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Patience (the root of wisdom)
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Saturday, 9 April 2005


Good day, all. Much love and patience to life.

It seems people are apprehensive about getting their hopes up. So many times things have looked like they would evolve productively only to have the hope shot down- so we find that we are wary.

To affect on the physical plane the data shared though this forum must be strong and, in a most general way, pertinent. How can this data stream help the real world? That's the question, isn't it?

There is the rule of virtue that deals directly with each of our's sanity- this is where I suggest focus lay. Buried under preconceptions and delusion we are beset upon by insanity and despair- this is why the constant saying of 'patience'. Friends play a vital role in this tramp through Babylon. When we are in the dark our friends can shine for us- helping us through step by step.

So, patience. The world is in an emerging revolution state and the entire basis of the revolution lays in the growing understanding of the 'sin' of pride- simply, pride ignores the fact that our egos are only a portion of our self; that we (our egos) have no reason to be proud because not only did we not invent motion, but we are actually the product of it.

Examine the 'choosing' process with the vigor of someone about to discern the meaning of life (because once you grasp our 'predestined' nature you will understand that there is no need for worry- and with that, everything). The transcendent point- that God invented the devil so the devil must have purpose: to be conquered by forgiveness (and understanding).

Patience is the key to the reality of freedom/'Heaven-on-Earth' because it holds all wisdom- every time the word patience is formulated in your head know that you needed a bit of patience to do so... know that whenever in doubt you can remember patience and that, without having to know anything else, it is enough. Being patient until we die we have all the time in the world to assimilate any data because it doesn't matter if we figure out something or not- so, it's all chill.

There is a war going on, a game in this play, and the major discomfort comes from the unfulfillment of our desires. Desire patience and it will always be there, so may patience be the primary desire so that we don't go mad when our other desires don't happen.

There is an 'action' happening here, in Victoria, BC, Canada. Determining the 'right to sleep' is a catalyst step towards the remembering of freedom ( ). It is going to happen regardless of support, though support is wanted. Imagine a mass biblical scale exodus. Not from one geographical location to another, but from a world long under the delusion of pride to a world of trust and fearlessness. This IS the future. Tent-cities evolving into 'perma-culture ecovillages'. Food planted and growing everywhere. It will be hard (to some degree), probably the hardest thing we ever will go through, though we will not be alone. And making due with what we got we will find we can survive under the reigns of truth; living righteously and happily with the wisdom and blessing of Ja.

in patience (because freedom is here and Babylon is fallen),
in patience (because glory is rightly yours),
in patience (because patience is infinitely huge, annoying, intimidating and world-savingly beautiful),

your friend and brother,

this ego of David Arthur Johnston

Victoria, BC, Canada -

Journal of the Occupation of St. Ann?s Academy-

Interactive Documentary on the ?Right to Sleep?-

Posted by apes/hatrackman at 1:12 PM PDT
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Saturday, 29 January 2005

The Journal of the Occupation of St. Ann?s Academy

Victoria, BC, Canada

an, ongoing, campaign determining the 'right to sleep', which suggests that if you pay to sleep you are a slave. The cure for slavery, of course, being an understanding of patience's invulnerable nature. Began mid-January, 2004.

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(This journal can also be found at- -links to the Victoria Indymedia website. It gets primary updating.)

home page-


You Are Welcome to Kill Me, If You Will


Inspiration is the only thing that moves us.

Through the entire scatteredness of everything we still have our own calmnesses that will see us through to our deaths.

The moment I get a tent I will set a time that I will erect it at St. Anne's Academy (probably not more than a day after I have it- to focus myself and to invite others to join- though I've seen that I'll do it alone, regardless). When approached by the police I will let them know that I will consider (truly) anything they have to say, though until they understand that pride is a lie it will be impossible for them to presume innocence of me- so I will be in 'parent talking to a child' mode instead of 'sibling talking to a sibling' mode. I have had dreams where their 'demons' were exorcised though I expect I will be arrested for 'obstruction of justice', for I will not be letting the conversation go past me waiting for them to presume innocence of me. As long as I am in custody I will not eat. This seems to be my role.

They will arrest me and take the tent. They will figure out my particulars and release me. I will go back to St. Anne's, regardless of tent. It will be impossible for me to find contentment in a world content with a lie- so I do this until I die or until 'predestiny' is recognized by all... we shall see.

in honour and Heaven,

David Arthur Johnston

Current events for St. Ann?s Academy (Saturday night- Jan. 17/ 2004)

...Victoria, BC, Canada...

hey hey

about 7-9 tents showed up at 5PM- police came around 8-9PM- they were surprised, told us to go- we didn't- they talked to the 'property manager' and they 'gave us 1 night'- 10AM next morning police came and took everything- no arrests--- many significant conversations took place- 1 cop in particular had suggested at him that, objectively speaking, there is no excuse for resentment because a person can only do what they know--- it was good--- a job quitting catalystic type conversation...

went back that night (last night) and slept under a tree with my friend- no blanket or tent or cardboard- found someone's stashed sleeping bag around 2 or 3AM it was drizzling all night, the temp getting down to 0-1 degrees Celsius. Not freezing, though cold enough to inhibit sleep.

I have intentions of continuing--- I am happy the police took my burden (my blanket pack) it was killing me carrying everyday. I'm feeling quite liberated and confident- Heaven is in sight.

in dance,


PS: Apparently, those who complied with the 'order' to go, seem to have gone to the alcove at city hall...

St. Ann?s update- Sunday night (Jan. 18)


Monday morning at the library...

Found a blanket in a dumpster- so slept a bit better.

Friends practiced tree climbing for a bit then everyone slept.

The yew trees are good for providing shelter from light rain.

I like not carrying stuff around anymore- though if I come across a good wool blanket I'll make a pancho.

I like St. Ann's. It's very serene.

adventure and ease to you all,


A letter to those who claim St. Ann's Academy


Apparently this culture has deemed it 'illegal' to sleep outside--- or more, as far as this town is concerned, it is better to appear pristine than have people sleeping comfortably without fear of imposition.

Once a place of God you've become 'owned' by money/provincial government body. Pride is not recognized to have any authority- so, that being, I now call your lawn my home (though, I've had the dream that the building volunteers itself to be occupied by the weary and fatigued). If you will, you could give your 'security' people a heads-up, so that they may practice their generosity (A.K.A. bring out coffee in the morning, or other 'like' niceties).

You can pretend 'offence' if you like, though you will only be flailing... whether recognized or not, we are our brother's keepers.

in responsibility,

in virtue,

in avoidance of internment camps and NAZI rule,

in the serious consideration of rather being dead than using money (because it supports pride),

David Arthur Johnston

Monday night at St. Ann?s Academy (Jan. 19)


Not horribly eventful- I had sent a letter to the official St. Ann's email address so I wasn't sure what to expect- though I presume that someone has yet to read it (though I forwarded it to a bunch of people, including Paul Battershill, the 'chief of police'- though (enough with the 'thoughs' already) I presume, again, that even if they (the police) have knowledge they will not do anything until there is a complaint.

Got a new pancho, so I got some sleep--- mildly good dumpster score- case of 1 litre orange juices with some apple-cranberry pie...

We'll see what happens tonight...

in the exact way to initiate a permanent tent-city that evolves into a permaculture eco-village,

David Arthur Johnston

St. Ann?s Academy update- Tuesday night (Jan. 20)


Apparently, I'm not in jail.

It seems everyone knows we are there, yet nothing is being done to us.

It was a good night--- got some sleep that I had been needing--- there wasn't a lot in the dumpster (few apples, some mustard, tomato basil dip, some bread, case of diet 7-up(yik))...

cool thing- take a larger can (one up from a regular 'Campbell's soup can', pineapple or chick peas size)- keep the lid- poke three small holes on the side near the bottom- poke three small holes on the side near the top- poke a few tiny holes in the end- place a candle inside- have the flame supported about halfway up the can- you can put the lid on top if you could fry- or you can use a smaller can with water/liquid to boil--- just a candle- it's so cool

other than that there was a surprising thing downtown- for about 5-6 blocks on both sides of Douglas someone had taken chalk and had written a whole bunch of happy little sayings- it was very neat- a lot of people went to work today with smiles on--- it seems the banks made a point of washing the ones in front of them- which is funny because it was the washing of them that made a smearing mess, not the writings themselves--- the city considers chalk 'graffiti' so they are probably pretending offence- which is funny- may those hired not hold any resentment to the muses- may they quit their jobs instead, rather than wash away the word 'love'.

anyhoo... we'll see what happens tonight in the continuing adventures of 'living at St. Ann's'...


David Arthur Johnston (just another reflection of the 'everything')

PS: There is much confidence to be gained knowing pride has absolutely no authority (there is no private property, though there is respect).

PPS: 'Those who pay taxes share the same morality as the military.'

''Those who content themselves with not knowing what pride is share the same morality as every perpetrator of every brutality, ever.'

good luck

'Heaven-on-Earth' IS only one nervous breakdown away.

The occupation of St. Ann's- Wednesday night (Jan. 21)


Going to bed at leisure. Getting up at leisure. Appreciating the 'now' greatly, and anticipating a mass acknowledgement of predestiny (which is fearlessness).

There is no trauma we cannot face. Even the one that precedes a remembrance of the reality of Heaven-on-Earth. Food does grow on trees and we can be ultimately inspired.

we go back every night- I see the occupation of the building itself in the near future- as in, we will be invited in or it will become abandoned--- we shall see


St. Ann?s Academy update- Thursday night (Jan. 22)


It was cold and rainy so we went to bed early and 'forwent' the dumpsters. There is a very good tree near one of the corners of the grounds, very thick foliage, so we huddled under there. We stayed dry (mostly), some of us getting more sleep than others.

I am currently attempting to manifest some rope and tarp, maybe a couple of blankets and/or sleeping bags... we shall see...

Apparently, (as far as the 'virtue trip' is concerned) as long as one contents themself with not knowing what pride is they have no authority- so, again, anyone who would, you are welcome to kill me, if you will (regardless of 'where you're at' you may want to prepare, slightly, for the time you may consider rather being dead than using money anymore... because your want of truth WILL find itself stronger than your contentment with laziness).

in knowing resentment is innately immature because it does not take into account that anyone can only be their experience,

in liberation and rest,

David Arthur Johnston

PS: "The intimidation passed.

Laying in the grass.

Laughing and smiling."

St. Ann's Update- Friday night (Jan. 23)


Drizzlely and cold, though we were in high spirits (appreciating a bit of sleep deprivation). I am fortunate to know very funny people.

Same tree last night. The sleeping bag that was stashed openly in a tree (trusting that with the weather the way it was that no one would bother with it) was still there.

I got up about 6 and noticed some stars were out, it made me very happy... I left for the Sat. morning breakfast... the others, apparently, were woken up by a security guard not long after I left. He told them that he had seen us sleeping for the last couple of hours, but people need to sleep so he left us... we will see where that goes...

So, this continues... it's been 1 week now, whatever that's supposed to mean...


in unavoidable endurance,

David Arthur Johnston

St. Ann?s update- Saturday night (Jan. 24)


Something's gonna break soon.

Last night I had gone to bed early (around 8PM). Around 9PM a security guard came up and fervently asked me to leave-

SG- "Please leave. I must ask you to leave. You cannot stay here. Please leave."

me- "I cannot. I've nowhere else to go. I sleep in peace."

SG- "Please! You cannot stay here. If you stay I will have to call the police."

me- "I've nowhere else to go. Do what you must."

SG- "Please!.. I am going to call the police." (begins to leave)

me- "Do what you must."

... after 10 minutes or so, my friends showed up an I told them what had happened. They made ready to sleep, themselves. 20 minutes later- nothing. 30 minutes later- nothing... The police did not respond- whether or not security called them, I don't know.

At 7AM a new security guard came up, friendly enough, to wake us up. I was up already. I have a feeling that tomorrow morning, if not tonight, there will be some sort of conversation with the police... we shall see...

in knowing that regardless of complacency of being 'common folk' everyone must know what pride is to get to the future,

David Arthur Johnston

St. Ann?s Academy update- Friday morning (Jan.30/ 2004)


Jason reported well- (or )

If you read it then I'll tell you that the security guard said 'Please leave. For God's sake, leave.' I replied saying 'I am here for God's sake.' He disagreed.

That was last Sunday night and I was released this morning, Friday, Jan. 30. I did not eat for the duration, though I did drink water.

I entered the courtroom and sat down- the 'crown' told the judge that I didn't seem to know what was going on and that I did not recognize the authority of this court- so they released me- all charges dropped. I am going back... if not tonight (I have an idea of recuperation) it will be tomorrow night or the night after.

we shall see...

in love,

David Arthur Johnston

St. Ann's Academy update- intention of returning tonight (Sunday, Feb. 1)


I'm intending on going back to St. Ann's Academy tonight (Sunday, Feb. 1). We dumpster around 9PM and then usually off to bed. I will be going with the intent of sleeping, though if adventure pursues then it will... we shall see...

with perfect temperance, anticipating a mass recognition of the lie of pride,


PS: Being 'Groundhog Day' tomorrow, may it be near the end of the movie.

St. Ann's: I'm out and seeking redemption


I signed the conditions. I am to be at court on Feb.9 at 9:00AM for a 'bail hearing' (whatever that is). If I am to be in custody I will not eat.

May every moment bring practice.



St. Ann's Academy update- Sunday Feb. 8


I have court on Monday (Feb.9) at 9:00AM... which means I get there at 9 and wait however long until they are ready for me.

Given a chance to speak, I will apologize to the judge (representative of the court) for signing the condition to not return back to St. Ann's. I will offer myself right there, though if I leave after court I will return to St. Ann's Monday night... (and again) we shall see...

in ultimate seriousness,


I was asked 'Why?' do I continue at St. Ann's.(Monday the 9th)


because honour is real and pride is a lie

because contentment with not knowing what pride is is


because I must- to not take responsibility for the

ignorance I see would be the path of contented

laziness... the world cannot be under two masters-

love reigns- pride is not true, at all.

because 'private property' only exists in a state

where people have contented themselves with not giving

benefit of the doubt (because they fail to see their

own perfection).

Can the 'now' be anything other than perfectly the


in duty regardless of an apprehensive ego,

and in love,


flailing like a weak hippy (Tuesday the 10th)


Apparently I lack the courage of my conviction (or maybe there is something I'm supposed to do or figure out before I spend a lot of time in jail... I don't know). I signed conditions, again. I've court again (a bail hearing- where I'm expected to say guilty or not guilty- if I say anything at all it will be 'not guilty') on Friday the 13 (ha). There will be a trial sometime after- we will see what happens.

Is it not obvious that the NAZIs are trying to take over the world? Is it not obvious that to prevent that we should be of a mind where we would rather die than content ourselves with a world of total slavery?

So I ask- Is not pride a sin? Do taxes not support pride?

As it stands the police are more concerned with keeping 'order' than being 'just'- this is where their concern should be- that regardless of complacency they would do more good by quitting their jobs and living on the street, being true knights of honour.

... and to Peter Gill- regardless of hypocracy, pride is a lie- the 'now' can only be the 'now'- anything that comes from you comes from the experiences that made you--- may we all gain the courage to see and move toward our highest potential. I am saying that there is no 'private property' (though there is respect... the first disrespect being a denial of one's own perfection). I am saying that taxes/money must stop. I am saying that what some would call 'Heaven-on-Earth' is at hand.

in the face of infinity may we all remember patience,


St. Ann's update- Friday the 13th


The judge dropped the breach charge. I do not see myself considering going back to St. Ann's until the trial- which happens on March 25 with a plea of 'not-guilty'. I look forward to articulating what I would see as 'justice'.

Essentially, there will have to be a ruling on the 'right to sleep' for me to be released, lest I continue to sleep illegally. I will not accept any punishment beyond not eating as long as I am in custody. The only thing I've have apparently lacked on is signing the condition in the first place, though I have, and I intend on honouring it.

in yahoo,


St. Ann's Academy update- Friday, March 5th.



This morning I went to court to confirm the trial which happens on March 25 at 10:00AM in courtroom 102. The 'crown' stayed the proceedings on the 'Assault by Trespass' charge and are going to press the 'Obstruction of Justice' charge.

