Moving Harmoniously
The last motion leads to the next. The single motion that is the entirety of motion continues... and forgiveness makes way for grace.
Thought is motion. Thought is the internal motion that births the external motion. Through practice we respond.
Like wind against an inextinguishable candle-flame, we take the brunt and respond with honour. Beware an ego that justifies a lie. Beware an ego that cannot forgive, for to not be able to forgive is the height of laziness- the unwillingness to empathize with the attacker- who can only attack because that is where it's experience has brought it. So, through forgiveness and a total giving of self we introduce new consideration, that love is something to die for, not kill for.
Ego is a construct of experience- may the experience of humility exist, for only through that do we evolve.
Through shining with confidence and knowing patience true inspiration comes, not through the frustration of unfulfilled preconception or the allowance of resentment.
At any time there can only be two spirits that approach and communicate- a spirit of humility, which is a want of truth or a spirit of pride, which is a telling of a lie- when you know how to respond to both you find there is nothing that cannot be handled.
Dealing with humility is easy because it's love. Dealing with pride requires an owning of calmness unto death, fearless- for even the most proud are susceptible to inspiration.
in honour,
Victoria, BC, Canada