The ‘right to sleep’?

Stepping towards social justice. Exposing the tyranny of the ‘crown’.


All movement exists by the grace of God

(therefore pride IS a lie).


You have no beginning.


Patience be with us all.



The story, thus far: I don’t use money (as it, unavoidably, supports a prideful construct). I sleep outside (primarily in Beacon Hill Park, at least until this adventure). In the months leading up to the end of 2003 the number of ‘deterrent events’ was increasing with condescending and threatening police and grounds-keepers hunting out sleepers, and the application of ‘bum-away’ (undiluted fertilizer- ground up fish) on known sleeping spots. Added with the winter conditions, my fatigue brought with it a consideration that my innocence was not being ‘presumed of’ in my ability to sleep conscientiously. So, I was inspired to take issue.


On January 16th, 2004, I began a campaign of occupying the grounds of St. Ann’s Academy (what is now the provincially owned offices of the Ministry of Advanced Education) in an attempt to get arrested for sleeping in a ‘public-access’ area (as there is no such thing as ‘public property’) so as to challenge the ‘crown’ and get a judge to make a ruling on the ‘right to sleep’; to make an official and public statement acknowledging that it is unlawful to wake a conscientious sleeper on ‘public access’ property. Though, instead of being given ‘due process’ (which, apparently, is a right) the powers that be intensified their ‘move-along’ tactics. Some of the more notable being the fifteen nights in city cells, 6 times being driven out of city limits, the 20 consecutive nights that the province hired a security guard with the express purpose of not letting me sleep (standing above my head with a flashlight in my face, clapping hands, saying things like “If you just hit one of us, Mr. Johnston, you would expediate the situation, etc…) and a number of blankets and a couple of very nice flutes stolen.


In mid-October I began constructing single-sized cardboard houses (tidy and out of the way- took about 2-3 hours to make each night- they tore it down every morning). After about the 10th one I was inspired to remind them that I was there and, instead of leaving it ‘as is’, I threw it all over their backyard (inviting a littering ticket). Mayhaps, this was the catalyst that lead to the arrest on Nov. 4th, and subsequent conviction, on Dec. 21st, of ‘Mischief’. Telling the judge that I would not sign a condition to ‘no go St. Ann’s’, the judge gave me one, anyway. I did not sign and returned that evening.


On Sunday, March 20th, 2005, I was released from jail after serving 20 days (losing 23 pounds- I do not eat in jail) for the 6th breach of that condition. I will be returning to St. Ann’s to breach for the 7th time on Monday, March 28th, 2005, around 9:30- 10ish PM. I will face a judge the next morning in the courthouse. Up until now I have been pleading guilty, though now, seeing my accusor as a fraud, I will not be pleading anything.


I believe this action deserved of support, though of what kind all I can say is meditating on patience brings the wisdom to maintain our true sanity.


In love and truth,


David Arthur Johnston


Victoria, BC, Canada   -


Journal of the Occupation of  St. Ann’s Academy-