I was really quite flustered at this game. I was looking forward to defending myself from the assault charge- though, with consideration, I will still be pleading 'not-guilty' of obstruction of justice. So, essentially, everything is still the same. There will still have to be a ruling for me to be released. The 'crown' will recognize pride as a lie; will recognize the illegality of being discompassionate; will recognize that compassion does supersede 'private property' and in doing so will set high precedence- every municipality will endorse and establish tent cities within walking distance of their downtown cores; every municipality will recognize the emergent state that has been created because of a dependency on ignorance (the emergent state that will exist when money is no longer used)...... or the 'crown' will pretend great offence and put me in jail, where I will not eat and eventually die (even if I am to be strapped down with tubes in me). Then there will be a revolt; and the people will see the lie of pride and no longer support it- not because someone they greatly loved has suffered, but because there will be a forced consideration of truth- that if you pay taxes, you are a NAZI. Then we remember that there is no trauma we cannot face and do the things necessary to actualize our potential as beings that know love and exist within infinity.

Here's to trusting in our own inspirations, regardless of preconceptions.

in absolutely no control,

David Arthur Johnston

St. Ann's update- on the radio


Hello all. I'm going to be on the radio- coming at you from the basement of the Victoria Student Union building on CKUV. Thursday at 1:00 PM. I'm probably going to read a thing or two and babble a bit about not using money and the street situation in Victoria and the world.

They may have a 'streaming audio' thingy through the internet... I don't know... (actually, I do know- ).

May I not make too much of an ass of myself.



St. Ann's update- March 25, 2004


The 'crown' stayed the proceedings (meaning all charges dropped and all conditions nulled) on the obstruction charge. I'm going back to St. Ann's Academy tonight with the intent of sleeping.

May we all rest well.


St. Ann's update- Thursday night (Mar. 25/2004)


Slept peacefully for about 5 hours, though the anticipation of continuing my conversation with the 'crown' keeps me popping out and checking for flashlights.

The interesting part is that all parties know I am there, yet they do not seem to want to press the matter- it's almost like they think that this action may garner attention towards their inadequacy.

They (me, who doesn't know it's me, yet) will justify their laziness by suggesting visions of a tent city turned slum where crime and needles run rampant (I would suggest that this is a vision of current day Victoria), though really, the apprehension of a tent city is because once people see that they don't have to pay rent anymore, they won't.

Personally, when freedom is actualized, I trust that there will be much greenery (food planted everywhere). I trust that the residents will spend much time letting love inspire. There will be parties. Is not freedom a thing to celebrate? Efficiency and practicality will reign, not because people are ordered around and made to 'work', but because of people's passion for happiness... and that is just the beginning. I trust that many, contented with their own laziness, will pretend great offence that people are not under the same yolks they are, and they will be spiteful (though, tent cities get practice and the spite finds that it has no power at all).

So, back again tonight...

beautiful beautifuls, beautifuls



St. Ann's update- Friday night (March 26)


Very tired last night. Crashed under a tree about 11:15PM- feeling confident about the ease of what I'm doing. This whole 'getting arrested' thing could be described as making an appointment with the Queen... at least the only way, as of yet, that I can see light at the end of the tunnel.

About 1:15AM a familiar security dude came and we went through the process. We say hello. He asks me to go. I tell him no. He calls the police. The police come and do not show signs of wanting to do any arresting... lots of swearing on their part and something about 'dragging me by my fucking beard'. They physically grab me without any arrest and throw me into the back of their car. The security dude offered to make a statement but the police said not to bother. They drove me to the police station on Caledonia and dropped me off out front then drove away. I started back to St. Ann's. Had a smoke. Then went to report to friends at another spot and slept there instead of St. Ann's (apparently my exhaustion got the best of me). Going back tonight, of course.

We will see...



St. Ann's update- Saturday night (March 27)



Security found us sitting on a bench- asked us to go- we didn't- he called the police- still sitting on bench we watch police walk through a part of the property with flashlights- they did not see us out in the open- police left- security comes back out and finds me in usual spot- I ask if the police are coming- he says he didn't think so- he goes back to call again- police come- very polite (first name introductions) - they were going to arrest me- then suggested I wait for Sunday night so as to not spend a day in jail waiting for court- seemed reasonable- left and got some sleep- going back tonight knowing that the police are expecting me for sure.

I'll be charged with assault by trespass and be given either a trial date (probably a month or two away) or there will be something like a 'bail hearing' scheduled where the trial date is set. I will sign conditions not to go back to St. Ann's- when the trial happens those conditions will become nullified... and, of course, I will be pleading not guilty and suggesting what I see as justice, which will include a ruling on the 'right to sleep', which (in some way or another) will lead to an order to the province and/or city to allow and endorse a permanent tent-city/free-living-space within walking distance from downtown...

I presume that we shall see...

in budo,

David Arthur Johnston

St. Ann's update- Sunday night (March 28)


All very polite and good and open about reason.

About 3:30AM security dude came- then police- I was arrested for contravening the 'Properties Control and Management Bylaw No. 416(2)'.

I will be attending court on April 30th, 2004, at 9:00AM in courtroom 126 with a plea of 'not-guilty'. Hopefully, my adamance will be seen and they (the 'crown') will not play the game of 'staying the proceedings' right beforehand- though it doesn't really matter if they do. Patience is good.

in having no sympathy for the want of money,

David Arthur Johnston

PS: Mr. G, you are very cool. Highest blessings and inspiration to you. Travel well, in this game called life.

PPS: Post Script for St. Ann's update- Sunday night (March 28)


I'm under the impression that they did not have me sign any conditions because you can't do that with a 'bylaw'. I'm under the impression that all they can do with a bylaw is give a ticket, which I would not pay, anyway. I'm under the impression that I'm going back tonight.

and again and still, we shall see...


St. Ann's update- Monday night (Mar. 29)



Same deal as usual to start- usual security dude- police come- make an arrest for 'Assault by Trespass'- take me to the station- try to get me to sign a condition saying that I would not sleep on ANY private property in Victoria (there is no public property)- I refused to sign because of that- they hold me over night- go to the courthouse in the morning- I let duty council know that I would now sign the conditions (thinking that I would simply make due/go camping (or something) until trial would take place- I nap in cells for 2-3 hours- they come in and tell me the charge was dropped- they release me... can anyone say 'political maneuvering'?

What is going to happen next? In trying to avoid giving me my day in court, what will they do? I conject that they've passed the idea of psychiatric examination a little bit... who knows?

I see myself going back tonight- may the police come to see that it is the 'crown' that is 'dicking' around, but then, who knows?

We shall see...

in work,

David Arthur Johnston

St. Ann's update- Tuesday night (March 30)


Arrested for 'Breach of the Peace' about 12:30 AM last night. They put me in a bedless cell and released me about 8:00 AM this morning. No conditions.

We'll see what happens tonight. Feels like a strange game of wills. The art of winning entails embracing the 'mind and heart of the divine', knowing that one has already won. Patience is key.

in endurance,


St. Ann's update- Wednesday night (March 31)


About 11:00 PM I was arrested for 'breaching the peace' (no ticket, no fingerprinting) again. Then released about 5:30 AM.

The security company manager came to find out what was going on and we had a good communication. It becomes obvious that the 'crown' is afraid of what I represent... they are adamant about not charging me with 'assault by trespass'. Patience remains key as the process unfolds. It seems I'm offering contrast- humility in a world of pride. I wonder if my dreams will come true soon- that police are going to have their demons exorcised.

We'll see what happens tonight- I guess the 'crown' is hoping that they can wear me down- though as this continues they will find that I've no other purpose then to represent freedom.

We shall see...

in infinity,


St. Ann's update- Thursday night (April 1)


Peace be with you.

Around 4:00AM security dude showed up- called police- 4 cars and a paddy wagon pull up- they all get out and huddle with security dude- all go back to their vehicles saying 'have a good night' and 'sleep well'- all leave- I go back to bed- about 6:15AM St. Ann's security dude comes up- friendly- we chat- he offers a smoke- I'm up now, so I say good morning and we start our days.



We'll see where this goes- onward to tonight...

in strange adventure,

David Arthur Johnston

St. Ann's update- Friday night (April 2)


No interruptions (except for a friend I hadn't seen in 3 years showing up about midnight). Woke about 6:30AM- packed sleeping bag- saw St. Ann's security dudes off in distance- they wished me a good morning...

This is fun, in an adventurous sort of way. I would imagine things will escalate again when more people see that they can get some sleep there- then arrests will start again (though probably not 'Assault by Trespass'- at least not right away). All the while I'm still doing the other job, which is the articulating the idea of freedom through truth- the truth being that the 'now' is perfect and everything in it, as well. When we come to remember our perfection we move away from being motivated by fear. Then the 'tent-cities' bloom and the gardens grow.

in remembrance of freedom,


St. Ann's update- Saturday & Sunday nights (April 3 & 4)



Both nights are essentially the same- security dude comes- asks me to go- I say no- he says 'alright, have a good night' and leaves.

Soon, they will stop waking me up or they will get around to charging me- either way, the game is mine. There is nothing they can do to me that doesn't reveal their intent.

in freedom,

David Arthur Johnston

St. Ann's update- Monday night (April 5/ 2004)


Same as the last couple of nights- security dude comes- says 'gotta go'- I say 'no'- he says 'alright, have a good night'. Tonight I think I will mention something about 'please not waking me up, because if you didn't want me here all you have to do is charge me with 'Assault by Trespass'. It's interesting- it becomes more and more obvious, in this prolonging of 'limbo', that honour and justice are not being served- that those pretending authority, the longer they wait, are not being righteous in their 'political maneuvering'. This continues and people are going to start seeing the absurdity of their jobs.

I would suggest charging me (give me a trial and I will sign a condition not to back to St. Ann's) or let me be- do not wait for me to crack, because it doesn't take a lot of mental stability to sleep- and if you are waiting for me to crack that just shows that you are not performing the duties of your positions with any professionalism.

The warriors begin to awaken. The illusion becomes obvious. Fear is lazy.



St. Ann's update- Tuesday night (April 6)


Same as usual- 'gotta go'- 'no'- 'alright, have a good night'- I forgave him and asked if he would like to be on the update list- he said no.

Saw raccoons doing it, making sweet love.

have good days


... onward to tonight...

St. Ann's update- Thursday (April 8/ 2004)


In the name of love, I claim the grounds of St. Ann's Academy (Victoria, BC, Canada) as my home and will treat it as such as I am inspired to.

May any who would will, make it their home as well.

in welcome,


PS: Only in the deception of others would people disturb me. The unwillingness to let me have my day in court only reveals the worthiness of the 'crown'; displaying it's lack of authority. In their confusion, the security dudes may, for a while, think it
necessary to attempt to fulfill their contracts by 'officially' asking people to leave, though when the people do not respond, 'security' will just leave anyway. The police may arrest for 'breach of peace' all they want, though for someone to sign conditions to not go back they have to have an 'inditable' offence- which means they must arrest for 'Assault by Trespass'. Which means 'my day in court'. The 'crown' does not wish for me to get my day in court- for they see a disturbing possible future- that the province be ordered to wholeheartedly endorse a 'free-space'/tent city, within walking distance of downtown. They also see that if the court does not recognize the 'right to sleep' that it will effectively strip it of any perceived authority in the eyes of any that see this course of events. I've suggested it before- imagine being the judge that says we all must pay to dream.

However bold or 'cheese-ily' it sounds- there will be freedom, live or die, there will be freedom.


St. Ann's update- Thursday night and Friday night (April 8th and 9th)



I've been left alone these last couple of nights. So, regardless, of where this goes or how long it takes, I have a place to sleep while I perform my day job (suggesting that patience is stronger than fear).

Though, have no doubt, more people sleeping there means the road to freedom gets travelled faster. Help would be nice. I'm the only one that needs to get arrested if that is the course, though, as it stands, maybe we can skip that part and just go right into the 'established tent-city' part.


we shall see...

for love,


David Arthur Johnston

St. Ann's update- Tuesday (April 13th/ 2004)


'tent city' = freedom

Same old routine- security guy came Sunday night- I forgave him for waking me- he went away... Saturday and Monday nights were without interruption.

I'm currently looking for a mailbox (maybe more than one) to put at the entrance closest to where I sleep.

in knowing fear is lazy,


David Arthur Johnston

St. Ann's update- freedom


Courage is simple.

Truth is simple- it only appears deep or daunting because of the lies placed on top.

You are. Being is easy. Give no concern to 'trying' or 'doing' because you can't do these things, anyway. Being 'here now' one realizes fearlessness and can more readily move toward their happiness- and I have no doubt that, however individual we would see ourselves, all of our happinesses are rooted in the same thing- love. So, have patience and remember that we stress only because of our preconceptions of how things 'should' be- when, in fact, everything is always unavoidably perfect.

It is a grand consideration, though true- a 'tent-city' is Heaven's stand.

in honour,

David Arthur Johnston

St. Ann's update- Thursday (April 15)



I'm going to start only doing the updates on a weekly basis, unless, of course, something significant happens.

The security dude confirmed my suspicions (sp?) that the 'crown' has actually been inspired to not have me arrested me for 'Assault by Trespass'. Is this 'illegal' in itself? I don't know.

Anyhoo, the 'now' remains perfect. May there be funky inspiration all around.

I'm still looking for a mailbox.

in security,



St. Ann's update- an address


D.A. Johnston
835 Humboldt Street, NW corner
Victoria, British Columbia
V8W 1A2

The mailbox is on the NW corner entrance to the grounds (as of tonight- April 15th).



St. Ann's update- Friday (April 16)


Significant? Whatever.

I guess the plan is to torture me into compliance... and I'm in the market for a new mailbox.

Arrested again last night for 'Breach of the Peace'. Released this morning (about 8:15AM).

We'll see what happens tonight.



David Arthur Johnston

A letter to St. Ann's, the PCC and the 'crown'.



There will be a tent city, soon, and all corruption will be made accountable.

The root is- as long as one contents themself with not knowing the deception of pride they have no authority (the deception being that pride ignores the fact that you are your experience- A.K.A. that, as a matter of fact, you ARE perfect and there is no excuse for fear or anger).

I would play the game of going to trial if someone would arrest me for 'Assault by Trespass', though there seems to be some apprehension on this course. You (pretended opponents of a tent city) say that what I propose is impossible, though you are the ones acting without any professionalism. If you would be true to the duty of your jobs you would get me a trial, post-haste. The continued stalling only strengthens the obviousness of your unrighteous position. You may want to continue playing the game of harassment (please do, if you will) though you will find it will get you nowhere. I will return and return and return.

I've no other course. Freedom is my master, until I die.

Do not fear the fact that a tent-city spells the end of money. Truth is- Heaven on Earth is real and there is no trauma we cannot face.

in the exodus from pride to humility,

David Arthur Johnston

St. Ann's update- Sunday (April 18)


There was no interruption last night. I'm under the impression that the next time 'they' act that they will have an idea of what to do. I sent that last letter ( ) to the Attorney General of BC, hopefully it will have gotten through.

I will start only doing the updates every 2-3 days, though if 4-5 days pass I would imagine something is up.

have good adventures


David Arthur Johnston

St. Ann's update- (April 21/ 2004)



Uneventful, really. The security dude comes at night says 'go'- I say 'no'- he says 'well, have a good night' and leaves.

Ending Babylon 101

Step #1: Have nothing better to do.
Step #2: Stop paying tribute, at all costs.
Step #3: Have patience.
Step #4: Have more patience.
Step #5: Stand, in the name of love.
Step #6: Understand that tent cities are the gates to Heaven-on-Earth.
Step #7: Understand that our unavoidable nature is to perpetually follow our inspiration and, that being so, to not fear (then trust that when we are moving fearlessly we move more practically towards our true happiness).
Step #8: Consider that the TV age is about to switch over to an age of honour and valiance, where we understand that rage cannot be justified.
Step #9: Meditate on patience.
Step #10: Understand that there is no 'evil' and that you cannot die, so there need not be any apprehension (because we can only ever do the best we can with what we got), nor does resentment have to exist (for anyone, however ignorant or brutal, can only be their experience- so may we shine with humility so as to be a new experience for the proud).
Step #11: Understand that desire cannot be truly appreciated if responsibility is ignored (and that your responsibility is for nothing more than your own happiness- trusting that each individual happiness is rooted in the happiness of the whole).
Step #12: Understand that in patience is all wisdom, for whoever, whatever and whenever.
Step #13: Be very happy.
Step #14: Understand that it is pride that is the lie (pride ignores the fact that you can only be your experience) and move accordingly.


