Have you ever had that feeling...
Have you ever had that feeling where you are so 'here now' that you trust everything that comes from you is a perfect reflection of perfection? That even the words you write come with the spirit of understanding of the understanding of the reader... that there is a reason they call spelling 'spelling'.
It is a song and a joy. I do hope I will finish this letter and that its purpose is not just to exercise my own psyche. The magic words... they are the only words spoken out of humble mouths. You may want to believe in 'original thought', but you would be wrong and denying yourselves the truth- that you are the soul of life and need not be hindered by the absurdities of fear and anger. Every ninja master knows the trick is patience.
Y'all want a time and place... don't worry, your feet know exactly what experiences you are supposed to have. Chill and enjoy... and trust.
David Arthur Johnston
Victoria, BC, Canada
Home page- https://www.angelfire.com/apes/hatrackman
Journal of the Occupation of St.
Ann's Academy (Victoria, BC, Canada)- https://www.angelfire.com/apes/hatrackman/welcome.htm
Crimes of Necessity (from filmmaker Andrew Ainsley. very comprehensive)- http://www.loveandfearlessness.com