To the legitimate DAVID / From Citizen MAYFLY
“Now that we are poor … we
are free!”
SITTING BULL upon entering Canada
The demand for ‘a sign’
spells out the end of faith.
Das Böseste ist notig zu des
Übermenschen Bestem.
(The greatest evil is
necessary for the Superman’s best.)
ZARATHUSTRA, (Nietzsche, Friederich)
He who knows not how to rule
his inner self
would gladly rule his
fellow men
according to his own
arrogant conceit.
GOETHE, Johann Wolfgang von
In vain doth Valour bleed
while Avarice, & Rapine
share the land.
Every man is the son of his
own works.
These common, vulgar people
who know not the LAW
be damned![2]
GOSPEL of St. JOHN the DIVINE 7:49
being ‘Concerned with the Parable
of the Rich Man
Dives Nimeusis, called
Liberalis the Libertine;
& On the circumstance of
the Death of the beggar Freedom.’
GOSPEL OF LUKE 16:19 – 31.
Lazar & Dives lyveden
& divers gerdon hadden
they therby.
CHAUCER, The Summoner’s Tale, 1877, 78.
In the Name of the One True GOD,
Most Gracious, Ever Merciful.
O Hear : The Lord Our GOD, the Lord is One.
Proclaim : GOD is Most Great! GOD is Most Great!
Testify : There is no GOD but He - the Living, the Eternal, the Almighty,
the Immaterial, the All-Powerful, the All-Prevading & Benevolent,
the Omnipotent Lord of the Worlds, the Author of Heaven & earth
in accordance with the requirements of MA’Āt - truth, justice, righteousness, & wisdom.
Praise belongs to GOD, the Creator of Life & death
in Whose Hand is dominion & irresistible power,
Holy Is He, & Exalted far above that which we associate with Him:
the Peaceful, the Faithful, the Guardian over His servants,
the Shelterer of the orphan & the widow, the Guide of the erring,
the Deliverer from every affliction, the Friend of the bereaved,
the Consoler of the broken-hearted & the Reliever of all distress;
in His Hand is good, & He Is the Generous Lord,
the Hearer, the Near-at-Hand, the Compassionate, the Very-forgiving,
whose love for man is more tender than that of a mother-bird for her young.
'Tis He we worship & He we ask for help.
Is He not closer than the vein of thy neck? Thou needest not
raise thy voice, for He Knoweth the secret whisper, & what is yet more hidden.
He Knows what is in the land & in the sea; no leaf falleth but He Knoweth it;
nor is there a grain in the darkness under the earth,
nor a thing green or sere, but it is recorded : in the sight of the Lord
All Men are Equal. The Decree of God Is at hand, so seek ye not to hasten It.
He sends down His Angels with Revelation by His Command
on whomsoever He Pleases, directing : Thou art man!
Cry - recite in the Name of thy Lord
Who Created everything!
Who created man from a clot of coagulated blood - from a drop of fluid.
Cry! for Thy Lord is Wondrous Kind & Most Beneficent,
Who by the pen hast taught mankind things they knew not (being blind).
Who points out the right way, for some ways are devious: the straight path
of those whom He Hast Favored, not the crooked nor the corrupt path
of those whom have incurred His Anger nor of those whom have gone astray.
Had He enforced His Will, He would have guided us all.
To everyone WE Have Given a Law & a Way ... & if WE Had Pleased,
WE Would Have Made you, all mankind, one people - but Have Done otherwise, that
WE Might Try you in that which WE Have Given unto thee : wherefore
press forward unto good works. Unto US thou shalt return,
& WE Shall Tell you that concerning which thou dost disagree.
WE have created man committed to toil. Does he think
no one has power over him? He says: I have spent
enormous wealth. Does he think no one watches him?
Have WE not given him two eyes, & a tongue & two lips,
& pointed out to him the two highways of good & evil?
Prostrate thyself & draw near to US.
Extol the perfection of GOD the Most Great.
All who are in Heaven & Faithful on the earth celebrate
OUR Praises - & the birds, too, spreading out their wings; each one knoweth its prayer
& praise. Thanks be to OUR Lord; He Is the Adorable, and only to be adored.