David Arthur Johnston

St. Ann's update- Friday (April 23)



1st- police pepper sprayed a medium small dog for running at them and barking, this morning.

2nd- about 11:30PM I arrived at my sleepspot to find a security dude waiting for me- his instructions were to not let me sleep- we just finished chatting this morning at 7:00AM--- his boss showed up a couple times through the night to check up- on one of those times I reminded of the simplicity and expediency of arresting me for 'Assault by Trespass'- he said 'orders came from high up' not to arrest me, but to torture me into submission. The dude that I talked to all night recognized the f**ked up situation, though he was of a mind to do his job perfectly- we had some pretty funky dialogue, actually, and, of course, I forgave him.

we'll see what happens tonight... I wonder if it will get to a point where I am so sleep deprived that I will nod off at every opportunity, only to have a flashlight shoved in my face and a loud voice saying 'sorry dave, I can't let you sleep'- we shall see, we shall see...



St. Ann's update- Saturday (April 24)


Got woken up about midnight- a new security dude with the instruction to not let me sleep. We chatted for a while (about an hour) and maybe he saw the latent corruption of his order. He's just trying to do his job but he is seeing that his bosses are not playing nice. In an effort to find some righteousness the dude let me sleep for a couple hours before he woke me again, then I went right back to sleep- and was woken by the St. Ann's security dude about 6AM (he talks fast- and is also seeing the laziness of his bosses)- he said he needed to hear me say 'I'm going'- I said 'I'm going to the bathroom'- he went- I peed then went back to sleep for another hour and a half.

on the road to freedom,

David Arthur Johnston

St. Ann's update- Monday (April 26)


Saturday night- in bed by 1-ish- dude comes- wakes me for a moment and leaves- building security wakes me at 6, tells me just to say 'I'm going'- I say I don't know what I'm going to be doing in 5 seconds- he says he will report that I said that I'm going- I go back to bed and wake at about 9:00 AM.

Sunday night- in bed by 11PM- the dude from the first 'let's keep David up all night in an effort to subdue him through torture instead of simply arresting him' night gets there not long after- I move all my bedding to the entrance to the building of St. Ann's where the building security dude has his office- I sit- the St. Ann's security dude calls the police- they come and take my blankets and flutes and leave me sitting cold (no tickets, no badge numbers)- I lay back down again (sans warmth) only to have the first security dude shine a bright light in my eyes for a while--- lots of talk and confusion from the building security guy (he sympathizes, somewhat, with my plight, or more, he sees that his bosses are crazy)- it becomes obvious to most parties that the ones in the wrong are those giving instruction to security- for they continue to refuse to arrest me in the hopes that they can harass me into leaving before their inadequacy can be revealed- though, they are really flailing harshly- they were, without a doubt, revealed when they started specifically hiring guys to sit with me all night to annoy me and not let me sleep, instead of following the path of prudence and professionalism by doing the duty of their jobs- which is to arrest me.--- the 'keep me awake' security dude reminded me that he was being nice this morning by allowing me to have a couple of hours sleep- I was up and cold by 5:30 AM.

We will see what happens tonight...

in love,


PS: Dear security dudes,

I would have this process be as quick and efficient as possible, though I'm inspired to remind you that love determines justice, not money/'government'... and that there are more important things than 'putting food on the table'.

in honour (which is the 'water of life'),

David Arthur Johnston

St. Ann's update- Tuesday (April 27)


I'm tired, yet sure. One security dude (running on a long built up 'belief in a lie' thought loop A.K.A. playing a game of pretending psychotic behaviour) suggested that I expediate the process by attacking him, physically. When all your training is based around fear and anger motivation, what do you do when you come in conflict with one who does not fear or rage? You consider more...

in wanting truth most and in the comfort of patience,


St. Ann's update- Thursday (April 29)


I woke this morning feeling dejected. Last night I was laying on the outside stage floor (really pretty- in the back yard behind the chapel- good bird and sunrise action in the morning) when dude comes to 'do his job'. I was very tired- I had a smoke- and I went to sleep illegally somewhere else where I could actually sleep. It occurred to me, though, that since the game has gotten to the point of them breaking their own rules that I must adjust- that being, it becomes a game of how long can I justify these security guard's jobs?

I had a vision of St. Ann's being my ball and chain- I can do this indefinitely (go a few days until I am to collapse with fatigue- take a day off to sleep- then go back- repeat)- though, in the meantime, if I cross paths with a lawyer I may be curious to find out about the process of charging the PCC, the 'crown' and the security companies with charter infringement- instead of allowing me 'due process' they have resorted to torture... and also, in the meantime, I continue my day job- which is to sit down at the lower Causeway with a sign that says 'you only follow inspiration (you don't make choices) / Patience.'

I was also thinking of taking a few hours with a sign that says 'Journal of the Occupation of St. Ann's Academy-' and welcoming all the building occupants at the door... that may be a bit cheesy, though... we will see where my inspiration will lead...

in the unavoidable pull into the future,

David Arthur Johnston

St. Ann's update- Monday (May 3)


The libraries in Victoria went on strike Friday morning.

Business as usual at St. Ann's. I've been getting sleep there (not a lot). My dude didn't find me until 5:30AM one morning- then I missed a night (but a report from building security says that my dude didn't really look for me, anyway- then last night building security woke me at 5:30AM thinking that my dude was going to be with me because he saw him earlier.

I've been figuring that if this goes on for a while (maybe like 4 weeks, or something) people may start wondering why their 'tax dollars' are being spent to ignore the duty of giving me 'due process' (it's been about 7 or 8 days at 8 hours a day- what do security guards get paid, anyway?)- though, I'm all over sapping all the time I can out of all of the institutions that pretend to hinder me. I would 'waste' all of the taxpayers 'hard earned money', if I could; I would garner the attention of all security guards and police, so that they could not do anything else- may they have considerations of patience before they continue to rape me.

in a moment of highest seriousness,

David Arthur Johnston

St. Ann's update- Wednesday (May 5/ 2004)


Monday night- got a bit of sleep (about 4 hours).

Tuesday night- I'm in the gazebo/pavilion behind the chapel- 11PM the dude comes- 7AM dude leaves- it was 8 hours of me half asleep under my blanket with security dude with the radio loud, foot stomping, clapping hands, flashlight on my head- repeating over and over 'don't be falling asleep on me, mister Johnston' and 'if you would just attack one of us the process would be expediated, mister Johnston'... there was a lot of attempts at anger motivation through insults and put-downs- I kept quiet mostly, except for an 'I forgive you' halfway through the night and a 'have a good morning David (the security dude's name)' when he was leaving... needless to say, I'm tired...

It's been since Thursday, April 22 that I've had my own security dudes (about 12 or 13 days, so far)- How much do security dudes get paid anyway? For estimation's sake I'll say $10--- 8 hour shifts--- 13 days= $1040 so far of tax payer's money...

we'll see what happens tonight...

in love,

David Arthur Johnston

St. Ann's update- Friday (May 7/ 2004)


OK- Wednesday I found some sleep elsewhere.

Thursday- Got to my bed (the gazebo behind the chapel) about 1:00 AM- the nice security dude found me about 1:30 AM- we chatted for a bit, then I fell asleep, being woken up a couple of times. The building security guy found us at about 6:00AM and, in a fluster, berated me, telling me to go- threatening to call the police- so, of course, I just stayed (sort of knowing that he had no intention, though wishing he did)- my security dude finished his shift at 7 and the building dude came back out about 15 minutes later- started with the berating, though, it seemed he began to empathize a bit with my position (there was a moment of clarity where it became obvious that it was his bosses playing a game of corruption)... Also, to note, my security dude let me know that he found someone else in a sleeping bag over where I first started sleeping (by the NW corner)- apparently it was a friend of mine- he left when told to go--- though this keeps up and there should be a few people helping out, in no time.

It was also pleasant having tea and a blanket waiting for me when I got there- apparently, there are those who desire gentleness in the world- though, they, like many, are caught up in the craziness of trying to maintain their lives within a world that tries to content itself with a lie--- we can only do what we can, and it is a beautiful adventure where we each get to be the hero of our own movie- may we accept all consequence gracefully- may we move so we do not have to accept the things we do not desire (though, even if things happen that we do not want to happen, may we accept those as a part of the glorious dance and learn from them).

I'm going to try to revamp the Journal today... we'll see...

we shall see...

in acceptance and fearlessness,


PS: Dear security dudes,

I hope you can get over the apprehension of my existence there and not worry about taking anything personally- if you are going to do your duty, then do it, otherwise do not play games of anger and fear motivation because they are not going to work- you only fluster yourselves. May this chapter soon come to a close- then on to the next chapter- 'The Great Revolt and the Occupation of the Building, Itself.'

in the reality of the generally perceived notion of 'Heaven-on-Earth',
in the reality of freedom,


Letter to the B.C. Civil Liberties Association


RE: on attaining freedom

Hello. My name is David Arthur Johnston and I have been occupying the grounds of a provincially 'owned' property for a few months now. It started as an attempt to get arrested for 'Assault by Trespass' so I could challenge it in court (so I could get a ruling on the 'right to sleep' or have a judge officially say that everyone must 'pay to dream' (and send me to prison, where I would not eat). The fun part is- the crown knows of my intent and does not want me to get in front of a judge- they've told the police and the PCC (Provincial Capital Commission), and the security guards of St. Ann's Academy that they will not prosecute me- so, in lieu of that- they've hired a security guard to, nightly for an 8 hour shift (from 11PM-7AM), not let me sleep. Essentially, instead of acknowledging my right to 'due process', they've resorted to torture.

I know I am the one going there, yet they are the one's not arresting me- instead they stand above me for 8 hours and stomp their feet, clap their hands, play a radio very loud inches away from my head, shine a flashlight on my head and suggest things like 'If you would just hit one of us, mister Johnston, you would expediate the process.'

I've been keeping a journal at-

... at a quick glance, I would suggest reading the last week, or so as well as the initial entry.

Just though I would let you know what's going on, over here on the island.

in justice,

David Arthur Johnston

St. Ann's update- Monday (May 10)



Friday night- I took it off to get some sleep.

Saturday night- Got to the gazebo about 10:00 PM- was woken up at about 12:00 AM by the building security guard- he was wondering where the 'keep David awake' dude was- I hadn't seen him yet and said so- he went back inside, wishing me a good night- I fell back asleep and did not wake until just before 7 AM with no interruptions- dude didn't show.

Sunday night- Got to bed about 11:00 PM- had to pee at about (guessing) about 2 AM- peed- went back to bed- less than 15 minutes later- 'stomp-stomp-stomp'- a couple of security dudes pretending to be an intimidating force (trying to grab my focus/spirit in an attempt to manipulate me... I confess- I swore, only once, though)- they called the police (apparently they were quite offended that I had a futon)- I heard the squawk of the radio and realized police were here- I put on my sandals and pick up my drum- they told me to put down the drum, as they were about to cuff me (I hope the drum finds itself in good hands)- police arrested me for a 'breach of condition'- fingerprinted- locked in cell until about 8:30 AM- taken to court- talked to duty council- I told him that I was arrested for 'breaching a condition' for a charge that had been dropped- he said that didn't make any sense- another half an hour and I was released- charge cleared up and dropped.


also, apparently, I've heard a rumor that the 'crown' is going to attempt to find people that know me to sign an affidavit so they can commit me to the Eric Martin Pavilion (the local 'crazy-house') to have a 'psychological examination'... that would be interesting, I'm sure... custody is custody.


love you all,


St. Ann?s update- Non-denominational Hippy Propaganda

How Do I Stop Using Money?


I just rather be dead than use money- I don't worry about owning anything, which is funny because once you are of that mind you find that whatever you need is in front of you when you need it. I survive by the 'grace of God'- good karma, dumpsters and wild food (many 'weeds' are food). I survive by understanding that control is an illusion (understanding fearlessness) and knowing that anything can only 'be', not 'do' or 'try'. When we are not afraid we move most efficiently towards love (which is our true self). So, the problem is- how does a whole population get to the point of trusting in sharing?- begin sharing and have infinite patience. We each find our inspirations move toward love with whatever skills or opportunities we have.

So, understand that if someone makes you angry that they 'control' you. Be patient in the face of all torment... and have patience with yourself because it is practice thing- and we are coming from a world that is crazy- so we, ourselves, have been infected a bit... so practice practice practice--- patience patience patience--- and you find your thoughts being efficient towards your own happiness- we define what makes us sad and we deal with it------ what is happening in the world right now is like God cramming for a final exam- it gets very hectic, though we pull through- it is a thought that saves us... how fast can a thought travel?--- patience (the root of wisdom).



David Arthur Johnston

Victoria, BC, Canada

St. Ann's update- Wednesday (May 12/ 2004)


Good morning.

Monday night- there were no interruptions until about 6:00 AM when the building security guy came out- I guess he has been instructed to sit with me until I leave in the morning. I slept for about another hour.

Tuesday night- I was joined by a friend, though he had no cardboard and was not very comfortable so he left in the middle of the night to get some sleep. Not long after he left my security dude showed up with the police- they arrested me- took me to cells- released me at about 4:00 AM (though, they said it was 7:30 when they woke me--- has it occurred to many that the perception that a lot of people have of the police is that they are liars and thieves?--- that might be indicative of something...)- I went back to St. Ann's- got a couple more hours sleep- 6:00 AM building security shows up- I sleep until about 7- he says something about moving along so he can continue his job- I told him I had no sympathy for him because his current job description has him violating me (also he mentioned that the 'old women' that work in the building were apprehensive about my being there- I told him that that was their problem... may how to presume innocence become obvious to the staff of St. Ann's)--- a friend (not the one that started sleeping there) came along a path close to the pavilion and I got up and came into town with him.

yup... so, I'm tired... and I need to brush my teeth... and they keep taking my blankets, so, apparently I hope to come across one before I sleep next... I also find that I'm missing my flutes quite a bit- It's weird when something concretes itself into one's routine...

we shall see...

in the blessing of non-attachment,

David Arthur Johnston

St. Ann's update- Saturday (May 15/ 2004)



Wednesday night- Meditated most of the night away in Beacon Hill Park.

Thursday night- tried to sleep, elsewhere.

Friday night- Got to St. Ann's about 10 PM. Found that my security guy is now to call the police instantly to have me removed and arrested for something that is just going to have me released in the morning. So, a regression in their strategy. I got a bit of sleep in jail and was released this morning at about 7:30AM.

We'll see what happens tonight...

in the want of genuineness,


PS: Dear Robert Griffith (security manager dude),

the following is a diatribe on why I do what I do- I suggested to you last night that it is important to know that pride is a sin- The truth is horrible and extremely intimidating, though if we are to be honourable we cannot be afraid of it (so patience is good). Pride is a sin because it ignores the fact that each of us can only be our experience- that what we would see as a 'choice' is only our experience reacting to the moment--- we don't make choices and all of existence is a predetermined play written forever ago. I would suggest that the next time you come to a moment where you think you are making a choice that you analyze the process- truth becomes obvious with a want of it.

the diatribe-

I do not use money at all, besides walking on sidewalks that have had money used as part of it's construction. I do use the Open Door and Streetlink showers on occasion- do I have an excuse to, if I am so against money... I don't know- I recognize this whole thing as a process- To be as gentle as possible while people come to their own inspirations about what to do with the insanity of the world--- the first suggestion being a consideration on why, exactly, pride is a sin, because once that is realized the reasons or what I do become obvious--- I don't believe in 'evil', though, there is laziness- people will dedicate their entire lives to justifying the lies they want to believe, instead of taking the responsibility to want truth most (want truth more than life). I suggest that we do not need roads or schools or hospitals so much that we would justify a military. I suggest that food grows on trees and that necessity supersedes luxury---determining the 'right to sleep' is the precursor to the remembrance of freedom- essentially, all parks become forfeit and the term 'illegal sleeping' becomes only a reminder of the world's game of insanity.

We do not get our cake and eat it too. We do not get to concern ourselves with ski vacations and Playstation 2s while ignoring the fact that we are growing food to make money and not to eat.

We are about to cease with the mentality that would have us feed our grandchildren to our children, at all costs--- remembering what we are we find the fearlessness needed to cure ourselves- the real old-time exodus that will see us eating lots of camus and hawthorn berries, that will see us planting food everywhere, that will see us to a time where we do not concern ourselves with fear or anger because we know we are more efficient to our happiness when we are of a mind where we are calm unto death (patient). We are about to remember that there is no such thing as 'private property' (though there is respect).

