I don’t use money...
and I'm of a mind that everyone who contents themself with trying to
maintain a financial state is contenting themself with laziness... aka Nazis.
Stop using money.
There is nothing more important than knowing that 'predestiny' is real and absolute-
in that is truly the end of fear.
Consider that a thing can only be a product of it's experience or be a
useless goof.
Content yourself with pride and I call you out. Content yourself with pride
and you are a flailing child without worthy opinion.
Pride is goofy. Proud is the last thing anyone of consciousness wants to be.
Pride is a lie. Give me my due by considering what I say, lest you be
totally without honour... Predestiny is real and absolute. Free-will is not
real. Whatever is perceived as a 'choice' can only ever be experience reacting
to the now.
This is about everything.
Consider me. NOW. There is nothing more important than this. This is the
truth that saves.