OUR Lord, the Ever-Existing, the Cherisher, the True Sovereign
whose mercy & might overshadow the universe,
the Regulator of the world, & the Light of Creation. His Is our worship;
He Existed before all things, & will exist after all that is living hast ceased.
Thou Art to be adored, my Lord; Thou Art the Master, the Loving ... O my Lord,
Thou Art present everywhere to help & protect Thy servants ... O my Lord,
Thou Art & I it am only created, the beseecher, the sinner. O my Lord,
grant me the Love of Thee, & Grant that I may Love Thee,
Grant that I may Love those that Love Thee.
Grant that I may do the deeds that win Thy Love.
Make Thy Love to be dearer to me than the love of self, family or than wealth.
. . .
READ: EXODUS Ch. 3 & JOB Ch. 21.[5]
If there is no God, then the
Citizen has no God-Given rights.
What can man do to me?
I spread out my hands towards You – my body
to You,
Like earth’s dust!
PSALMS 143:6
Return to Dust, O sons of men.[6]
In the beginning & at the Glory there was Divus Nimeusis, called Liberalis,
a certain rich man[7] with sheep, goats & cattle, as well as silver & gold,[8]
claiming to be Supreme
High Priest of the nation & an incarnation of god
whom the people had to obey in everything,
& upon whom was conferred a set of gold tableware
& the title "Friend[9] of the Crown," an honorary designation
for a companion who at times executed confidential orders,
with an authorization to drink[10] from gold cups,
all government contracts were drawn up[11] in his name;
& he had the right to wear royal robes of red[12]
& white & blue that reached to his feet,
a cloak of fine linen[13] dyed of a violet & purple hue,
woven by skilled weavers, costly & rare,
& a tunic of exceedingly fine & valuable textile,
flaxen fiber known to the ancients as Byssus,
clean shining fabric of dazzling whiteness
washed in a pool of sweet-water with frankincense
& exchanged for its weight in gold.
With it too the heathen idols[14] were clothed,
& with silver from Tarshish & with gold from Auphaz,
all the work of artists: a magnificent gold crown
& a gold chain of honor around his neck,
a belt of fine gold about his chest
& the gold shoulder buckle awarded to "Relatives of the Crown."[15]
Not so arrayed only on high day's feasts,
this pride & luxury he freely bestowed upon himself
as his ordinary apparel & he lived in luxury & mirth,
& sumptuous fare was his every day’s entertainment;
a figure of indolence & self-indulgence, feeding
on exotic & expensive gourmet dishes at ecstatic communal meals,
the image of gluttonous frenzy, lasting
all night, being furnished to the full with all things necessary
for a life of luxury : a host of attendants[16] waiting on his every caprice.[17]
GOD Hā-Mīm.
‘Ain. Sin. Qāf. IS the Source of Mercy
At the rich man's gate, in the vestibule
immediately between the entrance-door & the interior
ante-chamber to the porch of his palace,
a certain beggar named Simon al-Eazarus, which means Freedom, was flung;
brought tither by the last who took any care of him on earth
& whom with this released themselves of their charge,
counting they'd done enough, having cast him
under the eye & upon the pity of one so abundantly able
to relieve him: & Simon al-Eazarus, called Magus,[18] who lay there long enough
for Liberalis the Libertine, as he went in & out,
to have grown so familiar with him that he recognized him;
but he was proud & stubborn because he had plenty to eat
& lived in peace & quiet, though he did not
& did things that GOD A VOICE Speaking Out in the midst OF FIRE did hate. But he attempted not
the scaling of the height. How shouldst thou know what
the scaling of the height is? It is the freeing of a slave, or
feeding on a day of scarcity, an orphan near of kin, or
a poor person reduced to penury; & to be of those who believe
& exhort one another to steadfastness
& exhort one another to Mercy. These are the People of MΩ’Ān.[19]
So woe to those who deny OUR Signs[20] are the people of 'the left'.
