunt During Concert Setup
- Concert Delayed TWICE due to rain
- Went Swimming in pool...My cousin warned me that Banff has the highest rate of AIDS in North America : P...
- Had Sleeping Bag Races!
- Sunday July 22nd ~ Lake Louise!
- somewhere
- Lunch at Lake Louise: Ate By Aqua~Marine Coloured Lake!
- Went For Hike With David and Gretchen in Forest
- Realized I Threw my Retainers out so I had to Fish them out of the Garbage : P
- Walked around really nice hotel and tried on a Bikinni
- Sat around and talked and stuff @ hotel
- Played concert....dont remember it tho...
- Had a slumber party thingy watching a movie where we poped Bev's air mattress, squashed a juice box then got into shiat for laughing so damn loud! : )
- Monday July 23rd ~ Ice Fields!
- had breakfest at Melissa's?? Y don't I remember this!?....Aiya! Too Tired i guess : P...Oh yea...I flung Jam onto the floor and someone stepped on it.
- had lunch out at Ice Fields...Tried to eat on grass but things kept jumping in out food...: P
- Went on the Columbia Ice Fields Tour and tried the spectacular glacier water (I've had better tap water)
- Hit my head on special glacier bus 3 times!!!
- Ate at Hotel where we "borrowed" some utensils
- Played Concert by some paper mill that really reaked!! : P
- Went swimming. David got me to try some flippers with him...but I dunno if that was a good idea...Ever tried walking in those!?!
- Went to Catholic School and brushed Teeth in Water fountain cuz there was too many ppl!!
- Tuesday July 24th ~ Legislature : P
- Breakfast at same hotel
- Had a pizza lunch beside the bus where we saw a truck hit one of those max. height poles!
- Set up for concert at Edmonton Legislature buildings
- Started to rain so we moved everything inside. We probably played our best concert there!
- after concert, Julian and I amused ourselves talking thru holes in the wall...dun ask!
- Ate at Moxies where we ordered whatever
- Stayed at high school that looked like a mall! It had a whole section dedicated to beauty school!
- A couple of us checked out some of the 80's sexy bitches in the sports team pictures
- Defaced a child book and made it dirty /w some ppl
- Wednesday July 25th ~ West Edmonton Mall!!!
- Had Breakfest at Smitty's where some waitress freaked out : P
- Went to West Edmonton mall and bought a Barbie Magazine...The Guy gave me and David the weirdest look...I was going to go back and get Gretchen to buy a Playboy and Mila to get a Banana Magazine...but I didn't really think the look on the guy's face was worth the money...
- Went to Water Slides in West Ed Mall, hung with David, and Gretchen and Bora for a while. Then Went on the River Raft
- Went to Theme Park (galaxy land?) With Gretchen for most of it.
- Had dinner at the Old Spaghetti Factory where we discussed how bad earrings look on most ppl.
- Went shopping with David and Gretchen and Bought... stuff...yea....!
- Met up with Jocely and Bora and Road the Swing ride twice at Galaxy land before we had to go
- Took sticker pics in galaxy and ran, trying to find our way out of West Ed mall : P
- went back to the Mall like H.S. where there was some misunderstanding...and alotta parctice doing the B.U.M. Dance. Bum the Word!
- Thursday July 26th ~ Dino Museum!
- Had Breakfast at Smitties, where I totally spaced out
- Ate at café at a dino restaurant
- Walked around the Royal Tyrell Museum within 1/2 hour and slept with...I mean...yea..with Bev, David, Jocelyn, and Bora for about 2 hours? It was soooooooooooooooooooooo refreshing after on average, the 4 1/2 hours of sleep we usually get at nite...!
- I bought some garbage from the museum
- We had dinner at some Euro-Chinese Restaurant where we argued about wheather the waiter guy was euro-asian or white, so katie asked him...He didn't even knoe, he said he was adopted. : P -Trust me, he was euro-asian!
- Played a concert in Centennial Park by a huge dinosaur and a water park...
- Went swimming at a pool with an unsupervised water slide where we were allowed to go down the slides in groups of three!! It kicked @$$!! Orgy swimming! We sorta got in trouble when we tried to use the styrofoam noodles down the slide...
- The Showers were the best part! Now before u freak u dirty ppl, there was one that didnt even have a switch cause the tile was ripped out of the wall, one was like a constant stream hose cause there was no shower head, and the other one hurt cause it shot out so hard, it pushed u away!
- Went to an old fart hall to sleep where it reaked of oldness and cigaretts and the overhead fan kept exploding when we were trying to sleep!
- Friday July 27th ~ Dino Hills!
- We ate at the Euro-Chinese restaurant again for breakfast, where the tater-tots tasted like chinese shrimp or something and got our "ancient calculating machines"...they were pencils with dinosaurs on them, HAHAHA!! Get it?? Ancient, cause there were dinosours on them...Your probably as amused as I was...
- Went to the Dino Park where we ate lunch and bounced cheese off the table to see how high we could get it to go.
- We lounged in a park, then hiked up some mountain hill thingies for a while till we got too hot and tired...well, we're always hot, but we sat in a museum till this dino show started and we watched some british lady talk aobut dinosaurs. I zonked out only for 2 minutes~Comon, I tried to stay awake...
- We Had dinner at...Taco Time? Some weird western place, where Andrew D. Mixed some nasty puke drink
- Saturday July 28th ~ Talent Nite!
- Today we didn't really do much...
- Sat Around Gym
- Went to 7 eleven with Mairin, and Bev.
- Had a concert in Revelstoke which Suddenly rained and drenched everyone and everything!
- we had dinner at the Fromiter Family Restaurant and there was this Hot halfer gurl with ugly parents (I hate to admit it....but I was actually checking out her mom...
- Travis talked to the exiting door
- Watched Talent Show...
- Michael Kicked a Soccer Ball
- Kate Played a really hard Violin Song
- Andrew played the Trumpet
- Catherine D. and Alex Chan Sang a song
- Frani Sang a Song
- Russel, Tristan, Graham, and Jeremy Sang Backstreet Boys
- doug, Russel...I think, Fraser, and Tristan sand Bohemian Rhapsody
- Taylor sang a song she wrote "Rain"
- A choral quartet finished the show
- We had a dance in which I got extremely suga high!!
- We went to bed, but I was sorta interested in why Roxy was sitting in a chair by us all nite...
- Sunday July 29th ~ The Trip Home...
- Breakfest at that "Taco Time" place again. Andrew kept throwing his Fraises at me and the eggs were green....well, I dunno what else to say... : P
- Took a long bus ride
- Everyone was tired
- We ate lunch at Riverside Park where there was a festival going on.
- Took an even longer bus ride to the PNE where we all GOT OFF and said our goodbyes :..(
Until Next Year
© 2001 Bobby Scott
All Rights Reserved