May this be a computer-virus-like brain-washing that instantly affects the reader with divine patience, giving them the ability to be perpetually ready to dance with the whole of the universe.
Truly, if you are going to protest anything, protest pride, as it is the first lie; the state that all lies must come through. Pride is ‘pretending ego can have a will apart from the will that made it’ (every ‘choice’ is determined by who the person is when the ‘choice’ was made and every coin-toss is determined by thumb and wind being what they were at that time). There is no such thing as ‘choice’.
You are the hope of the world. Trust in patience, it houses every wisdom.
May this be a computer-virus-like brain-washing that instantly affects the reader with divine patience, giving them the ability to be perpetually ready to dance with the whole of the universe.
Truly, if you are going to protest anything, protest pride, as it is the first lie; the state that all lies must come through. Pride is ‘pretending ego can have a will apart from the will that made it’ (every ‘choice’ is determined by who the person is when the ‘choice’ was made and every coin-toss is determined by thumb and wind being what they were at that time). There is no such thing as ‘choice’.
You are the hope of the world. Trust in patience, it houses every wisdom.
May this be a computer-virus-like brain-washing that instantly affects the reader with divine patience, giving them the ability to be perpetually ready to dance with the whole of the universe.
Truly, if you are going to protest anything, protest pride, as it is the first lie; the state that all lies must come through. Pride is ‘pretending ego can have a will apart from the will that made it’ (every ‘choice’ is determined by who the person is when the ‘choice’ was made and every coin-toss is determined by thumb and wind being what they were at that time). There is no such thing as ‘choice’.
You are the hope of the world. Trust in patience, it houses every wisdom.