They will be chastised with furnace fire. Ignorance
of the beggar's need he could ne'er plead
for his only crime having been the leisure of his wealth:
"Th'art none of my brother, Freedom, that lies begging at my door;
no meat nor drink will I give thee, nor bestow upon the poor."
(Then) which of the favours of your Lord will you deny?
He should not have remained unacquainted with the want
& woe at his doors ... shut out from human fellowship
& human pity, desiring, but in vain to be fed,
longing to eat what scraps fell from the rich man's table.
(At this time, there was neither cutlery nor napkins,
food was eaten with the hands &, in the very wealthy houses,
the hands were cleansed by wiping them on hunks of bread, & then
the bread was thrown away. It was this bread that Simon al-Eazarus was waiting for.)
& it fell out upon a day, rich Divus Liberalis[21] ... he made a feast,[22]
& he invited all his friends, & gentry of the best.
Seventy-seven kings with their thumbs & big toes cut off,[23]
a large crowd who delighted in walking around in their long-flowing robes,
doing nothing to spread among the heathen[24]
True Knowledge of the Name TA’Ωd
who picked up the scraps under the table & refused
the crumbs. Strangers from the covenant of promise,[25]
they lied & shewed no kindness nor pity for others;
instead of sharing with those that needed it most,
no man gave: thinking, instead, of more ways to do evil
in disobedience & without conscience.
Loving to greet & address each other in the marketplace,
& secure the front seats & the places of honour at the banquets,
& gossip[26] & speak evil of one another,
exchanging the True Knowledge about GOD DA’Ωt fo’eth a lie:[27]
so given over to corrupted minds … to worship & serve
what Immortal GOD I WAS a Hidden Treasure & Desired To Be Known Hasth Created
instead of the Creator Himself, Whom Is to be Praised[28]
forever![29] Amen.
So given over to do those filthy things
their hearts desired,
filled with all kinds of wickedness:
because they do this, GOD because Of Thy Pleasure hasth given them over
to shameful, burning passions
perverting their nature by unnatural acts
of evil & greed & vice. You know
GOD's Nūn LAW [30] says that people who live in this way deserve death.[31]
Yet not only do they continue to do these very things,
but they even approve of others who do them.[32]
The neglect & cruelty of the rich man, Divus Nimeusis, had no alleviations
for Simon al-Eazarus' woe, exaggerating all the worst within himself & more
terrible ... he locked the door in the people's faces, but did not himself go in,
nor allow those who were trying to enter
in to the Kingdom of Heaven. An hypocrite
who took advantage of widows & robbed orphan's
of their homes, making a show of saying[33] long prayers
& boasting[34] about GOD Behold! US … the sure reality : he will be punished most severely.
Then Liberalis sent out his hungry dogs, to bite him as he lay.
The hungry lazar, fully covered with ulcerated sores over his body[35]
& in the extremity of weakness
to which disease & hunger had reduced him,
found sympathy only from the dumb, unclean animals who pestered him, snarling
dogs wandering about through the streets of the city,
roaming about for food & growling
as if they did not find enough[36] But
they had no power to bite at all & licked the sores away,
their moist, smooth tongues assuaging
rather than exasperating the smart of the wounds:
the time came, as it fell out upon a day,
when the poor beggar, the picture of helplessness & abject poverty,
Freedom, sickened & died;
& a single blast of trumpet sounded,
& earth & mountain heaved up & crushed in a single crash,
on that day the great event came to pass;
& the heaven cleaved asunder & appeared very fragile on that day,
& the stars scattered, & the rivers diverted, & the grave was laid open:
the angels standing on its sides,
then came two angels out of Heaven,[37]
his soul therein to guide. "Rise up, TĀbŪt.[38]
O rise up Brother Freedom, & go along with us; for you've a place
prepared in Heaven, for you to sit on an angels knee."
