By Choice': response to Times Colonist article about
hello all. This is a response to an article that was in the Times
Colonist on Monday, Sept. 10th (see-
http://www.canada.com/victoriatimescolonist/news/story.html?id=cea70601-adbd-40b7-a56a-ce2d19d90439&k=17914 ).
RE: Homeless challenger gets his day in court
Good day. I am the person whom this article was about and I feel a need
to clarify a few things written about me and this campaign to determine the
'right to sleep'.
is often said, by those who think they have much to lose, that I am homeless by
choice. I have to pause for a moment and consider what that means. There was a
point where I believed it was a choice, to love truth with the apparent
intensity that I do, until the truth that I loved so much made it plain that
there was no choice involved. I has been my love of
truth that led me to no longer use money. It was my love of truth that
ostracized me from normalcy (in its revealing of why pride is sin). It was my
love of truth that showed me there is no evil. It was my love of truth that made
it impossible to hate all the instigational police,
security guards and parks workers, even though they work so hard to raise
ire... and my love of truth led me to the one truth that most everyone thinks
is insane, the truth of all motion being ruled by fate. So, on one level, no, I
am not homeless by choice. On another, I 'chose' to have integrity and was
exposed to the reasons for, and unsustainable nature of, capitalism. Or, mayhaps, I am completely mad- would that be good reason to
put fertilizer where I sleep, or to hire a security guard to stand above my
head, literally, for 8 hours a night for 20 nights with the express purpose of
not letting me sleep, or to drive me out of city limits 6 times, or to steal 4
years of my life in the hopes that I will just go away before everyone sees how
much the city and the 'crown' have no clue how to presume innocence? As far as
being discredited, I invite my detractors to do their worst.
The article mentions how I am going to take this fight to other municipalities
"such as
There was no need to mention my father- we don't talk much because we
don't have news to share or news gets delivered other ways.
And lastly, as far as being 'God's people', God's people know better
than to support anything that believes in lies, especially the lie of pride,
and if it means the fall of capitalism and subsequent 'tribulation' of a world
that has over-populated itself a hundredfold, then may we keep our courage and
patience even after everything has turned itself to the whirlwind.
David Arthur Johnston
Home page- https://www.angelfire.com/apes/hatrackman
Journal of the Occupation of St. Ann's
Academy (
Crimes of Necessity- http://www.loveandfearlessness.com