The Spin-Doctor
Horror of a 'National Housing Strategy'
A 'national housing strategy' is unnecessary as laws are already in place to protect the rights of homeless people to erect 'temporary abodes' on municipal public access spaces.
Therefore, anyone proposing that Canada needs a 'national housing strategy' (ex. the Red tent campaign) is, at best, stricken with a slave-mentality naivety... at worst, stricken with the common delusion that psychotic behaviour is necessary as an option to survive (A.K.A. the Red Tent campaign has been designed so the movement of all Canadian homeless people can be tracked and efficiently targeted... and the organization spearheading this campaign is consciously working for the same entity that murdered and raped so many people to have the perceived control over the land it thinks it has- that's PIVOT, if you don't already know, an 'advocacy' legal group out of Vancouver).
Every half intelligent person wanting to assert the right to survive within Constitutional parameters will be targeted by people who'll try to tell them that a compromise with a 'national housing strategy' is the only way to have this right at all, as the colonial forces are too strong to wrestle the whole of the right to be free from.
Don't believe the hype. Think huge. You've the same hardware as Jesus, Martin Luther King Jr. and Hiawatha- some very retarded and lazy people are going to try and tell you the devil is invincible and its your job and great joy to be smarter than them.
The following article explains the reality of how we're going to regain our freedom. This is the one great justice all native people have been waiting for...
Heads Up,
On September 10th there was an unnoticed appeal in an
unnoticed courtroom in
In a matter of weeks there will be an unarguable BC Supreme Court ruling affirming the right for homeless people to erect and maintain temporary abodes, and confirming my and my co-appellant's argument that it is not Constitutional, nor reasonable under Section 1, to make the right available only for certain hours during the day.
As of the Constitutional question, the City of Victoria had, recognizing the deprivations of life and liberty in forcefully regimenting the sleep patterns of people who're neither incarcerated in jail nor committed in a psych ward, sought to be given the 'right suspending' authority of a section 1 exemption (the point in law where Martial Law comes from). To be awarded section 1 exemption one must demonstrate that there is no other Constitutional alternative. The judge was made aware there has been no municipally sanctioned attempts at zoning for public tenting.
The consequence and the precedence are very grand and far-stretching. The reality of a re-establishment of the Commons and the fact that they will be almost filled, almost instantly, with tent-zones peopled with people too smart and too lucky to stand for anything less than to be duly respected.
A true social safety-net. If you have nowhere to go you always have a place to go. Maybe there needs to be no grand War Measures Act thingy for us to face this most testing future. Maybe, just maybe, tent-zones have been the trick, all along...
Then, as a country, we will shine as countries rarely do- enlightened and stalwart.
Patience be with us all.
David Arthur Johnston
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