How To Stop The
Crown With Only 60 Warriors
Firstly, the warriors. 60 are needed who, at least for a moment, have
nothing to lose in the face of a psychopathic entity that has made a thousand
year practice of tormenting, raping and murdering. 60 warriors that will enjoy
being divine sociopaths enough so when this entity holds all that they love
hostage they will still not bend. 60 because the political machine of the
courts will not individually convict 60 people for 'Obstruction of Justice' for
not voluntarily dismantling their 'temporary abodes' (tents, tarps, cardboard,
etc...). 60 warriors are needed to establish the right to live for free in the
form of a tent-city in
This vision is also based on the fact that there has
been a Constitutional Challenge against the Corporation of the City of
Victoria's anti-temporary abode bylaw (which restricts people from using
cardboard to protect themselves from the rain) and while the judge holds the
ruling in reserve (to be revealed anytime between now and never) the
Corporation of the City of Victoria may have a difficult time in getting an
injunction so as to convict 60 people en mass. Meaning an
unsanctioned tent-city in a political limbo, maintained by the loving support
of the community. As the population of the tent-city grows the warriors
will not be needed so much (at least in this capacity).
As far as stopping the 'Crown' goes, ask yourself what happens when the right to a subsistence level
of survival is asserted... the end of rent... the end of the thing that forces
you to pay to live.
So, is the vision of 60 warriors a flight of fancy? Maybe.
official. no names taken. the
60 will know others of the 60. when the time is right
word will go out.
Patience be with us all.
David Arthur Johnston
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Journal of the Occupation of St. Ann's Academy (
Crimes of Necessity-
(from filmmaker Andrew Ainsley. Very comprehensive.)