& his righteous soul was by the angels carried
& safely borne ... brought to sit down
at the chiefest of places of honor & fidelity,
to this haven of rest & consolation in the midst of lofty gardens,
the clusters of whose fruits will be within easy reach,
& springs, under the Throne of Glory
where the light of the sun reflected
by the Prophet's side -
Peace be upon You, O Prophet of God Almighty Most High" –
whom Our Father hadst prepared
in Paradise & made known at the Feast
where all those who worship & obey will have plenty
to eat & drink in the Kingdom of GOD Sieg und Hiel in Heaven
where the faithful cast anchor & are in quietness
of an innermost communion of grace (& peace) & truth of MA'Āt,
& are at peace after all the small & temporary troubles
we suffer, the storms of life
brought to a tremendous & eternal glory,
much greater than the troubles, our belief encouraged
& strengthened, protected by GOD Blessed Be & remaining true
to the faith. Never suffering torment
having proclaimed GOD's A.L.M.R. WORD & having been faithful
in witnessing to a sweet & joyful painless expectation
of blissful repose, giving thanks to GOD's ‘Taq-wāid Great Mercy
by raising from death. Filled with living hope
& looking forward to possessing the rich blessings
GOD IZ’KA keeps for His People in Heaven,
where they cannot decay or spoil or fade away;
they are for those who through faith are kept safe
by GOD's ZIKR Power for the Salvation which is ready to be
filled at the end of time.
On that day you will be presented before GOD Tā-Hā
& no secret action of yours will remain hidden from you.[39]
He who is given his record in his right hand will say: Come read
my record: I knew I would meet my reckoning.
So he will have a delightful life. Be glad about this,
even though it may be now necessary for us to be sad
for a while ... because of the many trials[40] we suffer -
their purpose is to prove that our faith is genuine.
Even silver is purified by fire, & gold,
which can be destroyed , is tested by fire, & so your faith,
which is more precious than gold, must also be tested,
so that it might endure & prove to be
as pure as refined gold. Then you will receive praise
& glory & honor on the Day of Revelation.
You will be told: Eat & drink without care,
because of that which you did in days gone by.
You love GOD Tā. Sīn. Mīm. though you have not seen Him[41]
& you believe in Him, although you do not now see Him:
so rejoice a great & glorious joy
which words cannot express, because you are receiving
the Salvation of your Souls,
which is the purpose of your faith in Him. Then,
those who are now last will be first
& those who are now first will be last
& the wicked are afflicted with horrible & frightful dreams.[42]
But he who is given his record in his left hand will say:
Would that my death had made an end of me.
The wicked tell GOD Tā. Sīn. to leave them alone;
they don't want to know His will for their lives.
They think there is no need to serve the ONE TRUE GOD WORD [43]
nor any advantage in praying to Him. They claim
they succeed by their own strength, but
their way of thinking I can't accept.
Was a wicked man's light ever put out?
Did one of them ever meet with disaster?
Did GOD Praise Be to GOD ever punish the wicked in anger
& blow them away like straw in the wind, or
like dust carried away in a storm? You claim
GOD O mankind! punishes a child for the sins of a father. No!
GOD seest thou didst not bring disaster on their homes;
they never had to live in terror. Yes,
all their cattle bred & gave birth without trouble.
Their children run & play like lambs & dance
to the music of harps & flutes. They live out their lives
in peace & quietly die without suffering.
Let GOD whatever IS punish the sinners themselves;
let Him show that He does it because of their sins.
Let sinners bear their own punishment:
let them feel the Wrath of Almighty GOD ar-Rahimām
The Inevitable. What is the Inevitable?
What has made thee know what the Inevitable is?
When a man's life is over
does he really care whether his children are happy?
Can a man teach GOD O Prophet – ‘alyhi salām who judges[44]
even those in high places?
With many other words He warned & pleaded with them :
"Save yourselves from this corrupt[45] generation."
But alas! they rejected the warning of the calamity & will be destroyed
with a violent blast, by a fierce roaring wind
which I caused
to blow against them
for seven nights & eight days in succession,
so that thou mightest have seen Divus Liberalis, laying prostrate ...guilty
of sins, & he disobeyed the Messenger of the Lord,
He therefore inflicted a severe punishment on him.
