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Patience (the root of wisdom)
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Saturday, 15 January 2005
St. Ann's update- Saturday (Jan. 15th, 2005): a letter to Amnesty International
St. Ann's update- Saturday (Jan. 15th, 2005): a letter to Amnesty International



I've been involved with this campaign to determine the 'right to sleep' in Victoria, BC, Canada (the journal- ). Though, I've forgiven the people responsible, during the course of this campaign I have been driven out of city limits 6 times and have had the government hire a security guard with the express duty of not letting me sleep (8 hour shifts for about 20 days- they did the job perfectly for about 4 days). I will not be pressing charges as the people torturing me didn't know better, though any help getting a judge to tell the police and the province that it is unlawful to wake peaceful sleepers on public access property (parks, beach, lots, etc...) would be appreciated.

On Dec. 21st, 2004, I was convicted of 'Mischief' for half the time of the campaign (it started in January 2004 and the conviction is from mid-june to Nov. 4th). I was given a conditional sentence which I did not agree to and did not sign. I told the judge, that if released, I would breach. I was released and I breached. 1 day in jail for the first breach. I was released again and breached again. 3 days in jail for the second breach. On Sunday night I will be breaching for the third time and will be sentenced about a week after. Given, this has been a contrived event, though do we not have the right to protest and do we not have the right for 'due process'?

I would not have been able to get as far as I have without much meditation on patience. I feel like a veteran on the front lines of a real war that is happening right now.

Do I have any rights here? Will the revealing of the 'crown's' lack of innocent presumption have to come at the cost of my life? If so, so be it, as freedom is the determiner of my contentment.

Thank you.

Patience be with you.

David Arthur Johnston

Victoria, BC, Canada

(I get my mail at 'Streetlink Emergency Shelter'- though I don't know their address right now)

Posted by apes/hatrackman at 3:10 PM PST
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Sunday, 16 January 2005 - 1:53 PM PST

Name: poiuy
Home Page: http://horsesshouldbesoluckytoo

This contact I hope will be helpful;i do think that the property laws are something that the court system is not informing you about,why i don't know .
In canada ,as most of the English law derived jurisdictions property has been the historic fact in common law and its rights seem to supersede individual and human rights in this venue or case.
I recall cases when political pamphleteers are ejected from shopping malls because the mall property is privately owned and not by the pamphleteer.
Public property for private use is what the crown will eventually get to otherwise hundreds of people would want camp out on public property.
Of course every citizen owns a share in public property but that is overlooked by the courts.
The courts by the way do not believe they are owned by the Province nor the citizens,adamantly the courts state that they,themselves, are free from control by the province.
Who signs the paycheque gets to play the tune,as we see shortly.Seems a classic case of conflict of interest.
Hope springs eternal though and wish you well.

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