I ramble... I don't use money because I know what it does- I know that the perceived good it does is outweighed by the bad it ignores. I know that trusting in patience sees us through all trauma. I know I'm tired of being woken up when I'm sleeping peacefully under a tree- so I dance, and sleep in the name of justice. They will eventually arrest me and I will get a ruling on the right to sleep, or there will be a revolt where people will fearlessly no longer recognize the authority of the 'crown' or any of it's agents.

It is a grand consideration- though one everyone will have in the near future- the end of buying and selling and the beginning of a world of patience and sharing.

Patience is the root of all wisdom.



St. Ann's update- Monday (May 17/ 2004)


Saturday (May 15th) night- got to the gazebo early (about 9:30 PM)- napped- building security came out to say hello- my dudes showed up at about 12:30 AM- called the police- police came- arrested me for 'Assault by Trespass' (though, at this point, I pretty much know that when we get to the police station that that will change to 'Breach of Peace', so that they can release me in the morning) they process me- put me in a cell without a mattress or blanket- I sleep a couple of hours out of the 10 I was there, and they release me at 10:30 AM.

Sunday night- I have never been this tired before. In the long term, my routine has been dealt quite a blow. I slept elsewhere- probably got about 9 hours (yay!).

we'll see what happens tonight...



David Arthur Johnston

St. Ann's update- Tuesday (May 18)


Hello and blessings.

I got to bed at around 10:00 PM- I'm guessing at around midnight my security dude came and told me the police were on their way- always wanting to expediate the process I put my blanket in my pack and sat to wait for them- 1/2 an hour went by- I went to find a cigarette- came back not long after- went back to sleep- around 5:00 AM police came- said I was under arrest- put me in the back of their paddy wagon- dropped me off outside of city limits (past the Jubilee Hospital by the Safeway- is that Oak Bay?)- took me about 40 minutes to walk back into town- stopped along the way to find some food in a dumpster- and a fellow working came out and gave me a very hot fresh out of the oven blueberry/cranberry muffin- it was good.

I think I'll go and visit the office of the ombudsman today, to see how much on the side of justice they are--- I'm curious to see if the people who've been assaulting me are going to 'deny deny deny'...

we shall see...



St. Ann's update- Thursday (May 20/ 2004)


Alrighty then...

Tuesday night- no interuptions until about 5:00 AM when police came- put me in cells (with a mattress, oh my)- released me at about 8:30AM. I asked the staff if 'due process' was a right- they said yes... hmmm.

Wednesday night- No interuptions until about 5:00 AM (again)- police come- 'arrest' me (no rights reading or anything)- cuffs on- drive out to the Town and Country Mall (about a 40 minute walk away) which is outside of city limits and drop me off- they suggested that next time they will take me out to the Malahat (a highway far out of town- maybe about 20KM away)- I suggest that they are welcome to kill me if they want- they say they don't want to).

Thursday morning- get on the computer at the library to find that my website has been tampered with. My main file now only scrolls down to about half of what it should, and then stops, and the same for this journal's site (which I'm attempting to remedy)--- interesting though that where I edit my stuff it doesn't allow me to save on the files that have been tampered with...? I'll see what I can do...

We'll see what happens tonight...

in drama,

David Arthur Johnston

St. Ann's update- riding the airwaves II (May 21/ 2004)


Hello, all.

Apparently, I'm going to be on the radio again (CFUV 101.9 FM Victoria, BC, Canada- or streaming live from ) on Thursday the 27th from 1:00 PM to 1:30 PM. I'm imagining that I'll read 'Moving Harmoniously' (maybe) and talk about the St. Ann's adventures.

... unless, of course, I'm walking back from Tahiti because the police dropped me off there in the morning...

Have good days.


St. Ann's update- Tuesday (May 25/ 2004)


Hello from fatigueland.


Thursday night- slept elsewhere- not illegally (got some computer work done because it seems I can do anything but update my journal, or my main site, on the computer lab computers in the back of the library).

Friday night- got to the gazebo about 10:30 PM- no interruptions- woke at 6:00 AM.

Saturday night- got to the gazebo about 10:30 PM- no interruptions- woke at 6:00 AM.

Sunday night- slept elsewhere, illegally.

Monday night- got to the gazebo about 10:00 PM- police came at around 3:00 AM- 'arrested me' (no rights readings or anything)- drove to the police station- they left me in the back of the car while they went to confer with someone inside- they came back out and we drove out to Foul Bay Road (the Safeway past the Jubilee Hospital) where I was released. Walked back into town, back to the gazebo- slept for another hour and got up just before 6:00 AM.

Tuesday morning- Talked to a lady at the Ombudsman's office- she said that there wasn't a lot they could do about the criminality of the situation, though she is going to do what she can- which is investigate the PCC (Provincial Capital Commission) to get their side of the story--- she also gave me the address for 'the Law Centre' so I can see if they've any advice for this situation...


in progression,

David Arthur Johnston

St. Ann's update- after the radio show (May 27/ 2004)


I left thinking I would arrive, at least, half an hour early. I showed up at exactly 1:00- no print outs- no preparation- just jumping right on the mike. A very considerate person brought a couple copies of what I wanted half-way through the show. I read an update from the journal (the first night of the 'let's keep David awake' dudes) and the article called 'Ending Babylon 101'- so, hopefully, if people could last through my bumbling intro maybe some actually listened.

Janine was very cool about my 'on the spot-ness' and things flowed as naturally as they could. The half hour went by very fast. I hope I said 'patience' enough.

I presume I'll go back tonight. Tomorrow I'll check to see if there's been any progression with the ombudsman.

There is something to the idea that if you cannot hate you cannot be hated.

in the suggestion of trust and the want of humility, have beautiful days,


David Arthur Johnston

PS: I didn't get a recording- so, per chance, if someone out there did- maybe I could get a hold of it to put it up on my website. Thank you.

St. Ann's update- Friday (May 28th)


Straight into it, shall we? Yes, yes, quite.

Tuesday night- woke up at 6:00-ish- was packing up when roving security dude came by (he suggested that I must hate him by now- I told him that I did not hate). We said 'good morning' and went on our ways.

Wednesday night- slept elsewhere (I do not like 'sleeping elsewhere' and I feel guilt when I miss too many days- this process seems to have a way of taking care of itself- it seems I will be inspired to return 'in perpetual' because my general happiness is dependant upon it).

Thursday night- in the gazebo by 9:30 PM- Building security dude came through, at a distance- I said hello- I was ignored- woke up at 6 with no interruptions.

Friday morning- I returned to the ombudsman's office to see if there was any progression- a letter was left for me at the front- it said something to the effect of 'the PCC is allowed take action in the maintaining of it's property'- I left a note asking 'In lieu of the 'crown' finding what I do illegal, is it within the authority of the PCC (Provincial Capital Commission) to enact their own idea of 'justice' through a campaign of fear and anger motivation and inducement of 'sleep-deprivation'?

The pretty thing about humility is that part of it's nature is to reveal what is not humble.

cheers and love,


David Arthur Johnston

St. Ann's update- Love 101 (Saturday, May 29th, 2004)


Thursday night- in the gazebo by 10:00 PM- up by 6:00 AM- no interruptions.

Friday night- bed by 10:00 PM- up at 5:30 AM- no interruptions.

onward, ho!



PS: a thing...

Love 101

1. Humility is good.
2. Pride is a lie.
3. Patience is the root of wisdom.

have good days

St. Ann's update- Monday (May 31)



Saturday night- peaceful sleep- dude comes at about 5 AM- calls the police- police say they are not going to respond- dude leaves- I get another 1/2 hour sleep- then get up and go.

Sunday night- bed by 10:30 PM- get up at 6 AM- put bed away- comb hair- move to leave- security dude shows up- we say 'good morning' and continue our days.



Journal of the Occupation of St. Ann's Academy (Victoria, BC, Canada)-


St. Ann's update- Wednesday (June 2)


Monday night- in bed by 10:30 PM- roving security comes (guessing) about 2:30 PM- wakes me out of a 'dead' sleep- feels bad- says (paraphrasing)"sorry Dave, really sorry, go back to sleep, have a good night"- wake at 6:00 AM.

Tuesday night- in bed by 10:30 PM- woken up and fall back asleep not long after midnight--- strange dreams- being attacked by vampire after vampire (sort of like 'Blade')--- apparently, those who exert their ignorance will be flailing harsher and harsher (it seems)...

trusting in the now, there is no unachieved preconception that can make me crazy--- this is why 'Good always wins'.

have good days,


St. Ann's update- Friday (June 4)


Wednesday night- bed by 10:30 PM- no interruptions- up with the sun.

Thursday night- bed by 1:00 AM- no interruptions- up at 6:30 AM.





Journal of the Occupation of St. Ann's Academy (Victoria, BC, Canada)-

PS: Do you trust yourself to think any thought?

... there has never been a decision made

please stop thinking there has been (I am a reflection of you)

all people are responsible for a single persons lie- a single persons lie makes the 'whole' not fun.

My franticness stems from imagining the worst.

Love is static, regardless of desire, laziness or boredom.

in patience, knowing nothing matters,


St. Ann's update- Monday (June 7th)


Friday night- bed by 10:00- up at sun up

Saturday night- bed by 10:30- up at sun up

Sunday night- bed by 10:30- up at sun up



PS: the 1,000,000,000 names of God

Voting is a lazy distraction. If ye be servants of truth consider that the concept known as 'pride' is inherently deceptive/delusional because it doesn't take into account the fact that everything that exists in the 'now' came to be because of every moment that came before, in infinity (A.K.A. we are our experience and what we think of as 'choice' is only our experience reacting to the 'now'). Essentially, the 'now' is perfect and to be afraid is absurd- which means that we have no excuse not to enact our ability to end an obvious and contented corruption; no excuse to not stop using money, because it fuels a lie.

Have patience because it means everything.

Keep all the seeds from all the fruits and veggies that you eat so you can plant them.

Stop mowing lawns.

Understand that love owns true fun and that to see what you are you must be humble.

where existentialism and reality meet,

David Arthur Johnston

Victoria, BC, Canada

St. Ann's update- Wednesday (June 9th)


Monday night- bed by 10:30PM- 6:00 AM laying in bed having to pee, the building security comes out and, abruptly, tells me to wake up and get going- I forgive and say good morning- she tells me if I leave anything (blanket and cardboard) that it will be taken during the day)- I get up and the roving security dude shows up (hey Robert)- has gotten noticeably more friendly (I guess over time that is to be expected). I chat and we leave to carry on our days.

Tuesday night- blanket and cardboard are gone from their out-of-the-way stash- I get another blanket and a padded lawn chair covering- wake at 6:30 AM- same time the building security comes, tells me to go- tells me that if I want my blanket back that I should talk to someone named Chris (female, I think)- I figure this is a way for this Chris to meet me, so maybe I'll go today and see... we shall see...

Hopefully the moving company has started bringing my household items that I've called for, today. Hopefully, whoever has been taking my stuff will come to understand that if you know the stuff is going to be used/retrieved from where it was left, and is taken from that spot, that it is thievery.


onward to tonight...



David Arthur Johnston

PS: this continues as it is and I could probably use a new blanket every night (if any would have any extra hanging around...)

PPS: Dear police- if you would like to do something about the mass growing perception that you are all thieves and liars, you could bring my flutes back to me- it would be a good first step (another first good step would be a dedication to truth and a consideration that pride is ignorance)... good luck. Love.

St. Ann's update- Saturday (June 12th)


Wednesday night- chair and table and rug were made off with- bed by 10:30 PM- friend came and slept there-we woke and were gone around 6 AM.

Thursday night- bed by 10:30 PM- friend brought a really nice table (about 4 ft square- heavy). woke at about 6:30 AM- was a bit chilly- didn't get a lot of sleep with the thin blanket I have now.

Friday night- the guard gave me Cris Anderson's phone number (she's the one that asked to see me- something about getting some blankets back--- apparently, she's the PCC head manager chick for St. Ann's--- who knows, maybe there will be some resolution; being as the crown and the PCC have absolutely no credibility... maybe I'll get the keys to the chapel... maybe, in a fit of righteousness, the PCC will relinquish some of the land it holds in the name of freedom... hopefully, they won't pretend to think I'm in the wrong; though given benefit of the doubt, I trust they've the capability to consider predestiny and the sin of pride).

... also, reports tell that at 10:00 AM today somebody is expending a bit of energy to remove the additions to the gazebo--- maybe soon somebody will realize that I've every piece of furniture that is thrown away, at my disposal...


have good days,



PS: Come June 28th, don't forget to not vote (you've better things to do- like not supporting ignorance and rape... taxes retard and kill... love and blessings, good luck and good inspiration).

St. Ann's update- Monday (June 14th, 2004)


Hello. I was wondering if anyone who receives these updates could possibly send a confirmation reply so I can get an idea of how many are getting them. It would be appreciated. Thank you.

Saturday night- It was rainy so I forwent the 'golden dumpster' and just went to the gazebo around 9:00 PM- I had one friend with me and another couple showed up not long after (they were all just visiting, mind you)- the building security dude comes out and freaks, a bit- somewhat rude (though understandable- all signs point to him having to quit his job if he wants to maintain any sort of integrity), not listening to a word and just threatening my friends with the police- they were planning on leaving when he got there, anyway- guard leaves- friends leave- guard comes back and I reprimand him for his lack of patience- the end of that conversation held something like 'it is sad that we do very stupid things just so we can live a little bit longer'- I got up about 7:00 AM.

Sunday night- bed by 9:30 PM- had a nice surprise visit with a new friend who, like me, finds the gazebo a chill place to hang- he left before security came- morning security woke me at 6:00 AM- I forgave him and wished him a good morning and went back to sleep, until 8:00 AM- a guy came out to sweep the gazebo- I wished him good morning- another friend was walking by and waited for me to put my bed away and then we left to face the day.

I've intention to meet with the head manager sister that works for the PCC (she manages the whole St. Ann's 'property') today, at least, see if I can set a meeting- apparently she has some blankets of mine that had gone missing... it might be interesting.

... also, my new mailbox is set up, coming from the south end (from Academy Close)...


existing within 100% predestiny,



PS: If you vote or pay taxes you have no right to complain (AKA if you want to honour anyone you have to know that honour is rooted in truth- truth is 'all pride is a lie')... have good days.

St. Ann's update- Wednesday (June 16th)


Monday night- I had met with the manager of the property of St. Ann's earlier- got a couple of my blankets back- I suggested to her that if they wanted to be rid of me that they would have to sue the 'crown' for it's lack of initiative (we'll see where that goes)- I was in bed by 10:00 PM and there were no interruptions until 6:00 AM when the building security came and woke me- I say good morning and go back to sleep for another hour and a half- I politely stash my blankets out of the way and out of view only to find that they were missing again that evening-

Tuesday night- sans good blankets (someone generous gave me a small fleece blanket that helped me get a couple hours sleep, anyway)- I got to bed about 11:00 PM- was waking every hour or so to shake off the cold- was laying in bed around 6:00 AM when building security came out and asked me to go- he told me about a wedding that was about to happen today at 11:00 AM--- To expediate this process I feel there will be a day soon where I will just start spending full days in the gazebo- I have little sympathy for those who would continue to ignore my suffering so they would have less work- I am the one being wronged- I am the one seeking justice--- I left my comics there and continued my day at around 7:00 AM.

When the people begin to realize their fearlessness do you think that they will continue to pander to a money grubbing corrupt government? I find it interesting that the mentality that thinks it can own and rent out a chapel is, exactly, the same mentality that brutally murdered Jesus. How do your grandchildren taste?

in fire,


St. Ann's update- Friday (June 18th)


If you intend to vote or continue paying taxes (every cent spent is taxed)- I forgive you for raping my mother. May your happy catalyst thoughts be inspired now.

How do revolutions start?- truth becomes obvious (as do lies)- fearlessness is remembered

I trust that all happiness leads to truth- so I support each to move towards it's happiness.

move well and have kick ass inspiration,


PS: I seem to be playing a game of 'finding a new blanket everyday'- just so you know... if you want to support freedom and have spare blankets, or any inclination to have interesting conversations with police and security guards... there seems to be opportunity--- apparently, freedom is at hand- I only wait for your consideration.

St. Ann's update- Monday (June 21st)


Let's see here... last one was Friday, and it in itself was more a recording of my psychosis, at the time...