The rich man also died & was buried:
there was not wanting: with great pomp & regal splendor
the long procession of the funeral solemnities
through the streets of the Holy City of Two-Fold Peace,
the crowd of hired mourners, those newly-wed & those nearly-dead,
the spices & ointments very precious
wrapping the body; nor yet the costly sepulcher,
on which the genial virtues of the departed were recorded.[46]
The splendid carrying of the forsaken tenement of clay
to the grave: awakening[47]
from his flattering dream of ease & self-enjoyment
upon the stern & terrible realities of eternity.
Then came two serpents out of hell,
his soul therein to guide, commanded: Seize him & fetter him;
& bind him with a chain of seventy-seven links, & cast him into hell.
He did not believe in GOD Kāf. Hā. Yā. ‘Ain. Sād. of vast power,
& did not urge the feeding of the poor. He has, therefore, no friend
here today; nor any food except the corruption
that flows from the bodies of the damned, which none but sinners eat.
In hell, the place of painful restraint
where devils & demons prayed they might not be sent
to be imprisoned in the depths of the abyss until final judgment
to be cast with death to the Devouress in the Lake of Fire,
where his wicked soul was in torments, judged
according to what he had done & punished
with sufferings stored up for him, grown old
& prosperous, enough for his children & some
left over for his children's children.
Stripped of all wherein his soul delighted,
his purple robe, a garment of fiery flame,
the rich man with hungry longing & unsatisfied desire
of the soul, having planted in the field of his natural desires
& gathering from it the harvest of second-death,
lifted his eyes & looked up to seeth the Prophet - "Salam.
Peace be upon You, O Prophet of God Almighty Most High" -
afar off, with the beggar Simon al-Eazarus, called Magus, by his side,
who planted in the field of the Spirit
& from the Spirit gathered the harvest of Eternal Life:
happy & humble in His bosom, comforted,
a child of GOD al-Hāqqa pure in heart. Saved
from those who in this life have all they want
& with death, an eternal separation
of natural affinity in this world mingled & confounded.
He who sowed the perfectly good seed is the Son of Man;
the field is the World; the perfectly good seed is the people
who belong to the Kingdom; while the weeds are the people
who belong to the Evil One; & the enemy
who sowed the weeds is the Devil.
The harvest is the completion of the age
& the harvest reapers are the Angels.
Just as the weeds are gathered up & burned in the fire,
so the same thing will happen at the end of the age:
the Son of Man will send out his angels to gather
up out of the fire his Kingdom.
& all others who do evil things
will be thrown into the fiery furnace,
where they will cry weeping & gnash their teeth.[48]
Then GOD's Iz-zikr People Will Shine out like the sun
in their Father's Kingdom like the light of the stars
that never die. Listen, then, if you have ears:[49] but
how terrible for Divus Nimeusis, calling himself Magus,
who had an easy life; thinking to escape punishment,
called out & said to Him, "O father: O prophet ... mercy.
Have pity on me." – for he still clung to the hope
that his fleshy privileges would profit him,[50]
not perceiving that this, which was his glory once, was
now the very stress of his guilt.
So shrunken were his desires, so low his highest hope
& he cried, "Send Freedom to dip the tip of his finger[51]
in water & cool my tongue, because I am in great anguish
because of my punishment, & in agony
tormented in this fiery flame." (A purifying fire
purging away the drossity of his abundance.)
But the Prophet – “Salam.
Peace be upon You, O Prophet of God Almighty Most High” - replied,
"Son, remember doing those things showing you had turned from your sins:
that in your lifetime you received your reward, & enjoyed
those few good things with temporal benefits; but
did not acknowledge Our Father who always rescued us
for whom in His Justice He Reserveth eternal damnation,
as due wages, by that Justice, of their graceless impenitency.
Spawn of Vipers,[52]
you thought it perfectly natural & inevitable that a beggar shouldst lie at thy door
in pain & hunger, accepting him as part of the landscape,
whilest thou didst wallow in luxury; &, although, thou wert not deliberately cruel
to him ... it was what you did not do that got you into thine goal, hell.
Thou didst look upon the world's suffering & need, & feel no answering
sword of grief & pity pierce thine heart.
Our LORD gave us just One Commandment TAO [53] but thou didst disobey it,
& Our LORD immediately hast made thee & thine descendants subjects to death.
