updated 'police & court encounters' list
(as of Wednesday, September 09, 2009)
Sunday, Jan.
25th, 2004- held for 5 days without pleading- charges dropped (I don't remember
the charge).
Not far after
Feb. 1st, 2004- arrested for obstruction of justice and assault by trespass.
Trial set for March 25th, 2004. (I breached this UTA and it was dropped- I
figure I'm learning).
Friday, March
5th, 2004- trial confirmation- 'crown' stays the assault by trespass.
March 25th, 2004-
'crown' stays the obstruction of justice.
Friday March
26th, 2004- throw me in back of car, and release me in front of police station.
Sunday, March
28th, 2004- arrested for contravening the 'Properties Control and Management
Bylaw No. 416(2)'... released without conditions and told to be in court for
the 30th of April (when I showed for that there was no record of my need to be
Monday, March
29th, 2004- arrested for Assault by trespass (they try to get me to sign a
condition to not sleep on any private property in Victoria- I refuse and they
release me with charges dropped).
Tuesday, March
30th, 2004- arrested for breach of peace, released in morning.
Wednesday, March
31st, 2004- arrested for breach of peace, released in morning.
Thursday, April
1st, 2004- police come, then leave.
Thursday, April
15th, 2004- security guard tells me the 'crown' has no intention of arresting
Friday, April
16th, 2004- (maybe the night preceding) Arrested for breach of peace, released
in morning.
April 23rd, 2004- (maybe the preceding night) the first night for the 'not
letting me sleep' security guards.
Sunday, April
25th, 2004- police take my flutes and blankets, no ticket or badge numbers.
Sunday, May 9th,
2004- arrested for 'breaching a condition' for a charge that had been dropped.
Charge was cleared and I was released.
Tuesday, May
11th, 2004- arrested for breach of peace, release very early.
Friday, May 14th,
2004- arrested for breach of peace, released in morning.
Saturday, May
15th, 2004- arrested for Assault by Trespass', charge changed to breach of
peace, released in morning.
Monday, May 17th,
2004- police came in morning, arrested me and dropped me off outside of city
limits (past the
Tuesday, May
18th, 2004- arrested for breach of peace, released in morning.
Wednesday, May
19th, 2004- police come in morning, 'arrest' me (no rights reading or anything)- cuffs on- drive out to the Town and Country Mall (about a
40 minute walk away) which is outside of city limits and drop me off- they
suggested that next time they will take me out to the Malahat
(a highway far out of town- maybe about 20KM away).
Monday, May 24th,
2004- police came in morning, arrested me and dropped me off outside of city
limits (past the
Saturday, May
29th, 2004- police are called and say they are not responding.
Friday, July 9th,
2004- police come, arrest me, then drop me off at
Sunday, July
11th, 2004- get a police driven tour of Dallas Road (ocean side) to a golf
course (where Dallas road turns towards Oak Bay), and a pleasant walk back on a
clear starry night.
Wednesday, August
4th, 2004- police came and found me and my friend getting ready to sleep- in as
much condescending and presumptive stance they could be in they 'arrested' us
for 'breach of peace' and drove us out to Shelburne and Lansdowne (SP?) (about an hour's walk back).
Friday, September
10th, 2004- friend and I are sleeping, police come at
request of security, then leave, leaving us there.
Tuesday, November
4th, 2004- Arrested for 'Assault by Trespass', next morning charge changes to
'Mischief' (due to my inspiration to get arrested for anything A.K.A. spreading
cardboard house around their backyard). Plea date set for Nov. 19th.
Friday, November
19th, 2004- trial set for Dec. 21st. trial confirmation on Dec. 8th.
December 8th, 2004- all ducks in row for the trial.
Tuesday, December
21st, 2004- plead not guilty to the Mischief. Found guilty. Sentenced to
conditions (a no go to
Tuesday, December
21st, 2004- arrested for breaching the condition of the conviction. Signed UTA
(Undertaking To Appear: an agreement to not to back to
December 29th, 2004- found guilty of breach, sentenced to 1 day in jail (5
hours in court cells).