Friday night- got to bed by 11:30ish PM- no blanket except for my small shawl to cover my feet- woke at 5:30ish AM to friends stopping for a morning visit- left at a bit after 6.

Saturday night- bed by midnight (no blanket again)- up at around 5:30 AM (again) to another friend stopping and visiting- went back to sleep and woke at probably around 7ish... I'm very tired by this point- not sleeping well (a bit cold)- It is interesting to note that however fatigued or frantic my ego becomes it is my desire for freedom that moves me- my routine consists of sitting down at the Causeway (the job of suggesting that there is no such thing as 'free-will') during the day and sleeping at St. Ann's during the night- it's easy, really- I'm on some sort of automatic pilot.

Sunday night- bed by 10:00 PM- found a blanket and looking forward to some good rest- building security comes out at around 6:00 AM- berates me- I forgive- I fall back asleep and he sits there- up around 8:00 AM- this security dude is playing a game of frustration- I tell him he has no excuse to get angry and to just do his job- he yanks my beard and throws water in my face- he lifts his hand in a want of striking me- I forgive- somebody else that works there comes to see if there is a problem- I let him know that I've been doing this for 6 months now and that there is instruction to not call the police- the security guard tells him to go inside and call the police- I pack up and put my stuff away (in the constant want of expedience and politeness)- I sit and play flute- security leaves saying the police must be on their way- I wait (15 minutes)- no sign- I leave around 8:20ish (I maybe could have waited longer, though, in my experience, the threats of the security guards can be quite empty).

in eternity,



St. Ann's update- Thursday (June 24th/ 2004)


Monday night- bed by 11:00-ish- up at 6:00-ish- no interruptions (they took blanket).

Tuesday night- ditto (they took blanket)

Wednesday night- found my blanket from 2 days ago in the dumpster- slept well- up at 5:30-ish.

I waiver in and out of the sense of high seriousness- I recognize the responsibility to 'chill', though I never forget that there is great suffering right now. Have good inspirations, everyone.



PS: a reiteration- if you know the blankets (that have been stashed neatly away) are mine (and you know I've intent of using them again) it is stealing if you take them (I forgive, of course- we all can only do what we know... may we come to see that our sanity is ruled by love). Highest efficiency is fostered when there is a perpetual want of justice.


St. Ann's update- Monday (June 28th/ 2004)


Since Thursday night it's been 'business as usual'. Had a 6:00 AM visit by the manager of the 'roving' security guys- apparently he's retiring (to some degree) from his job and moving to Tahiti "to go native"- he shook my hand and I wished him well. Last night (Sunday) had a new friend stay the night- there was only interruption at about 4:30-ish when the temporary nighttime security dude (the usual nighttime building security guy seems to be sick in the hospital. Have patience B- with patience there is nothing that cannot be handled). Crows were quite chatty at around 6:20 AM- we left to continue our days.


PS: I beg please, for your own sakes, do not vote today. Freedom cannot be voted in- it really is time for the revolution- stop paying taxes and start collecting, germinating and planting the seeds of all the good fruit that you eat.

PPS: Take comfort because in peace and in suffering, in life and in death, whatever will be will be.

in fear's fatal subsiding,


St. Ann's update- Friday (July 2nd/ 2004)


Since Monday night... let's see... They have been leaving my blanket alone, which is nice, I've been getting some sleep- the routine seems to've evolved to: maybe or maybe not having a security dude walk by at around 11 or 11:30 PM, then the morning security dude coming out at 6 and sitting with me until I go (I just fall back asleep for a little most times).

So... when people start going really crazy because of the contented injustice of the world, they have a place to go, until then, I will wait, patiently, being me.



PS: Your first name is Life and your game is 'inspiration'.

St. Ann's update- Monday (July 5th/ 2004)


Friday to Sunday nights- folkfest is in town- making it to bed around 11:00 PMish (summer hours at work)- found a futon Saturday night (which was good because it was an unusually long day- a lot of watching my own thought processes as they relate to my preconceptions VS. my responsibilities... whatever the heck that's supposed to mean...)- found the futon in the dumpster by St. Ann's so I used it again last night (apparently, there is some strange association between a comfy bed and a good nights sleep...).

in knowing that it is knowledge of predestiny that erases fear,


St. Ann's update- Wednesday (July 7)


Monday night- futon was gone. Blanket still there. Bed by 12:00 AM. Security came and read a book while I slept for a couple of hours at 6:00 AM.

Tuesday night- bed by 10:30 PM. Blanket and cardboard roll that has been left alone for close to a week, was taken. I got about 4-5 hours sleep with a thick layer of cardboard and my small thin shall (over my feet). I left a message on the cardboard when I left in the morning- 'May the blanket stealers seek redemption lest they invite bad karma.' and 'Dear Chris Anderson (manages St. Ann's for the PCC), What do you call people who work for NAZI's? NAZIs. Love, David PS: Sleep well.'

What happens when people seek truth fearlessly?

in beauty,


St. Ann's update- Thursday (July 8th)


Wednesday night- I was at the gazebo around 10:30 PM. It was a great honour to accept the blanket that an angel offered me- may those who've been lacking consideration consider that blanket a holy thing... may they also consider that in lieu of a blanket, nests of newspaper will suffice.

in love's perpetual refinement,


St. Ann's update- Saturday (July 10th /2004)


Thursday night- another blanket gone- I found a very large box with a removable lid- it was about 7ft by 3ft by 1 1/2 ft- very coffin-ish; we cut a window near the head- I slept well- morning security came at 6-ish and read for an hour and a half while I finished sleeping.

Friday night- my coffin bed was stolen- in lieu of a blanket and now the faucet has been taken off the tap I use I was inspired to sleep on the front step of the chapel (on top of the stairs by the door)- a friend brought me a blanket... my friend and I were sitting on the step, visiting, when the building security guy came and said that he would call the police if we didn't move- my friend left- police came 20 minutes later (this all going down a little after midnight)- The security guy told them the situation; that if I'm in the gazebo, by myself, he is instructed to not call the police, though now with me on the front step (in more of the public's view) he felt he should call- for a moment I was of a mind where I would go back to the gazebo, then one cop asked me how long I had been doing this- then I was inspired to not move back to the gazebo and let them do what they may--- they may-ed me over to Finlaysin Road (out of city limits)- a half hour walk later and I was back sleeping in front of the front door- there were no more interruptions and I was up by 6:00 AM----

I guess this might be an indicator that things are still in motion...

I presume I will be back at the front door tonight.

we shall see what happens...


David Arthur Johnston

St. Ann's update- Monday (July 12th)


Saturday night- in front, top of the stairs- had strangers stop by to say hello- roving security guy (a new one) comes- asks us to go- one stranger stayed- he calls police- leaves- new friend leaves- police do not come- I get up about 6:00 AM to start the day.

Sunday night- at about 12:00 AM I get a police driven tour of Dallas Road (ocean side) to a golf course (where Dallas road turns towards Oak Bay) about an hour and 15 minute walk back- I fall asleep, exhausted and blistered, on top of the stairs back at St. Ann's (Jesus? grandma's house)- get up about 6:15 AM.

... and I continue...

in knowing that the path of justice becomes obvious when one knows pride is sin,


St. Ann's update- Tuesday (July 13th)


Monday night- there was an outdoor sort of play/theatre-in-the-park thing going on on the grounds of St. Ann's last night- they were using 'my' staircase- so I slept in the gazebo and got some much needed sleep- no interruptions except for the morning security guy who comes out and reads well I finish sleeping- I was up by 7:00 AM.

There seems to be a lot of thinking going on in a lot of people's heads- it's good.

in thanks,


PS: I started a 'blog' (web log), an interactive journal, one may say... it's at-

St. Ann's update- Thursday (July 15th)


Tuesday night- stayed in the gazebo- got a new blanket- up at 7:10ish with morning security guy having sat there for about an hour, reading.

Wednesday night- in the gazebo- new blanket- up at around 6:30 AM with the morning security dude telling some other dude that was sitting against the shed, having a morning coffee, to go before he called the cops- dude told him 'whatever' and just stayed and the security dude came to complete my part of his shift... People go crazy when they try to justify untruths- there is no private property.

Have good days.


PS: ixnay on the logblay- it urnteyed amelay.

St. Ann's update- Saturday (July 17th)


Thursday night- got to the gazebo around 10:30ish PM (with new blanket)- the gazebo and the yard seem to have almost been made for training... a 'well' maintained yard of fresh green grass, surrounded by building and hedge, a warm starry night- makes for a nice focused kata.--- security sits and reads (he gets there at 6AM) while I sleep until 7:15AMish.

Friday night- got to bed about 11:00 PMish (new blanket)- totally crashed (a long productive day)... I think I discerned that if ever I'm without a blanket I'll have it on my whim to take some of the police's time...

in .,


PS: Promote 'predestiny' because it is true and in it is knowledge of self (which is a fearless thing)... to the apprehensive I would suggest trying to make a 'choice' that isn't the result of their experience (the impossibility of a random choice becomes obvious).


St. Ann's update- Monday (July 19th)


Saturday night- blanket was still there- in bed by 11:00 PM- up by 8:00 AM.

Sunday night- (new blanket- if they take this one I may very well be talking to police tonight- it's interesting to know that if they really do want justice that they really do have to risk losing their jobs)- in bed by 10:30 PM- morning security comes at 6:30-ish and I get up about 7:15 AM.

I didn't know I would be doing this, a year ago. May this 'ball and chain' not be a lifetime adventure.



PS: shameless indoctrination...

the mystery of God


we exist within an infinite medium- a system within a system within a system- formula upon formula, with an allowance to expand or contract exponentially, all leading from the source of all motion, which has no beginning

God is a dream where he gets to pretend he's lucid. God is a play, performed perfectly, forever.

you are the authority... 'mastery of self' is knowledge of 'self'- there is no control


St. Ann's update- Thursday (July 22nd)


Hello. I trust all are well, even those who would disagree.

Monday night- new blanket- bed inbetween 10 and 11 PM- up around 7:30 with security dude reading his book.

Tuesday night- new blanket- same as last.

Wednesday night- new blanket- in bed by 12AM- up at 7:10ish AM with some fellow walking hard on the steps... the security dude asks him what he's doing and he reply?s that he is hired by the landlords (the PCC) to pick up my debris (SP?)... I say something like 'oh. You're the blanket-stealer' he said yes, went away saying he'll be back later--- I left him a note telling him that I forgave him.

in knowing all joy leads to truth,


St. Ann's update- Monday (July 26th/ 2004)


Thursday (22nd) night to Sunday (25th) night- 2 blankets and a futon used then found in the dumpster and used again. Saturday night was Luminara (a very quaint night in the park with 4-5000ish people many of who have lanterns of all different shapes and sizes... with lots of little events every which where) and it initiates at St. Ann's, so I had a few people over Saturday early evening- I got to have a quick chat with a couple of good sisters about the 'Occupation of St. Ann's Academy', so, it was good.

... and I have a new game now- all over town are these tin tubes fastened around traffic light poles, for all of the show posters to go up (for the bars to advertise, essentially). I've taken to occasionally folding the posters in half (only one poster for each pole) and marking some 'non-obtrusive temporary graffiti'- it's like I've just sprouted 10 new arms...


in the nice slow dancing that precedes the crescendo,


St. Ann's update- Wednesday (July 28th)


Monday night- I traded my shall for a slightly bigger blanket- shall was taken.

Tuesday night- I'm really feeling the hardwood floor, my hips yell at me.

... an inspiration I had just now-

The only way the government can help is if it recognizes it's mortality and dies gracefully. The virtue trip is real and until the queen of England acknowledges pride as a sin none of her arms has any authority- the trick being a remembrance of fearlessness because we are talking about letting them kill us if they so will (because through understanding and forgiving is inspired humility- the thing that reveals lies).

Patience isn't just a good idea, it's what keeps us sane in high tribulation. I've had dreams where cops quit their jobs- my dreams always come true.

in excitement,


St. Ann's update- Saturday (July 31)


Wednesday night- found a bunch of bubble wrap to use as a mattress- usual routine.

Thursday night- (new blanket)- visited in the night by a roving security dude- I was out of it and just wished him a good night- he left (guessing somewhere between 2:00 AM and 4:00 AM)- up to the sounds of others packing up (just off to the side, on the grounds) around 5:30 AM- got up.

Friday night- Roving security dude stopped by again, I was out of it, I recollect him saying something like 'officiating' or something- he left wishing me a good night- Blanket stealer stopped by in the morning (around 7:30 AM and asked if I was going to leave anything behind, I said I don't know, he left- I stashed my cardboard and new grass mat neatly away (somehow I doubt it will be there later).

patiently waiting, knowing the revolution will not be fueled by anger, knowing this path is right and true, waiting for the knights of God to remember the ease of fearlessness; to know that having the 'right to sleep' determined is the road to true freedom,

David Arthur Johnston

St. Ann's update- Tuesday (August 3rd)


Saturday night to Monday night- averaging 6 hours a night- hips and balls of feet are feeling the effects of, too long, cardboard on hardwood floor (this will be remedied before too long).



PS: sometimes...

sometimes the fault of an apparent lack of communication goes to the listener

do you know you are perfect regardless of your preconceptions?

humility is the way and we have no choice--- meditating on patience we find the truth that is stronger than doubt- trusting in patience we find true confidence.



St. Ann's update- Wednesday (August 4th)


Tuesday night- I found some curtains (massive ones) and slept warmly--- 3 friends joined me last night, though at around 5-5:30ish I suggested to them that if they were not intent on getting arrested that they should probably go before the morning security dude comes out and they did (to note- at 2:00 AM the roving security guy came and saw the extra bodies, curled up in their fetal positions sleeping comfortably, and as he was about to leave I asked him the time- he said 2 and then left saying nothing else- he did not return...

in poetic redundancy,


St. Ann's update- Thursday (August 5th/ 2004)


Wednesday night- (new curtain)- around 11:00 PM police came and found me and my friend getting ready to sleep- in as much condescending and presumptive stance they could be in they 'arrested' us for 'breach of peace' and drove us out to Shelburne and Lansdowne (SP?) (about an hour's walk back)- I went back to sleep at the gazebo and my friend went elsewhere to get some sleep.

The crown does not want more people seeking justice this way and so, I would presume, that having someone else fearlessly get arrested freaks some people out. The cops want to content themselves with the corruption of their bosses because they are apprehensive about leaving the streets unprotected and/or not having a 'respectable' job so as to appease their grandmother- to that I would say to the cops- Do you think you are the only ones standing for justice? and Do you think your grandmothers would want you thinking that lies and anger are going to save the world?---

Pride is murderously retarding (it ignores the fact that anything can only ever be it's experience). It is impossible to presume innocence of me and not consider this. Have patience, because if you are a cop that wants honour you may very well have to quit your job.

... also... suggest that I do not care and you are a fool (it's like knowing someone is 'talking shit' if they are promoting 'free-will').



St. Ann's update- Saturday (August 7th)


Thursday night- solo, again.- new curtain- up by 7:00 AM

Friday night- friends dropped off a single size mattress- slept well- up by 7:20 AM.

in expedience,


St. Ann's update- Monday (August 9th)


Saturday night- bed by 11:30 PM- up at 8:00 AM

Sunday night- (new blanket) bed by 10:30 PM- up, with security guard reading his book, at 8:00 AM.

Regardless of coherency- apparently I've doors that cannot be opened and doors that cannot be closed... apparently it's time for the ninjas to come down from the mountains... though, who the hell am I?- someone addicted to freedom- a friend of patience who knows there is no control...

So, if your goal is not what people would call 'Heaven-on-Earth' then what is it? Every crop grown for money is raping the planet. Every tree felled for the sake of money, a travesty. To feed our children we would ignore the suffering of the world (and eventually have said 'children' hate us for the lies we content ourselves with). It's been said before- "children want honour more than food", may we come to know honour. May we practice composting so that we may redistribute life's nutrients. May we break out of the long term retardation that has been put on us and remember what we are.

... or maybe I'm just putting a bit of filler in because the updates grow redundant?... does it matter? ?


on the front lines,

David Arthur Johnston

St. Ann's update- Wednesday (August 11th): Does propaganda have to be a lie?


Tired of contenting yourself to be afraid? Tired of the constant bombardment of injustice?

Then being a 'revolutionary' may be just the job for you.