From Adam[54] were born out of number … nations, tribes, clans, & families.
He created everything[55] so that it might continue to exist,
& everything He created is wholesome & good.
There is no deadly poison within them. No,
death does not rule[56]
... this World
is for GOD
justice does not die.
Ungodly people have brought death on themselves
by the things they have said & done.
They yearn for death as if it were a lover.
& it is just what they deserve.[57] It is just ... what you deserve!
The LORD is not slow to do what He has promised,
as some think. Instead, He was patient with you,
because He does not want anyone to be destroyed,
but wants all to turn away from their sins.
He punisheth those remnants of sin that are in godly men[58]
with those temporal afflictions, for whom yet in His Mercy
only He Reserveth Eternal Salvation, as the due wages,[59]
yet by that Mercy only, the good things
of thine, Divus Liberalis were temporal felicities.
GOD AΏm did not invent death & when living creatures die
it gives Him no pleasure.
"I do not want anyone to die," says the Sovereign LORD,
the Living GOD Us – a life containing souls - "the greater death of the Spirit.
I do not enjoy seeing a sinner die.
I would rather see him stop sinning & live – therefore[60]
turn & live!”[61]
Stop the evil you are doing. Why do you want to die?
You depend on the Law & boast about GOD Alif, Lām, Mīm, Sād :
you know what GOD Yā-Sin wants you to do,
you have learned from the Law to do what is right
& are certain in the Law you have full content
of knowledge & of truth. You preach, but
do you yourself practice what you preach?
You are doing what your father did.
GOD Sād Iself is the only Father
we have & we are His True Children.
If GOD EVER-LIVING really were your Father, you would love me,
because I IT AM NOW HERE Quickly Became
from GOD EVER-LOVING. I did not come on my own authority, but He sent me.
Why do you not understand what I say?[62]
Is it because you cannot bear to … Listen
to My Messenger! You are the children of your father,
Devil. Is it your desire to
practice the lusts of
your father.
It was the Devil's jealousy that brought death
into the World, & those who belong to the Devil
are the Evil Ones who will die. Don't think you can escape punishment.[63]
now is comforted
here, returned from the place where souls are judged
to testify of the greatness of the rewards of the just,
& to the dreadfulness of the doom of sinners:
you whom are in agony, tormented:
& besides all this, betwixt US & you a great chasm has been fixed,
so that those who want to go from here to you cannot,
nor can anyone cross over from there to US.
Then Divus Nimeusis,[64] answered, "Then I beg you, prophet.
I pray you send Freedom to my father's house
inasmuch as I have FIVE brothers [65] that he may so testify
so that they will not also come to this place of torment.
Let him warn them."
But the Prophet - Salam.
Peace be upon You, O Prophet of Our Father in Paradise - replied,
"My son, they have the legitimate king & the prophets; let them hear them."[66]
& then answered the Libertine:
"No. No, father! but if one go to them from the dead, they will repent."
& then said the Prophet - Salam.
Peace be upon You, O Prophet of Our Father in Paradise -
"It is the plain fact
that if men possess the truth of GOD's A.L.M. WORD,
& if, wherever they look, there is
sorrow to be comforted, need to be supplied, pain to be relieved, & if
it moves them to no feeling & to no action, nothing will change them;
they will not believe GOD's A.L.R. WORD
as spoken by the legitimate king & the prophets,
neither would they be persuaded even if one were to rise from the dead."
& why would they believe[67]
messages from fortune tellers & mediums who chirp & mutter.
They will say, in their hearts, that there is no god,[68]
"After all, people should ask for messages from the spirits
& consult the dead on behalf of the living.
Hearken ye who disbelieve![69]
I do not worship as you worship, nor do you worship as I worship.
I do not worship those that you worship, nor do you worship Him Whom I worship;
that is because you follow one faith & I follow another Faith.[70]
But when GOD I It Am Jealous I Raised him from death three days later
& caused him to appear not to everyone, but
only to witnesses that God I It Am What I It Am had already chosen,
that is, to us who ate & drank
with him after he rose from death. And
to the people & to testify that He is the ONE [71]
whom GOD quickly become Has Appointed judge
of the quick & the dead.[72] All
the prophets spoke about Him, saying,
"It was intended,[73] everyone whoever so believeth in Him,
though dead,[74] will have his sins forgiven
through the power of His Name jalla jalāluh & have eternal life.”
