honour’s way
We have the freedom to act against love but not the right- we do not have the right to rage, which means that if we are to be conducive to love we should be of a mind where we would rather die than be rageful.
In the name of love know that resentment is as bad as the thing it resents and if we are to move towards a world of trust we must have love as our master motivator; which means forgiveness because there are no enemies, only reflections of the same things we are that have been deceived by pride.
When you stand sure in love nothing can come against you. 'Dedicate self to knowing love' I guess is the suggestion.
This does mean that anger is not a 'natural human emotion'. This does mean that fear is not a 'natural human emotion'. These are the things needed dealing with- that it is only because of pride's deception that we would see ourselves as imperfect.
Move towards love. Forgive self for wavering and strength does come; and for now know that, above all else, calmness is yours and you can give yourself to it before being overwhelmed by any stress, if you so choose. One could say that calmness is love's gift.
So. Do right. Have patience. Let love inspire.
in honour,
Victoria, BC, Canada