Do you live a boring mundane life, where you make a game of distracting yourself because you don't know how to be patient, yet? Well, a revolutionary's life might be the life for you. True revolutionaries have a tendency to be great siblings, genuine and true, because they know the thing that moves them, which is love (beautiful and efficient)... I guess that's the catch- a true revolutionary knows the inefficiency of rage (and so, all those who've grown addicted to the lie that allows them to justify anger must come to terms lest they be bowled over by humility).

There seem to be many roles for the revolutionary- it is just a matter of defining your happiness and dedicating yourself to doing the best you can with what you got to maintain it.

Patience is good- it is truth.

It is pride. It is the lie of pride that causes our suffering and our brutality. Simply, it ignores that fact that all things can only be their experience- the grand consideration that everything that you are feeling, right now, is, and always has been (and always will be) the exact and only thing it could be; that you are your experience- an appreciator without control doing only what you know (it is an inescapable prison and we are puppets- now, do we freak out or do we accept? To accept is to fearlessly let love inspire, coming to know the truth of what you are, which is me).

There is a notion of 'Heaven-on-Earth'. I think it very true. Freedom.

If you want to be a revolutionary, trust in patience and your inspiration will come.


Welcome to the revolution.

David Arthur Johnston

Victoria, BC, Canada

St. Ann's update- Thursday (August 12th)


Monday night and Tuesday night- went through one blanket Monday and one plastic shower curtain Tuesday- both times I was up at around 7:15 AM with the security guard reading his book.

Wednesday night- had an opportunity to do a little computer work so I stayed elsewhere.

in the 'unbreakable thought',


St. Ann's update- Saturday (August 14th)


Thursday night- another plastic shower curtain- mosquitoes were busy- didn't sleep all that well- up by 7:30 AM

Friday night- found a bivy sack- up by 7:30 AM

I've been distributing a 'flyer' titled 'WANTED: REVOLUTIONARIES'- it's being well received- it's a revamped update from a couple days ago (the one about 'Does propaganda have to be a lie?'). It has the web address of the Journal on it, so we'll see what happens.

I still think 'Love Cats' is the Cure's best song.



St. Ann's update- Tuesday (August 17th)



Saturday night- it was a busy day- slept in to 8:30 AM.

Sunday night- fitful sleep- the two wee blankets I carry with me are not quite enough to stem the cold.

Monday night- again, fitful- I forgive the constant assail.

new slogan- Slavery kills! / Nothing like the taste of stolen water.

My environment is the whole, as your's is. May we all find the courage we desire... when we know we can be patient until we die we find that when we don't know what to do we can always be patient- thereby making nothing overwhelming. Not only is fearlessness fun, it's moral.

have good days



St. Ann's update- Thursday (August 19th)


Tuesday night- (new bed cover)- up at 7:30 AM with security guard reading his book.

Wednesday night- (pillow)- Was visited last night by a family looking for ghosts- friendly people- Up at 7:30 AM with guard reading book.

You are an arm of love, stretching out from the infinite past.

Have beautiful days.



St. Ann's update- Monday (August 23rd)


Thursday night to Sunday night- same as usual, though I've forgotten to mention that the roving security guys have started up again, as of about 2 weeks ago- they come anywhere from 2 AM to 5:30 AM just to say hello, then they go. I've gone through 1 sheet and 1 big foam mattress and lots of cardboard.

The 'revolutionary recruitment poster' is doing very well- posting them everywhere and people are constantly taking copies from down at the harbour- - that's what the poster looks like.


in flight,


St. Ann's update- Wednesday (August 25th)


Monday night and Tuesday night- started raining (it's been wet for the last 3 days) and was cold- I have 1 small blanket (covers my legs) and 1 small sheet (covers upper torso), these I have been carrying with me for over a month, now (as I use them during the day)- allowing me a bit of sleep if I don't have a blanket to go with them (I haven't had a blanket for 3 or 4 or 5 days now). The chill is reminding me of why I started this whole business, in the first place. Even without walls, I still feel an uneasiness when I think of everyone out there, waking up soaked and freezing (the impatient are the responsibility of the patient and we are our brothers keepers), feeling the guilt of having a roof- though, I continue to trust in patience- that this course is just and leads to rest for the worn-out.

May this moment's inspiration remind us of the invulnerable nature of patience.



St. Ann's update- Friday (August 27th)


Wednesday night and Thursday night- got another pair of pants on Wed. Slept better. Still rainy and wet, though Thursday, during the day, was sunny. The security guard that told me he was quitting and moving to Tahiti to 'go native' apparently has returned to his old job- I suggested that he quit his job and join the revolution. Our next conversation will be serious... or he just will avoid me.

A friend surprised me with a number of copies of the WANTED: Revolutionaries flyer (over 300) so I would imagine I'll be taking a stroll down some residential areas and stuffing a few mailboxes. The flyer (just so the inspired can have as much access to it as possible) is at-

in intimidating clarity,


St. Ann's update- Monday (August 30th)


Friday night to Sunday night- nothing unusual- somebody gave me a backpack, so I'm using it as long as I'm carting around the 'WANTED' flyers ( )... I've got an extra sheet, as well (carrying it with me)--- I do not like carrying a backpack and I do not like carrying blankets (when the only reason I cannot leave my blankets is retarded spite)- I would imagine I'll soon get rid of the backpack. The flyers are still doing well- the ones in San Diego are still being copied and distributed.

in being a flame of love being fueled by the infinite past,


St. Ann's update: So, the question is-


If the idea of 'private property' inhibits a person of the ability to have a bed, do we content ourselves with it?

There is no anger in fearlessness and patience inspires.

Honour is real and we do not honour our children by thinking we can ignore honour to feed them.

You are about to be inspired to fearlessness- if you're going to go crazy then you're going to go crazy, deal with it- patience is good.

You are marking me, whether you see it or not. In the eye of truth all intent is revealed.

Will my ego make it past your defenses? Will due consideration be given? Will cosmic thoughts break through?

This ego trusts that it has no beginning.


in the dream of reality,


St. Ann's update- Wednesday (Sept. 1st/ 2004)


Monday night- I left the damn backpack there in the morning- apparently, I refuse to break my back by carrying my bed. Private property is a bad joke that wasn't funny in the first place. Patience is good because you have no beginning and you can't die- fear is sin; content yourself with it and you condemn yourself to hell. Money is rape. Have good inspiration.

Tuesday night- found a large fancy indoor air-mattress (deflated) and used it as a blanket. up by 7:20 AM with the security guard reading.

May the spirit of Jesus' grandma shine.

in patience,


St. Ann's update- Tuesday (Sept. 7th/ 2004)


Wednesday night to Monday night- nothing hugely unusual. Winter is coming. I've stopped politely stashing my cardboard behind the edge of the gazebo- I've just been leaving it where it lays- let them charge me with littering if they are inspired to---

in knowing that pride retards,
in knowing that patience saves,


PS: lawn maintenance tip #1- smash lawnmower- place it in the middle of your yard- plant a beautiful garden all around it.

PPS: Pride makes people really retarded. Pride is retarded. Pride retards. Good luck. Pride makes people really retarded. Pride is retarded. Pride retards. Good luck. Pride makes people really retarded. Pride is retarded. Pride retards. Good luck. Pride makes people really retarded. Pride is retarded. Pride retards. Good luck. Pride makes people really retarded. Pride is retarded. Pride retards. Good luck. Pride makes people really retarded. Pride is retarded. Pride retards. Good luck. Pride makes people really retarded. Pride is retarded. Pride retards. Good luck. Pride makes people really retarded. Pride is retarded. Pride retards. Good luck.

St. Ann's update- Thursday (Sept. 9th)


Tuesday night- a friend gave me a nice and light fleece-lined blanket so I replaced the small sheet and half-size blanket I've been wearing, hung over a jacket I tie at my waist, with it--- which means I left the other two items at the gazebo- meaning that they absconded the beautiful red sheet that my cousin gave me (I use a blanket as a cushion during the day, at work, though I will carry no more). My ego wants to say- 'have fun killing me, shitheads'.

Wednesday night- sheet and small blanket were gone (of course)- slept warm but woke up with a crazy pinched nerve in my neck (it's just starting to subside now- 2 hours later).

in everything,


St. Ann's update- Monday (Sept. 13th)


Thursday night- business as usual.

Friday night- a friend was sleeping in a usual spot on Quadra street when the police came and picked him up and dropped him off at Town and Country Mall (a 40 minute walk back to town, in the pouring rain). He came over to the gazebo where the police came again, talked to the security guard and then wished us a good night and left us there.

Saturday night and Sunday night- business as usual.

in genuine salutations of good will,


St. Ann's update- Wednesday (Sept. 15th)


Monday night- cold- feels like winter- nothing unusual.

Tuesday night- around 2:30 AM my friend shows up and tells me that he just had his backpack stolen and the blanket that he was using ripped off of him and stolen, as well- he goes and tries to sleep elsewhere- he comes back around 4:30 AM and tells me that as he was laying, almost sleeping, somebody stood above him with a 5 foot steel pipe poised to impale him- he woke and the person fled. He leaves, again, to go 'walk around' (it's good, in a way, this sort of thing fosters a 'want of justice'). Morning security guy gets there, as usual, then about 7:10 AM the janitor comes and starts sweeping by my head- I mentioned that it may be more efficient for him to just yell and clap his hands.

Thank you, taxpayers, for your continued ignorance.

The revolution progresses- though I wonder if these correspondences are even getting out of the library... could people possibly send a confirmation email to let me know if you're getting these. Thank you.

When you don't know what to do, you can always be patient- that is glorious.



St. Ann's update- Saturday (Sept. 18th)


Just to recap the corruption of the 'crown' and the PCC (Provincial Capital Commission)- I would be happy to sign conditions if they would prosecute. In lieu of prosecuting they harass and steal and presume wrongly (allowing for their spite). Under the 'Canadian' Charter of Rights, 'due process' is a requirement- it has not been given (I've been there for close to 10 months, now). This, alone, proves the absolute lack of authority of the 'crown' and it's arms. May the 'crown' be moved to embrace justice or may the citizens of this country recognize their fearlessness, so as to initiate the revolution. Winter is coming and I will sleep as warm as I can- nests of hundreds of newspapers and cardboard walls- have fun cleaning up, if it comes to that.

Wednesday night to Friday night- same as usual. It's raining a lot. My friend hasn't been accosted since. Strange dreams...

'till next time...

in preparation for the 'now',


St. Ann's update- Tuesday (Sept. 21st)


Saturday night to Monday night- cold and uncomfortable. I've been using 15 to 25 newspapers a night to make a sort of mattress.

Apparently, this adventure of 'St. Ann's' is going to be the meat in a University of Victoria's student's master thesis- Spaces of Denial and the Denial of Place: The Architecture of Homelessness in a Contemporary Canadian City. We shall see... I talked to the fellow yesterday- he seemed competent enough--- with any luck he'll swear off money and pride before he continues to justify the existence of the current day university--- a hint- you don't have to pay back financial loans if you stop using money (everyone has been coerced into using it in the first place).

knowing that in every moment of doubt and awkwardness and frustration it is good to remember that patience is good,


St. Ann's update- Friday (Sept. 24th)


Tuesday night to Thursday night- found two large pieces of plastic (mattress packaging)- one on the floor with about 30 newspapers and a couple large handfuls of shredded paper on it with the other on top (had this for two nights, as the plastic was just thrown in a nearby dumpster). It was cold last night and the plastic is not good for perspiration.

Sometimes, when much is bearing down and it feels like a billion people are talking to you, it is good to remember patience.



St. Ann's update- Monday (Sept. 27th)


Friday night to Sunday night- cold. sore hips. Appreciating the ability to, instantly, remind myself of patience whenever any doubt or disharmony arises (patience is infinite and always there, again and again and again)- it's fun being invulnerable.

in this dream of sentience,


St. Ann's update- Thursday (Sept. 30th)


Monday night to Wednesday night- usual. Last night I had a cold to keep me company. Probably 20 pounds of cardboard for a bed--- it is getting colder... I wonder if I'm gonna die at St. Ann's... that would be interesting... I wonder what happens when someone who suggests the 'invulnerability of patience' mysteriously vanishes... humility always knocks the beast down.


You are God.
Stop using money.

Do what you will (cause it's the only thing you can do, anyway). Patience is good.



St. Ann's update- Sunday (Oct. 3rd)


Thursday night to Saturday night- cold. Last night was cold coldish (maybe 2-4 degrees Celsius). My cold is gone, mostly. I had a friend die on me and I quit smoking. Many strange dreams- friends are spies, spies are friends and the cavalry is already here... or something.

oh bla dee,


St. Ann's update- Wednesday (Oct. 6th)


Sunday night to Tuesday night- Sunday and Monday nights were pretty cold (maybe 3-5 degrees Celsius with fog and wind), last night was better (3-5 degrees no wind). Left shoulder blade has a pinched nerve underneath- maybe a result of hard bed- hips still complaining in the morning- sniffles are sticking around- still off the tobacco--- and patience remains a miracle.

A patient will is master.



St. Ann's update- Saturday (Oct. 9th / 2004)


Wednesday night to Friday night- A degree or two warmer- had a felinish visit last night.

A song occurred to me this morning (and it goes a little like this)-

Money is fucked.
Money is fuckity fucked.
Money is fuckity fuckity
fuck fuckity
Money is fuckity fucked.

Money is fucked.
Money is fuuuuuu uuuu uuuu cked.

Money is fuck
fucka fucka fucka fucked.
Money is fuck fuck fuck
fuckity fucked.

(just the girls sing)

MONEYYYYY is fucked.
Money is fucked.
Money is fucked.
Money is fucked.
fucked fucked fucked.

(k- now just boys)

Money money moneyyyyyyyyyy...
is the fuckity fucked fuckiest fucked fucker.
Money is fucked
money is fucked
money is the fuckiest fuck fuck fuck fuck fucked fuck.

(now all together-)

Money iiiiiissss fucked.

dum da! (it's a bit longer, though you get the idea--- it pretty much puts a smile on most peoples faces- you should probably sing it loudly in crowded places---- then maybe the LA remix version and the countrified trance ska version...)

have good days.


St. Ann's update- Tuesday (Oct. 12th)


Saturday night to Monday night- patience is good. Found lots of shredded paper to make a nest, last night. Strange dreams- I've reminded myself that patience is good about 2000 times already this morning. Patience is good because a lot of people have been deceived into thinking that pride is good. Patience is good. Pride is a crazy experiment in this predestined construct.

How much do you want truth?

Patience is good.



St. Ann's update- Friday (Oct. 15th)


Tuesday night to Thursday night- usual usual usual- cold (between 2-4 degrees Celsius, though lots of padding for the hips- strange dreams continue (good ones, really).

I went to a 'downtown community' meeting that had four speakers- Rev. Al from the 'Open Door', a cop, a representative from the chamber of commerce and a city councilor (sounds like a joke). I was compelled to ask for a reiteration on why they didn't like the idea of a tent-city--- all they said was that the 'greater majority' doesn't want one (that was it, no other reasoning)- it wasn't a surprise--- it was funny though, they kept on mentioning the 'housing crisis'--- I gave them each a copy of 'EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT EVERYTHING' ( ), except for the city councilor (she was busy). I'm being very good in my description- these people (minus Al) were fulfilling very stereotypical roles. It is obvious that the only justice is going to come from these people quitting their jobs because there will be no positive progression whilst they try to maintain the fallacy of 'private property', but that's ok (more than ok- destined--- viva la revolution).

If patience were like a dog, and it was born a couple months ago- I wonder how old it would be?...

in patience,


PS: It doesn't matter if one knows what's going on, or not; it's still going on.


St. Ann's update- Sunday (Oct. 17th)


Friday night to Saturday night- cold windy and cold. Friday night I sealed up a corner of the gazebo with cardboard- woven into the fencing around it and in the slots of the benches. last night I slept with a large piece of heavy cardboard over-top of me- cold wind wet sore hips--- Very good dreams- apparently someone gave me a new Greyhound bus; I was driving it around- almost hitting things, but never quite... there was also a part where an older guy (grey hair, 50ish) was being interrogated by the FBI (FBI pretending to be RCMPs- dreams are weird with their detail) and he looked at me quite worried and I reminded him of patience- he was like 'oh ya, patience' and was much calmer.

anyhoo, both nights had about 30-40 pounds of newspaper each- and I expect what I left there is gone already...

sometimes when cold weather doesn't go away, people get serious

in justice,


St. Ann's update- Tuesday (Oct. 19th)


Sunday night to Monday night- So, I've built two cardboard houses now and I see myself improving- This occupation is availing me some interesting specialized training. It has been cold and windy- may it help motivate generate a general 'want of justice'.