December 29th, 2004- 2nd arrest for breaching condition of conviction. Released in morning after signing a UTA
to return to plea on the 6th of January (2005).
Thursday, January
6th, 2005- plead guilty. Sentencing day on January 13th.
Thursday, January
13th, 2005- sentenced to 3 days in jail (1 day- re: 2/3rds time for good behaviour).
January 16th, 2005- 3rd arrest for breaching condition of conviction. Signed UTA to return on
Jan. 21st.
Friday, January
21st, 2005- sentenced to 7 days in jail (4 days).
Thursday, January
27th, 2005- arrested for 4th breach of condition of sentence. Signed UTA to return for Feb. 11th.
Friday, February
11th, 2005- sentenced to 7 days in jail (4 days).
February 16th, 2005- arrested for 5th breach of condition of sentence. Sentenced the next day with 14 days in jail (10 days).
Monday, February
28th, 2005- arrested for 6th breach of condition of the conviction. Sentenced next morning to 30 days in jail (20 days).
Monday, March
28th, 2005- arrested for 7th breach of condition of conviction. Signed UTA to not return at least until April 25th.
Monday, April
25th, 2005- plea date set for May 9th.
Monday, May 9th,
2005- trial date set for September 23rd, 2005. trial
confirmation date set for August 23rd.
Friday, Sept.
23rd, 2005- judge to give verdict on Oct, 25th, 2005. I continue to honour undertaking, while others begin tent-city at
Tuesday, Oct.
25th, 2005- I was found guilty of 7th breach of Mischief conviction. Returning to court on Oct. 28th to be sentenced.
Friday, Oct. 28th,
2005- ridiculous conditional sentence (community hours and such)… almost like
it was designed for me to breach. Also, police came and stole a whole bunch of
tent-city stuff. Not arresting anyone because after their stuff was stiolen they were no longer violating the injunction at
Saturday, Oct.
29th, 2005- I was arrested for ‘Obstruction of Justice’ for stepping on a tarp
at the courthouse lawn. To return to court for this on Dec.
29th, 2005. 2 others were arrested for ‘Assault by Trespass’. Returned
Sunday, Dec. 4th,
2005- arrested for putting wood in burning barrel (‘Obstruction of Justice’) on
gravel soccer field in
Monday, Dec.
12th, 2005- plead ‘not-guilty’ to both obstruction charges. Couthouse
lawn fiasco will be heard on Jan. 9th, 2006. Burning barrel will be heard on
Feb. 17th, 2006.
Monday, Jan. 9th,
2006- date moved to Feb. 3rd, 2006.
Friday, Feb. 3rd,
2006- found guilty. ‘Red zoned’ from 4 different parks.
Judge exclaims that “everyone is afraid of anarchy”. Many
revealing moments. I sign no conditions and leave. I have no intention
of treating the courts or crown with any authority, any longer. Do not report
to probation anymore.
Wednesday, March
22nd, 2006- released from 3 weeks of fasting in jail. Don’t know what I was
charged with only that I had returned to
Sunday, April,
2nd, 2006- returned to
Friday, April
21st, 2006- just released. Again, don’t really know on what charge the arrest
was based. Did 18 days in seg.
Monday, May 1st,
2006- returned to
Tuesday, June
27th, 2006- returned to
Tuesday, July
4th, 2006- returned to
Wednesday, Aug.
9th, 2006- released on bail after fasting 36 days. Sentence appeal will happen
Oct. 16th. Agreeing to not return to
Tuesday, Sept.
12th, 2006- ... The Charter Challenge is scheduled for a nine day trial
starting September 4th, 2007.
Monday, Oct.16th,
2006- Took most of the day. Crown was merciless. Judge is saving his ruling
until Friday (Oct. 20th) at 1:30PM.
Sunday, Oct.
22nd, 2006- hearing for ruling adjourned.
Tuesday, Oct.
24th, 2006- The judge is set to give his ruling at 1:45 PM on Friday (Oct.
