I consider this writing the pleasure of playing a flute. As good as it's to share, it's as good to practice sharing.
The ability to edit a piece brings the question of, how was it not ideal in one's perception in the first place- sometimes, it seems, the problem is that we have a hard time maintaining the contentment of the perfection that is perpetual (this question goes to- Why motion? Apparently we are love). Our anguish only in our self-disappointment because we know fear is shameful. Look past and transcend. The truth is always there- it is only clouded sometimes by lies.
Patience was made for you.
Patience be with us all. May we enjoy being the hero.
Find your trust to find the nature of trust itself. Have much patience because sometimes everything DOES change, and we all move, inspired to feed our children honour.
in prettiness and dance,
David Arthur Johnston
Victoria, BC, Canada
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