Patience is good in the face of infinite beauty.



St. Ann's update- Friday (Oct. 22/ 2004)


Tuesday night to Thursday night- a cardboard house each night (bringing the total to 5)- They've been sort of fun (a bit exhausting)- it's something like Lego- and their construction evolves, as well- so far they are all similar; about 6 1/2ft to 7 1/2ft long, about 3-4 feet wide and about 2-3 feet high; for 3 or 4 of them I've been fortunate to have large garbage bags full of shredded newspaper (quite comfy, really)- it has been cold and wet and windy, so I've really been appreciating them.

Justice can only come through patience- justice comes.

Pride is Hell's car. Patience, Heaven's (patience brings humility). Ever and again I remind myself of patience and trust that it is the warrior's grail.

Sure, it's easy being a slave- you get video games and ski vacations- though freedom is a lot of fun, too...

I remind myself of patience when I feel I have been babbling about it a lot...

in patience,


St. Ann's update- Monday (Oct. 25th)


Friday night to Sunday night- I've built 8 cardboard houses now- They get easier... though I'm still spending about 2-3 hours constructing them (finding the cardboard, collecting the leaves, molding and shaping and tying together pieces of cardboard- it's fun in a exorcise sort of way). Saturday morning I woke to a 'Hey. Hey! You gotta get up and go. We're having an event today. You gotta go or else.'--- So, I got up and rejoiced in inspiration. To help remind the confused souls that work there that I'm still there, I distributed my house, the garbages and a deck of cards all over the back yard. Sunday morning I only distributed my house, and Monday morning people came to work to find the back yard hidden under a whole lot of newspaper and the mass of my house (it stays, somewhat, together now that I tie things) I left on the front steps of the chapel, for the world to see... for a couple of moments, anyway, before it gets removed.

If they want to give me a ticket for 'littering' they may go right ahead- though I'm pretty sure they know it will never get paid. If they want to arrest me for 'Assault by Trespass'... well, it would be about friggin' time.

May the 'province' be moved to a desire for 'professionalism'... otherwise, may the fuckers be revealed to the masses as 'full-on' NAZI-like fascists... I think the latter.

It's been over ten months, now. May patience influence our every action.

VIVA LA REVOLUTION--- I think it's interesting that people are actually starting to consider not using money anymore--- mayhaps we will soon use the 'Queen of England's' throne as firewood, though it probably is toxic.

May my ego not get me killed... though, if it does, 'oh well'.


David Arthur Johnston

St. Ann's update- Tuesday (Oct. 26th): an apology


Last Saturday Morning (concerning the some of the events of mentioned in the last journal update)

Please forgive me, my brashness. The people who claim the property you had your event (an event as worthy as an event can be, under the pretext of 'money justification') on (St. Ann's Academy), truly, are not good people (to the highest and most ignorant degree). They pretend that 'maliciousness' is an option to 'fall back on'. I challenge that, and have been doing so for close to 10 months now (by residing on 'their' 'property' in an attempt to get arrested for 'Assault by Trespass' so that I may get a ruling from the court (or not) on the 'right to sleep'- it is a bit, though I would be happy to go into it further, if you would will it), though instead of being given 'due process' (which is, apparently, a 'right') they've given themselves to a campaign of perpetual violation (A.K.A. I get tired sometimes... of course that's no excuse for impatience). Sometimes, it seems, I am inspired to remind them that I am there. I only hope that it was their janitor that 'tidied' my 'object distribution'.

travel well

if you meditate on patience you will find God

(I may use some, if not all, of this for general distribution- just so you know)

David Arthur Johnston

St. Ann's update- Saturday (Oct. 30th)


Monday night to Friday night- I've built 13 or 14 cardboard houses now-Averaging about 2 hours now to make them.


There are some places that patience lives- soon, the whole world.

When we know, exactly, what it is that makes us happy, we fully charge towards it, lest we turn and forget. When you are patient, savour it, who knows when next you'll taste it?


in patience and desire,


St. Ann's update- Wednesday (Nov. 3rd)


Saturday night to Tuesday night- there was one night that the cardboard house was left where it was. I've been not-so-adamant in the 'reminding them I'm there' area, though this morning I distributed the house and all of the very large garbagebag full of shredded paper that I had used as bedding. May somebody be inspired to honour, cause everytime you use money you spit in the face of every one who has ever died for freedom.

Hell, they throw out enough food here to feed an army. They make a noise about halting that and that will, simply, be our method of revealing their stupidity.

Remember the blessing of every stupid thing, for it only serves to remind us of patience. The devil was invented to be conquered.

in knowing,


St. Ann's update- Friday (Nov. 5th): just out of jail.


Wednesday night- built a new house.

Thursday night- ok... I had a full load of cardboard balanced on my head and I get to the gazebo- I sit, a bit exhausted and start playing a bit of flute- some 'security' guy named Bruce gave me an envelope that had some new bylaws that the PCC (Provincial Capital Commission) had the Lieutenant Governor make 'official'- I scanned them- they were just more crap, of course, though crap that the security guard took as an allowance to physically remove me from the grounds (he, with the help of another security dude, carried me about 20ish yards)- I forgave him for the assault and returned to the grounds (to the front entrance) where I sat and waited for them to call the police. The police came and arrested me for 'Assault by Trespass' (please note this)- I spend a restless night in cells well a collection of TV's kids raged at each other from cell to cell- I go to the courthouse in the morning- I meet with 'duty council' (which happens to be someone I know)- I suggest that I will be happy to sign conditions if it means a trial- the crown suggests the usual (be nice and no go St. Ann's), they also suggest a mental evaluation because 'I forgave a cop and suggested I was God'- the Justice-o-the-peace declined that suggestion (apparently all the judges are at a convention). I get the final forms that I am to sign and the dude 'officially' reads the main points- I sign- I then read that the charge is not for 'Assault by Trespass', but for 'Mischief' (sons-o-bitches) section 430 of the Criminal Code- it is indictable, so it will do... maybe.

I have court on November 19, 2004 at 9:00 AM in the Provincial court. I will not go back to St. Ann's without telling the court first (if that is to happen)--- I feel like I have some nasty demons that want to crucify me.

Please send feedback



St. Ann's update- Saturday (Nov. 6th/ 2004)


My first night not there in a very long while. I'm not horribly concerned with their maneuvering- the process, for me, remains simple- In the end they will put me in jail (where I will not eat) or they will release me and I will go back to St. Ann's... or mayhaps the court will acknowledge that understanding the 'sin' of pride is fundamental in doling out justice and order the crown to correct itself (we shall see), and give an order to the province to wholeheartedly endorse the reversal of the current repressive sleeping laws in two significant ways- 1) to, essentially, make it illegal to wake someone up who is sleeping (peacefully) in a 'public access' area (being as there is no such thing as 'public property') and 2) to endorse and support the establishing of a 'tent-city' within walking distance of downtown... This would be a 'ruling' on the 'right to sleep' and it would stand before all property law.

I don't know, exactly, why they are charging me with 'Mischief', though here is the text from the Criminal Code of Canada-



... / Mischief in relation to data / Punishment / Idem / Idem / Idem / Offence / Saving / Idem / Definition of "data".

430. (1) Every one commits mischief who willfully

(a) destroys or damages property;
(b) renders property dangerous, useless, inoperative or ineffective;
(c) obstructs, interrupts or interferes with the lawful use, enjoyment or operation of property; or
(d) obstructs, interrupts or interferes with any person in the lawful use, enjoyment or operation of property.

(1.1) Every one commits mischief who wilfully

(a) destroys or alters data;
(b) renders data meaningless, useless or ineffective;
(c) obstructs, interrupts or interferes with the lawful use of data; or
(d) obstructs, interrupts or interferes with any person in the lawful use of data or denies access to data to any person who is entitled to access thereto.

(2) Every one who commits mischief that causes actual danger to life is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for life.

(3) Every one who commits mischief in relation to property that is a testamentary instrument or the value of which exceeds one thousand dollars

(a) is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding ten years; or
(b) is guilty of an offence punishable by summary conviction.

(4) Every one who commits mischief in relation to property, other than property described in subsection (3),

(a) is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years; or
(b) is guilty of an offence punishable by summary conviction.

(5) Every one who commits mischief in relation to data,

(a) is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding ten years; or
(b) is guilty of an offence punishable by summary conviction.

(5.1) Every one who wilfully does an act or wilfully omits to do an act that it is his duty to do, if that act or omission is likely to constitute mischief causing actual danger to life, or to constitute mischief in relation to property or data,

(a) is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years; or
(b) is guilty of an offence punishable by summary conviction.

(6) No person commits mischief within the meaning of this section by reason only that

(a) he stops work as a result of the failure of his employer and himself to agree on any matter relating to his employment;
(b) he stops work as a result of the failure of his employer and a bargaining agent acting on his behalf to agree on any matter relating to his employment; or
(c) he stops work as a result of his taking part in a combination of workmen or employees for their own reasonable protection as workmen or employees.

(7) No person commits mischief within the meaning of this section by reason only that he attends at or near or approaches a dwelling-house or place for the purpose only of obtaining or communicating information.

(8) In this section, "data" has the same meaning as in section 342.1 . [R.S., c.C-34, s.387; 1972, c.13, s.30; R.S.C. 1985, c.27 (1st Supp.), s.57.]


So, come Monday I will go and see a Justice of the Peace at the courthouse to point out the whole 'let's change David's charge without telling him and then see if we can get him to sign the papers anyway' kerfuffle.

I'm presuming they will be trying for the -two years less a day, route- they will also promote a mental evaluation (which I really don't care about, either way, being as I trust in patience).

So, all things progressing as seen, come the 19th of November, I will be pleading 'not-guilty' and facing the consequences- not eating in jail or just continuing the campaign or, maybe, helping administer the new tent-city...

Patience is a bus that never crashes.

cheers and love,


PS: On November 19th the date for the trial will be set- the judgement won't come down until the trial- all things proceeding as seen, that is.

St. Ann's update- Monday (Nov. 8th)


Went to the courthouse today to investigate the 'charge change' (see last couple of updates)- the 'particulars' for the case haven't been processed yet- maybe a week, or so- either way I'll receive them on the 19th (Nov.) when I go to plead not-guilty and set the trial date.

The simplicity of what I am doing is this- putting my life on the line in the face of a corrupt 'authority'; there will be justice or they will kill me (death by starvation, maybe, whether it be 30 days of not eating or 90 days of being strapped to a bed with tubes in me...). My defense is dependent upon the court recognizing that pride is 'sin'- so things may progress quickly...

I've been predicting that by the end of this year or early into the next that it will be made illegal to wake a 'peaceful' sleeper on 'public access' property (parks, sides of sidewalks, etc...) and that there will be a court ordered provincially endorsed tent-city within walking distance of downtown. Though, or course, those will only be the beginning effects (after the court officially recognizes the innate retarding nature of pride)... patience is really good because this is really happening.

Will there be justice through the court or will there be a revolution?... we shall see.

in love,


PS: if there are any with the capability, would it be possible to get copies of the Journal printed? I may, very well, enter it as evidence.

PPS: this may be the last journal entry until Nov. 19th--- maybe one more, maybe.

St. Ann's update- Thursday (Nov. 18th/ 2004)


Tomorrow (Friday, Nov. 19th) morning I go to court to say 'not-guilty' to the mischief charge. I will submit evidence (the journal- from beginning to Nov. 8th) and inform the court that a 'summary' conviction (which, if I understand correctly, means 'punishment other than jail') will not be acceptable. A trial date will then be set. The 'crown' may again suggest a 'mental evaluation', though I presume that won't happen (after I explain to the court that when I say I'm God I do so knowing there is nothing that isn't God- which, incedently, is exactly why pride is a 'sin').

Of course, this is all presupposing- anything could happen- they may drop the charges (then, of course, I'll just return to St. Ann's)- they may hold me (though I don't see how)--- we shall see, we shall see...

in expedience,


St. Ann's update- Friday (Nov. 19th/ 2004)



The crown again tried to force me to have a 'mental evaluation'. After waiting close to two hours the judge said no to it.

There is a 'confirmation' trial on Dec. 8th (to make sure everyone has their ducks in a row) at 9:30 AM in courtroom #202 and the main trial is on Dec. 21st at 10:00 AM in Courtroom #202.

to repeat- main trial is on Dec. 21st at 10:00 AM in Courtroom #202. I will be facing a 'mischief' charge with a plea of 'not-guilty'.

The crown has 3 witnesses, apparently. Two cops and someone else (?). The 'crown' suggests the case will take 3 hours... we shall see.

I'll update again come the 8th of December.

cheers and patience,

David Arthur Johnston

St. Ann?s update- Saturday (Dec. 4th)


This is the ?write-up? the ?crown is submitting as evidence. I?ll write it in whole and maybe comment a bit on the bottom.

Here we go-



(Homeless Person)



David Arthur Johnston has been sleeping at St. Ann?s Academy most nights since January 16, 2004. Various tactics, including arrest, have not encouraged him to move away from St. Ann?s Academy. His presence on the grounds is a safety concern to Ministry of Advanced Education employees, is an ongoing cost to the PCC for cleaning-up the daily mess he makes on the grounds by hauling-in sleeping material and by strewing the contents of garbage containers, was a cost to the PCC for additional security efforts to remove him in the past, and is a violation of PCC By-Law#4, which prohibits camping on the grounds at night.

On January 16, 2004, a group of homeless people set-up a tent city in the Arboretum area at St. Ann?s Academy. Everyone but Johnston left the property the following day after their tents and belongings were removed by the police and BCBC/PCC staff.

Johnston?s initial residency was in the Arboretum, but as attempts were made to discourage his overnight stays, he moved closer to the building migrating from the Arboretum to the front steps of the Ministry entrance to the building, then to the front steps of the Chapel, and lastly to the Summerhouse in the Novitiate Garden. If events disturb his settling-in for the night in one location, his pattern has been to relocate to another location on the property.

Various efforts have been attempted to discourage his stays. Additional security was hired through Victoria Central Security to augment the Ministry on-site security provided by Royal Victoria Security. Upon legal advice from the PCC solicitors, the security guards were directed to ask him to leave, to call the police for his removal, and to keep him awake through various means in the hopes of him finding the location not suitable for sleeping. The security guards gradually became more frustrated than Johnston by this process and it gradually fizzled away as a viable option for the PCC to pursue at this time.

Over the course of nine months, Johnston has been arrested and removed by police on at least 21 occasions.

Presently, Johnston brings enough materials onto the property that it takes PCC staff about one hour each day to cleanup-and remove the debris, which includes newspapers, shredded paper, cardboard, leaves and other materials he uses for a mattress, bedding and insulation. He occasionally brings furniture such as tables, chairs, mattresses and other large items, to aid his occupancy and comfort. Starting in late October 2004, Johnston has also begun emptying garbage cans onto the lawns as he exits the property in the morning, which adding to the clean-up effort by PCC staff. Neighbours have observed Johnston urinating and defecating in the garden.

He tries to engage Ministry and PCC staff and visitors in conversations, if he meets people while he is on site. This has caused some Ministry staff to be concerned for their safety ? especially women who arrive for work early in the morning when no one else is around.

Johnston keeps a website with a journal he calls ?The Journal of the Occupation of St. Ann?s Academy?. Additionally, he emails daily with updates for the journal and other inspirations of his personal philosophy to approximately 20 people, including the Victoria Police Chief, the former Mayor of Vancouver, and the May of Victoria?s assistant.

A detailed chronology of events is attached as Appendix #1.

David Arthur Johnston in known to the street community. He is thought to have enemies within that community. Those working with marginalized groups, such as Reverend Al of the Open Door, are familiar with him but are not able to reach him. He appears to be prepared to die for his beliefs and enjoys a soapbox when he can find one. While he generally has a calm disposition, he can become agitated when the environment changes. He can provoke people and he can be provoked. He wants permission to sleep in the open to be closer to God. He does not believe in the use of money. He believes that his patience will win. He would also like his day in court to argue his points-of-view.