Oct. 28th, 2006- 1 night at Wilkinson to finish the sentence for both charges. It was taken down from 210 days to 56
days. So, I'll hold off on
Monday, Aug.
13th, 2007- The judge denied the city's application for a permanent injunction
and ordered the city to pay 'costs' to the lawyers (Catherine and Irene) for
wasting their time.
Wednesday, Sept.
5th, 2007- city attempts discontinuance of Charter Challenge. The 'master'
(seemed astute enough) is going to give his ruling on Friday morning.
Friday, Sept.
7th, 2007- The court denied the city its 'discontinuance'.
Monday, Sept.
10th, 2007- Charter Challenge set aside until Sept. 12th to determine if a
summary trial is appropriate. Attourney general’s
office joins with the city in attempting to stave off the Charter Challenge.
Friday, Sept.
14th, 2007- false arrest at St. Ann’s for violating the permanent injunction
that is on St. Ann's until 2008 (what does permanent mean again?). They take me
to the copshop and leave me in the car. Meanwhile
they've told my friends that they will be able to see me on Monday when I would
go in front of a judge... so they all leave. Police drive me back to
Wed. Oct. 10th,
2007- The trial is tentatively scheduled for January 22nd. The province is
going to try and strike the whole thing in court on October 30th and 31st
because of a technicality.
Oct. 30th, 2007-
We didn't even get to the point where the province tried to drop it because the
city lawyers 'needed' to ascertain the definition of 'abode' from the city
council and they need to wait until the next council meeting to see if abode
means cabin or tent... I know. I know.
Saturday, Nov.
17th, 2008- city determines ‘abode’ to mean tent, tarp or cardboard structure.
Tuesday, Nov.
27th, 2007- The Charter Challenge set for 10 days was to happen January 22nd,
2008. Now, with agreement on both sides the time needed is shortened to 5 days,
making the NEW DATE for the CHARTER CHALLENGE to be on JANUARY 27th, 2008.
Wed. Jan. 9th,
2008- the Provincial Government of BC is brings us to a BC Supreme Court judge
to attempt a discontinuance of the 'Right to Sleep' Charter Challenge. One of
the 'crown' lawyers got sick so the discontinuance application has been
postponed, probably until next week. Our lawyer also said that it is likely
that the main trial, (pending our success at the province's attempt to squash
it) that is scheduled for Jan. 28th, could very well be postponed as well...
until late spring/early summer.
Wed. Jan. 23rd,
2008- The province's attempt to discontinue the case has been set for 2 days
during the week of FEBRUARY 18th, 2008. The 'Right to Sleep' Charter Challenge
has been rescheduled for a 5 day trial beginning on JUNE 16th, 2008 (pending
our success in Feb.).
Tues. Feb. 19th,
2008- Unfortunately, there is no judge available again today. This happens from time to time. The Trial Coordinator tells us that the
courts all over the province are extremely busy this week. So, we continue the
waiting game. We'll keep you posted.
Mon. Feb. 25th,
2008- discontinuance attempt is set for 2 days in the week of MARCH 3rd, 2008.
Thursday, Mar.
6th, 2008- The 'Right to Sleep' Charter Challenge will proceed (excepting
martial law or alien attack) as scheduled on JUNE 16TH, 2008, for its five day
June 16th – June
20th- Right to Sleep Charter Challenge. Justice Ross reserves her ruling.
Monday, Jun.
23rd, 2008- false arrest at
Tuesday, Oct.
14th, 2008- Madam justice Ross rules "... In
these circumstances I have concluded that the course that is most appropriate
is to grant a declaration that the Bylaws are of no force and effect insofar as
they apply to prevent homeless people from erecting temporary shelter."
Friday, Oct.
17th, 2008- myself and 4 others are arrested for Obstruction for not complying
with the new 7-7 tent policy (video of arrest- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mXm_27i4lnw ). First appearance
set for Nov. 28th, 2008.
Tuesday, Oct.
