| Little Ampa's Crazy Ride Through Time - Coming Soon It's a long story. A parody of Chrono Trigger (complete with lame art-by-me) that I just can't seem to complete. Sigh
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Pokémon Fight Club What do you you when you can't figure out Macromedia Flash before your trial period runs out? You do this. Note: It acutally has nothing to do with the movie "Fight Club". The name was just the first thing that came to mind. Heck, I haven't even *seen* the movie Fight Club.
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Gundam Wing - Boogie Nights A playful poke in the ribs of the Gundam Wing episode "Party Night". Don't get me wrong, I like the series well enough, but this was just too tempting. And if you're wondering: yes, my "screen caps" are just me taking pictures of my TV. Sad, neh?
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| The Obligatory Guest Book Did you know that if you go to a web page and don't sign the guestbook, you can get cancer? It's true, I heard it on the news.
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Comprehensive Links - Coming Soon Cound't find what you were looking for on this page? Well, you're guaranteed to find something interesting one of these pages. If you don't, then you have no soul.
I guess I should put legal mumbo jumbo here. It seems to be the norm. I don't own the rights to Gundam Wing, Transformers, Chrono Trigger, Bionicle, Pokemon, the movie Fight Club, or months with an "R", or what-have-you.