Johnston?s most recent entries in his daily internet journal he keeps are at:

Information Updated: 8th November 2004


yup? that be it? they make it very easy? ok, just a couple things- not once did I poo there and there are approximately 20 people on that particular part of the update list- that are about 6 groups with anywhere between 30 to 50 people on them. If the ?detailed chronology? is what they gave me it?s mostly just some photocopies of some of the journal updates with words like ?tent-city? and ?everything is God so pride is a sin? pointed to and underlined.

Enemies? I have enemies? There may be one or two lazy stubborn children out there that resent me for pointing out their laziness, ya, though I wouldn?t call them enemies, I would call them ?me?.

I don?t want ?permission? to sleep outside- I?m saying ?I?m going to sleep outside. Kill me if you will?. My patience has always been in a state of winning--- Knowing that one thing has no beginning means that nothing does.

Cheers and love.

I?ll update again around the 8th.


David Arthur Johnston

St. Ann's update- Wednesday (Dec. 8th)


Had the 'trial confirmation' today. All ducks in a row. The trial proceeds as scheduled.

Dec. 21st in courtroom #202 at 10:00 AM.

in the illusion of catalyst moments,


St. Ann's update- Tuesday (Dec. 21st)


in about 45 minutes the trial begins- were it will go, it is hard to say, except that all parties involved will have their intents revealed.

May I not leave that place without an idea where the tent-city is going to begin.

Patience and love to you all.


St. Ann's update- Tuesday afternoon (Dec. 21st)


It started interestingly- When I got there the courtroom changed to 201 then back again to 202- they searched and metal detected most of the people attending. I went in with a mind of presuming innocence of the judge so as to not catch myself ranting- their concern was not so much the crown and the PCC not giving 'due process', but more, the remnants of my bed that I occasionally had strewn about the property (something I refer to as 'convulsing from the torture'; reminding them that I was still there, so to speak).

Having been told that I would go back regardless of breaching conditions, the court still released me with a 'conditional discharge' (the usual- be nice and don't go to St. Ann's)- I did not sign this order (the receptionist just wrote 'refused to sign' and gave me a copy).

I did 3 interviews with the 'mainstream' media- The Times Colonist, CH tv, and Monday Magazine.

About 20 people showed up- it was a good show of support. The concern with the metal detectors gave it a nice 'Hollywood' feel.

So, I presume I will be going back tonight, probably around 9:30 or 10 PM. It is possible that I will be arrested again- this time for 'breaching conditions'- I don't see them releasing me any time soon. One way, or another, there will be justice- which may mean a judge acknowledging the 'sin of pride', for without that knowledge justice becomes subjective.

we shall see...

cheers and love,

David Arthur Johnston

St. Ann's update- Wednesday (Dec. 22nd)


Not signing the conditions they gave me I went back to St. Ann's last night. Went to the steps, where I waited with the security guards, for the police to come. Police came and arrested me for breach. Spent the night in cells, and got a good night's sleep (surprisingly). Went to court this morning to sign a condition to not go back until December 29th. I expect that I will comply.

So- December 29th, 2004, at 10:00 AM in the Provincial court at 850 Burdett Avenue, Victoria, BC, V8W 9J2, I will be pleading guilty to the offence of 'Failure to comply with a probation order, contrary to section 733.1(1) Criminal Code'. I will not accept anything but jail-time or justice.

It is interesting that for any judge to get to the point where they would order the police to NOT wake peaceful sleepers on 'public access property' they would have to understand that, legally, we are our 'brother's keepers' before we are 'collectors of luxury' (being that the base truth is that our happiness is measured off the happiness of our environment).

Patience be with us all.


St. Ann's update- Wednesday morning (Dec. 29th, 2004)


I'm going to the courthouse at 10:00 AM today to plead guilty to the 'breach' charge. The crown is trying for a 'mental evaluation', again... we'll see if the court will recognize the spite of the crown. I don't think the judge will want to quit his (or hers) job if it comes to it. If I'm asked what I think justice is I will tell the court that it has to tell the police to stop waking peaceful sleepers on public access property. I will suggest that it is imperative that the court recognize pride as a sin, as it is the lack of that consideration that makes presuming innocence impossible- that 'right' is not determined by a vote but by an acknowledgement that truth, simply, is, regardless of opinion, and that the laws I break do not take into account that someone does not have the right to secure luxury while others are in need (A.K.A. parks uninhabited at night are not more important than people getting a good night's sleep without worrying about getting attacked with threats and aggression by the police and parks crew). Though, maybe, I'll not have a chance to say my piece... we shall see.

I will not eat in custody, be it jail or the crazy house. I will be polite and I will present what I see as truth as patiently as possible, though upon release I will continue this campaign.

in love and honour,

David Arthur Johnston

St. Ann's update- Wednesday evening (Dec. 29th)


So... in courtroom 126- they give me my particulars and suggest that I take 3 weeks to think about my plea- I tell them I'm ready now- they move me to courtroom 101 (I think)- the judge there moves me to courtroom 201 where the judge that convicted me of the 'mischief' charge was- I give him my understanding of justice- which is, of course, to tell the police and province that it is illegal to wake peaceful sleepers on public access property- he suggests that I be afraid of going to jail- I suggest that if he is unable to dole out justice that he quit his job- at one point I suggest that it is impossible to presume innocence while ignoring the fact that pride is a sin- I also suggest that the queen of England is not a nice lady.--- He finds me guilty and sentences me to one day in court cells (I just got out)- of course I intend on going back to St. Ann's tonight--- we'll see what happens... MAYBE: I'll be arrested for breach (again)- I'll go to court in the morning where a date will be set for the plea- I'll sign conditions until that plea (as long as it is no further than a week away)- I will plead guilty to the breach and then there will be justice or there won't yet be- maybe I'll go to jail for (guessing) any wheres between a week and a month (30 days not eating?)... though I don't know exactly what will happen--- we shall see...

Thank you all for your support.


St. Ann's update- Thursday (Dec. 30th)


Just out of jail.- I go back to the Provincial court on January 6th at 9:00 AM to plead guilty (again) for this second 'breach' charge. Mayhaps the court will start taking things seriously.

cheers all



St. Ann's update- Thursday (Jan. 6th, 2005)


okilly dokilly.

I pleaded guilty to the second breach. They want me to be sentenced by the same judge that convicted me (Palmer), so I'm out for now until JANUARY 13th at 9:30 AM in courtroom #101.

Please have patience with me (and this). May we live our lives with open ears.

in sweat,


St. Ann's update- Friday (January 14th, 2005)



On Thursday (the 13th) I pleaded guilty to the second breach charge and received 3 days in jail for a sentence. So they released me today (1 day later) because there is something about only doing 2/3 of the sentenced time... anyhoo- I'll be going back- If not tonight tomorrow night, and I am thinking that I may not get released (I may not sign the 'interim' conditions because the court has shown itself to lack consideration, essentially they can't be trusted to be just) in the time between getting arrested and pleading guilty (usually about 1 week)... we shall see... I may sign the interim conditions, I may not, I don't know at this point... either way, I'm going back tonight or tomorrow night to breach, for the 3rd time. Maybe the judge will have consideration that anarchy might be more desirable than order rooted in corruption.

cheers and love,


St. Ann's update- Saturday (Jan. 15th, 2005): a letter to Amnesty International



I've been involved with this campaign to determine the 'right to sleep' in Victoria, BC, Canada (the journal- ). Though, I've forgiven the people responsible, during the course of this campaign I have been driven out of city limits 6 times and have had the government hire a security guard with the express duty of not letting me sleep (8 hour shifts for about 20 days- they did the job perfectly for about 4 days). I will not be pressing charges as the people torturing me didn't know better, though any help getting a judge to tell the police and the province that it is unlawful to wake peaceful sleepers on public access property (parks, beach, lots, etc...) would be appreciated.

On Dec. 21st, 2004, I was convicted of 'Mischief' for half the time of the campaign (it started in January 2004 and the conviction is from mid-June to Nov. 4th). I was given a conditional sentence which I did not agree to and did not sign. I told the judge, that if released, I would breach. I was released and I breached. 1 day in jail for the first breach. I was released again and breached again. 3 days in jail for the second breach. On Sunday night I will be breaching for the third time and will be sentenced about a week after. Given, this has been a contrived event, though do we not have the right to protest and do we not have the right for 'due process'?

I would not have been able to get as far as I have without much meditation on patience. I feel like a veteran on the front lines of a real war that is happening right now.

Do I have any rights here? Will the revealing of the 'crown's' lack of innocent presumption have to come at the cost of my life? If so, so be it, as freedom is the determiner of my contentment.

Thank you.

Patience be with you.

David Arthur Johnston

Victoria, BC, Canada

(I get my mail at 'Streetlink Emergency Shelter'- though I don't know their address right now)

St. Ann's update- Monday (January 17th)


I breached for the 3rd time last night (Jan. 16th- coincidentally the 1 year anniversary of the campaign). I was arrested and taken to court in the morning.

So, on Friday the 21st at 9:00 AM in the Provincial Court I will be pleading guilty to breach #3. I presume I will be sentenced as well- I'm thinking it will be longer than 3 days... maybe a week this time, we shall see...

in freedom and the knowledge that nobody has ever made a choice and that nobody will ever make a choice,


St. Ann's update- Thursday night (Jan. 20th)


The following is a letter I hope to give the judge at

tomorrow's sentencing.>>>

An appeal to whomever is presiding the sentencing of my 3rd breach of the court order to not return to St. Ann?s Academy which was given as a sentence to a ?Mischief? conviction that occurred on Dec. 21st, 2004.

The events leading up to what I describe as ?The Occupation of St. Ann?s Academy (Victoria, BC, Canada)? were thus: living outside since Nov. 2000 I?ve slept often in Beacon Hill Park and down at the beach that is akin to it. By the winter of 2003 there was an escalation of ?deterrent? events which include being woken up by parks staff and/or police (who?ve been presumptuous, condescending and threatening), a smelly substance I referred to as ?bum-away? (which I found out later was undiluted plant fertilizer- ground up fish) left on known sleeping spots which, when settling in in the dark, got on sleeping gear and clothes. Fatigue breeding fearlessness, not long after the blizzard that hit on the cusp of the coming year (2004), it occurred to me to bring these absurdities to light, knowing that the cause of the suffering I was being exposed to rested in the police?s, parks staff?s and city?s hands. It was they who were not presuming my innocence in my ability to sleep conscientiously- so I force the issue. If they only knew then the practice they were about to give me they would not have waited so long in their dealings with me.

So, on January 16, 2004, I and a few others set up tents on the grounds of St. Ann?s Academy as it is open and close to downtown. Dealings with the police and the PCC had the majority of people moved along the next day, yet I stayed, knowing it was only going to be through the courts that this matter could be resolved- it wasn?t until a month later that I saw exactly what was needed. The court must recognize that innocence was not being presumed of me and consequently do everything in it?s power to let the current ?powers that be? know that they DO NOT have the rights that they think they do; to have a provincial judge tell all in the province that the ?right to sleep? is protected, regardless of any and all law and by-law stating otherwise.

Now, the ?Mischief? charge is from mid-June to Nov. 4th, 2004. Bypassing most of the torturous infractions laid upon me. Instead of ?due process? the police and the PCC (Provincial Capital Commission) began a full regiment of discomfort in the hopes that I would move along. This ?regiment? included a number of arrests (some for ?Assault by Trespass which change to ?breach of peace? when we got to the police station), I believe there were more than 15 separate nights in cells. I was driven out of city limits on 6 occasions. For 20 days the province hired a security guard with the express purpose of not letting me sleep (a job that was done in varying degrees with 4 absolutely sleepless nights- a guy above your head clapping his hands, stomping his feet, playing loud music, shining a bright light in my eyes and saying things like ?don?t be falling asleep on me, Mr. Johnston? or ?if you just hit one of us you would expediate the situation, Mr. Johnston?). Other than those occasions there were constant early morning wake ups (their exasperation showing) and a constant seizing of blankets and sleeping gear. The garbage that is referred to in the ?Mischief? charge were my cardboard houses (which I built about 16 of because of the weather and lack of blankets- each, subsequently, taken down each morning by PCC staff- the strewn garbage was my house, a convulsion one morning caused it to explode all over their backyard- then for a couple more occasions I thought it was a good idea).

So, this is where we are at, now, today. Putting me in jail is not justice. Justice is doing right regardless of consequence. Be it the last judge?s fear of anarchy, or not, because without justice order cannot exist.

Thank you.

Patience be with you.

David Arthur Johnston

Victoria, BC, Canada

<<< That's it. We'll see if it has any affect at all.

Otherwise I see a sentence longer than 3 days.

travel well, all.


St. Ann's update- Tuesday (January 25th, 2005)


OK. Just had my first poo after a 4 day fast. Got new shoes. See myself going and getting arrested again Thursday night. May this fourth breach instill in the judge a sense of seriousness. May the courts and the crown rise up out of their mafia-like contentment. May the courts and the crown begin to desire truth. The future will be what it will be and nothing can ever change that, ever.

in love,


St. Ann's update- Friday (January 28th)


I breached for the 4th time last night. I wasn't expecting news cameras for this part, though they were there and the cops were very polite (though, they've been polite for a while now).

So, I return to the courthouse on Feb. 11th, 2005, at 9:00 AM- to plea and face sentencing- at this point I don't even know if I will plead anything as the one asking me to works for the mafia (the queen), though we shall see... I will not be returning to St. Ann's at least until after the 11th of February.

until later, patience be with us,



Posted by apes/hatrackman at 4:34 PM PST
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Saturday, 15 January 2005
St. Ann's update- Saturday (Jan. 15th, 2005): a letter to Amnesty International
St. Ann's update- Saturday (Jan. 15th, 2005): a letter to Amnesty International



I've been involved with this campaign to determine the 'right to sleep' in Victoria, BC, Canada (the journal- ). Though, I've forgiven the people responsible, during the course of this campaign I have been driven out of city limits 6 times and have had the government hire a security guard with the express duty of not letting me sleep (8 hour shifts for about 20 days- they did the job perfectly for about 4 days). I will not be pressing charges as the people torturing me didn't know better, though any help getting a judge to tell the police and the province that it is unlawful to wake peaceful sleepers on public access property (parks, beach, lots, etc...) would be appreciated.

On Dec. 21st, 2004, I was convicted of 'Mischief' for half the time of the campaign (it started in January 2004 and the conviction is from mid-june to Nov. 4th). I was given a conditional sentence which I did not agree to and did not sign. I told the judge, that if released, I would breach. I was released and I breached. 1 day in jail for the first breach. I was released again and breached again. 3 days in jail for the second breach. On Sunday night I will be breaching for the third time and will be sentenced about a week after. Given, this has been a contrived event, though do we not have the right to protest and do we not have the right for 'due process'?

I would not have been able to get as far as I have without much meditation on patience. I feel like a veteran on the front lines of a real war that is happening right now.

Do I have any rights here? Will the revealing of the 'crown's' lack of innocent presumption have to come at the cost of my life? If so, so be it, as freedom is the determiner of my contentment.

Thank you.

Patience be with you.

David Arthur Johnston

Victoria, BC, Canada

(I get my mail at 'Streetlink Emergency Shelter'- though I don't know their address right now)

Posted by apes/hatrackman at 3:10 PM PST
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Tuesday, 24 August 2004

Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: money
Topic: sense of spending money

definition of money

ugliest manifestation of inumanity to man

every dolard spen signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed those who are cold and not clothed

this world in arms is to not spending money
in arms is not spending the sweat of its

the ginius
scientist the hopes of its childrend

help bring sanite back

tank to every human on heart

Posted by apes/hatrackman at 3:16 PM PDT
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definition of money
Mood:  accident prone
Now Playing: systematic mass muder
Topic: definition of money
money is ugliest manifetaion of inumanity of man in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed those who cold and not clothted this world in arms is not spending money in arm is not spending the sweat of its laborer the ginus of its scientists the hopes of its childred

Posted by apes/hatrackman at 2:45 PM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, 24 August 2004 2:50 PM PDT
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Monday, 12 July 2004
I hope to find inspiration here... we shall see...
In the spirit of 'assisting, not resisting' I most want to suggest and promote the notion of 'predestiny' for I see in that knowledge the objectifying of fear, and therefore, the nullifying of it.

Patience is the cure for every disharmony...

Bad is 'bad' because it thinks it can 'out-control' good.

Good is 'good' because it knows control is an illusion.


Posted by apes/hatrackman at 5:14 PM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, 13 July 2004 2:06 PM PDT
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