Approaching Happiness
Stop using money, outright.
Pride is sin- if you are using money you are the problem.
That 'the truth sets us free' is not just a catch-phrase-
I know predestiny is real because the entirety of the 'now' is a product of all experience leading to it. I know 'choice' is not real because we are our experience, and only ever can be. --- This is knowledge that must be known if we are to transcend our fear.
The entirety of the money system is collapsing. Attempting to maintain a financial state is folly- give until you die.
This exodus is real. It begins with dumpster diving, cardboard houses and planting food everywhere. It leads to the reality of a world of trust where we all know what we are.
This is not philosophical fancy- this is exactly what's needed to be considered.
The game is not about survival. Or more, it’s about the only true survival; that being of our sanity (and knowing how it responds when we try to ignore truth). It is not about having an alternate 'system'. It is about doing right regardless of consequence while trusting in love's inspiration (which is about efficiency).
Money fuels pride.
Pride is ignorance of the fact that anything that comes from us comes from the experiences that made us. A fact that people would ignore because of a want of belief in 'free-will'. That we are only our experience, objectively, means that whatever we would think of as a 'choice' can only be our experience reacting to the 'now'.
It's laziness, at it's root. An apprehension of the 'daunting' responsibility of being humble- which is dedication to truth and a knowing that love is real and the only intent. Believing in a lie makes us crazy. When we pretend to believe in a lie we justify it by living a lie, allowing for spite at those who do not believe in that lie, hence suffering.
When we know we will die gracefully we come to see the pure absurdity of being motivated by fear.
David Arthur Johnston
Victoria, BC, Canada