On The Mountaintop
With God's Eyes
Looking out from the mountaintop I see much and only measure
by the intensity of the things that attract my attention.
I see a giant fractal phenomenon, imbued with a diversity of
wind... a multitude of points of light, that, in
flowing, swish the winds around them. Some of these points of light think they
exist apart from the giant fractal phenomenon which, in turn, creates drama.
I see confused angels looking for, and always testing, dance
I see the strength of truth and the manic fear of it.
I see humility and the place of impossible doubt.
I see myself.
I see grandness and simplicity.
I see longing. I see every answer residing in patience.
I see rare weirdness that is given due consideration.
I see freedom, unavoidable freedom.
I see a pacifying of the anxious.
I see the way of communication become obvious. I see the
I see the spirit of patience and the peace of its
I see all the angels that look to the mountaintop and know
them to be me.
I see the world. I see the devil and its purpose to inspire
the imagining of Hell.
I see a Crown waiting to be humbled.
I see average Joe remembering he is me, with the wisdom of
the highest and the humility to trust in the light of being so as to not get
trapped in doctrine.
I'm seeing a miracle. I'm seeing the glorious adventure of
those who would be alive to see the first days of Heaven on Earth.
I see the question changing from "What choice will best
serve rightness?" to "How could we have ever believed we made choices?"
I see a tired ego named David wishing you all peace and
inspiring dreams.