The Global End of Money




The future. More and more people are seeing the horror that we are adopting as the 'norm' and are not wanting to content themselves with it.


We, the people, are desperately seeking the inspiration that will lead us from a world seemingly gone mad while trying to hold on to our own sanities. Though we find we are addicted and our addiction feeds what harms us.


We understand that it will only be through unification that we can break free; though many (in their laziness) are convinced unification is impossible, hence despair.


In essence, we desperately want our 'individualism', though this seems a deception- that however 'individual' we think we are we still exist in the same existence. There has also been a very menaced and contrived promotion of pride- the lie that divides us. So these are things needing to be contended with.


At the root, the cure rests in a 'want of truth' that supercedes a 'fear of discomfort'. The way to bypass the defenses (fear and anger) built around our apprehensions is through humility; a simple understanding that when it is time to die that we will do so calmly- and from that understanding, everything. Through a want of truth we find that we are stronger than our fear and can respond however we will- that there is no trauma that we cannot handle.


The global end of money (which is inevitable) begins with the understanding that there is truth regardless of opinion. An understanding that love (a pervading appreciation of harmony) is real and that pride is an ignorance of it. An understanding that all things can only be what they are because they can only be their experiences- and through that acknowledgement, objective understanding of the absurdities of fear and anger- so through ‘understanding’ how to respond lovingly becomes more and more apparent. However grand a consideration is it cannot be too grand, for 'grandness' is only a term of comparison. Pride is a lie. Every time money is spent it is a lie that is being contented with. Through humility (a want of truth) we find unification; through an acknowledgment of our happiness being dictated to by love we find that there is nothing we cannot do to further that path, including ending the use of money.


It starts with those who've yet to take on many/any external responsibilities accepting the responsibility of being humble until they die- these are the ones that secure the 'tent cities'- and once the tent cities are secured those with other responsibilities (ex. family) can start moving in.


The near future has two types of people- those who move toward the end of money and those who hate them (who, through time, either find love’s inspiration or they go insane and die, not understanding the nature of ‘absolute forgiveness’).


in knowing that the proud will find inspiration through being forgiven,


in knowing that humility owns courage,


in knowing true inspiration can only come through patience,


in absolute authority,


David Arthur Johnston


Victoria, BC, Canada

