Lawful Revolution
(or Do You, Really, Want To Save The World?) #1
If you think anger has other uses beyond inspiring us to
figure out how not to be angry then you're deceived.
In a contest with violence only more violence wins. Ask
yourself, if you're so ready to die for the cause why not just put yourself in
the line of fire and give the attackers something to really think about-
someone who cannot hate them, fearlessly enjoying the beautiful surrealness of the moment, offering their life so that the
greatest thing can be shown- that there is nothing to be afraid of.
Lawfully speaking, in
Ultimately, it is through naivety of what God is that people
think they can get away with bending the Rule of Law with precedents. Added
with a culture that, through exemplifying 'diversity', has become deluded into
thinking truth can be subjective, it becomes a life's work to find an
articulation of God that can pass through conditioned defenses.
So, patience be with us...
Have you ever smiled? Are you breathing? Could the 'now' be
anything else?
If someone says something is true and it isn't, it means
they're wrong or lieing.
Many people are wrong. Many people lie.
There exists a point in every brain that can absolutely know
if it doesn't know whether or not it knows... the point being, to be able to
trust one's own mind to know absolutes.
Do psychedelic drugs and think about fate- you will see the
whole of God- patience be with you.
Smarter than hate. Fearlessly and lovingly asserting the right to live. Unto Death.