30th, 2008- set up under the tree in
Nov. 12th, 2008-
in an effort to combine the 4 that were arrested for obstruction (for not
voluntarily dismantling a tent) we've agreed to come back to court WEDNESDAY,
NOVEMBER 19TH to set the trial date for all of us, instead of 4 individual
Nov. 19th, 2008-
After spending the entire afternoon in the courthouse, once getting the Justice
of the Peace to say I could set a trial date the 'Crown' called someone higher
up and the 'Crown' strenuously asked again only to have us all wait for Monday
to set a trial date. They did not dwell on the fact that that's what we did
already to get to today. Anyhoo, on MONDAY, NOVEMBER
24TH, 2008 at 9:00 AM in the Victoria Law Courts, room #103, we head back to
consolidate our trials into one... I really really
presume that we'll actually get a trial date- though we'll see if the city does
something to avoid being charge with contempt.
Nov. 24th, 2008-
Got to court this morning to set a trial date for the arrests at
Nov. 30th, 2008-
Monday night people returned to
Dec. 5th, 2008-
trial adjourned to Dec. 31st, 2008. Order for the Charter Challenge settled
with Justice Ross telling the city that she did not add the words "at
night" to the end of her ruling for a reason and that she is keeping it
that way.
Dec. 31st, 2008-
City spent time trying to classify worthy homeless and unworthy homeless. I
will not say what will happen as the judge reserved his ruling.
Wed. Jan. 28th,
2009- Got to court this morning after just checking my email saying the ruling
was coming down 10 minutes before... I get there just as the judge is saying Tavis, Kristen and I are not guilty of having tents passed
7:00 AM. The judge, corrupt, gives his 'opinion' that the 7-7 thing could stand
if it was an actual Bylaw and not a Bylaw Enforcement Policy. In effect, giving
the city the ammo it thinks it needs to prolong this thing again.
Tuesday, Feb.
10th, 2009- David and I were arrested yesterday morning for having multiple
tickets. Everything went smoothly and for some reason we've secured a trial for
this THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12TH, at 9:30 AM.
March 5th, 2009-
David was told he must pay his fines by May 1st (4 tickets at $85 each... which
was interesting because the first ticket was a warning ticket... anyhoo...). I've been told to go to probation and complete
40 hours of community service by May 1st (interesting to note that my sentence
was different from David's because of my 'vow of poverty').
Tuesday, March
24th, 2009- Appeal was registered and a date will be fixed for the hearing on
APRIL 22, 2009 at 2:00 PM.
Saturday, March
28th, 2009- Went to the courthouse and submitted a request for a hearing to see
if I can get transcripts for free. The hearing happens at 2:00 PM, WEDNESDAY,
Wed. Apr. 8th,
2009- Went to court today to see about getting the transcripts. Judge said no problem
and that they'll be ordered come the first hearing of the appeal (2:00 PM on
essentially, is the hearing that sets a date.
Wed., Apr. 22nd,
2009- Next hearing is set for May 27th at 2:00 PM.
Wed. May 27th,
2009- retrial is scheduled for the week of the 26th in October.
June 10th
and 11th,
Aug. 12th and
13th, 2009- arrested for breaching Judge Blake's condition given to me, to not
erect a temporary abode between the hours of 7:00 AM and 7:00 PM (File No:
145835-1). It had a new file started for it (File No: 148013). I plead guilty
and was sentenced to 1 day in jail.
Thurs. Aug. 17th,
2009- arrested for breaching Judge Blake's condition, plead guilty and was
sentenced to 1 week in jail (File No: 148024-1).
Thursday, Aug. 27th
and 28th, 2009- arrested for having multiple 'no tents between 7:00 AM and 7:00PM'
Bylaw tickets (File No: 1201:148095-1) and signed a UTA (to return Sept. 18th)
before pleading.
Monday, Aug.
31st, 2009- went to the Supreme Court registry to schedule a hearing for Sept.
9th, 2009 at 2:00.
Wed. Sept. 9th,
2009- Supreme Court Judge adjourned the case while I put together an affidavit.
Will go in to schedule another hearing in next couple of