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Land And resources

The Eastern coast of Ireland is a fairly regular with few deep indentations; the western coast is fringed by drowned or submerged valleys, steep cliff, and hundreds of small islands torn from the mainland mass by the powerful forces of the Atlantic. The main physiographic features are a region of lowlands, occupying the central and east central sections, and a complex system of low mountain ranges, lying between the lowlands and the periphery of the island. Among the principal ranges are the Nephin Beg Range in the west, containing Mount Nephin, 719 m (2,359 ft); the Caha Mountains in the southwest, containing Mount Knockboy, about 707 m (about 2,321 ft); the Boggeragh Mountains in the south, rising to 640 m (2,100 Ft); and the Wicklow Mountains in the east, rising to more than 915 m (more than 3,000 ft). Carrauntoohil, located in the southwest section of the island, is the highest point in Ireland (1,041 m/3,415 Ft above sea level). Numerous bogs and lakes are found in the lowlands region. The principal rivers of Ireland are the Erne and the Shannon, which are actually chains of lakes joined by stretches of river. The middle section of the central plain is drained by the Shannon, which empties into the Atlantic ocean through a wide, lengthy estuary, comprises the Allen, Ree, and Derg lakes. All of Ireland's principal rivers flow from the plain, and an interior canal system facilitates transportation.

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