Forgive Absolutely
The Art of Honour)
Have no doubt that
pride is the root of all insanity- the thing that allows us to believe that we
can ignore love in pursuit of security/comfort.
I'm not saying lay
down- far from it- I'm saying stand, unto death- without malice and without
fear, knowing that to be dictated to by pride is like a lazy child dictating to
their parent.
Until one is of a
mind of absolute forgiveness one cannot consider them self grown up- because
there are no enemies; only reflections of love deceived by pride.
If we are going to
fix anything we must fix everything. Time to grow up and take the
responsibility we can.
Better to starve
to death than knowingly act against love. Better the entirety of existence stop
then content ourselves with a lie.
Without love there
is no life- and love cannot be seen through pride (which is funny for pride is
only love that has forgotten that it is love).
May our want of
truth be stronger than our stubbornness.
May the
consideration that anger cannot be justified not seem too fantastical.
We are reflections
of highest beauty and 'Heaven-on-Earth'/a world of trust is our responsibility.
Live in the now
knowing love. Live in the now without preconception.
Love has no
argument- deny this and reveal your own contented laziness.
Divine divinity
and see for yourself.
in the reality of