Holy Holy Holy
I'm good. All the
way. Very.
Although it seems
I'm just talking to myself since there is nothing that isn't me.
So, to the aspects
of me that pretend that they are not me: YOU CAN ONLY BE YOUR EXPERIENCE so all
things are forgiven- though, may it be a catalyst, LOVE is suggested.
So, fear really
isn't real. You can't die because you are love.
May you come to
know that your children would rather their individual aspects stop vibrating
than have you act dishonourably (you act against honour when you ignore the
fact that there is nothing unforgivable), because they are God(me) too.
Most of the time
your stubbornness is rooted in an addiction to structure- trust in love- move
compassionately knowing that to spend money is to content oneself with
Just because
you've spent your entire life learning how to live in an illusion is no excuse
to keep ignoring truth and now that you've really really had love suggested to
you every time you act against it your bad karma will grow exponentially- may
you have a nervous breakdown before you go totally bad crazy--- better not know
what's going to happen in the next 5 minutes than have plans of security that
ignore your true happiness.
The exodus from
pride is an adventure. However much sadness there is know happiness can only
ever be bigger--- there is nothing more intimidating than knowing there is
nothing too intimidating.
Welcome to Heaven.
The veil of pride has been lifted and there is excuse no longer.
in calmness, patience, strength and courage,