Jesus wept [75]
So be it: "Would that I had not been given my record, nor known
what my reckoning was. My wealth is of no avail to me,
& my power has perished."
Woe unto me! would that I were [mere] dust.
Shall we receive good at the
& shall we not receive
the Huzite
O Lord! Grant me firmness in faith & direction.
Assist me in being Grateful to Thee & in Adoring Thee in every good way.
I ask Thee for an innocent heart, which shall not incline to wickedness.
I ask Thee for a true tongue.
I pray Thee to defend me from that vice which Thou Knowest,
& for forgiveness of those faults which Thou Knowest.
O my Defender! assist me in Remembering Thee & being Grateful to Thee,
& in Worshipping Thee with an excess of my strength.
Forgive me out of Thy Loving Kindness, & have Mercy on me; for verily
Thou Art the Forgiver of offences & the Bestower of Blessings on Thy servants.
Forgive me Lord of lords of mankind - pity a poor sinner.
Forgive me King of kings of mankind - pity a poor beggar.
Forgive me GOD Falaq of gods of mankind against the mischief of every sneaking whisperer,
the accuser, who whispers into the minds of Thine Chosen People, the Faithful
& the True Believers
Osanna. Osanna. Osanna.
Kodesh. Kodesh. Kodesh.
S’al-a’men. S’al-a’men. S’al’amen.
[1] The expulsion of the Dakota Souix from the Grand-Mothers promise precipitated ‘the Wounded Knee massacre.’
[2] Cf. JOHN 1:18. “No one has seen GOD …” See, also, al-Q’uran, Sura II:260.
[3] TOLSTOI, Diary: 21, April 1855. Religion, as long as it is religion, cannot, by its very essence, be subject to authority … Religion negates temporal authority (war, torture, plunder, theft, everything bound up with government. Cf. Sūra III:141 – 143. “GOD‘s object also is to purge those that are true in Faith & to deprive of blessing those that resist Faith. / Did ye think that ye would enter Heaven without GOD testing those of you who fought hard (in His Cause) & remained steadfast. / Ye did indeed wish for Death before ye met Him: now ye have seen Him with your own eyes, (& ye flinch)!”
[4] Cf. REV 10:11. “You must again prophesy against races, & nations, & languages, & many kings …” [a higher peace & delight in war & carnage. We’ll redden iron with blood.]
[5] JOB 5:1. “Call now! who will answer to you? & to whom of the saints will you turn?” Cf. Sūra II:260 “Behold! Abraham said: “My Lord! show me how thou givest life to the dead …” Also, EZEK 37:1 – 10 & EZEK 1:12 – 20.
[6] PS 90:4. Cf. GEN 2:7.
[7] JOB 1:7, 2:2. “… going to & fro in the earth, & walking up & down in it – backwards & forwards … throughout the land.” Cf. Sūra IX:2.
[8] GEN 13:2. “& Abraham was very rich in cattle, silver, & gold.” Cf. JAMES 5:1 – 6. “Now, come on, you rich! Weep & howl over your hastening miseries! … He did not resist you!”
[9] 1 MACC 10:20. “… & require thee to take our part, & keep friendship with us.”
[10] Cf. GEN 26:32. 1 MACC 11:58.
[11] Cf. The legend of “The Pied Piper of Hamelin” (1284): honor among thieves … Also, Sūra VII:36. “… Companions of the Fire, to dwell therein (for ever).”
[12] ESTH 8:15. “… & the City of Satisfaction shouted & rejoiced.”
[13] 1 MACC 11:43. “…GOD Will Cover with shame those who reject HIM.” Cf. Sūra IX:2.
[14] JER 10:11. “… These gods who made neither heaven nor
earth, shall perish from below, & from under the sky.” FF A verse in Chaldee, not Hebrew, & probably a
commentators note …
[15] REV 1:12 - 13. “I accordingly turned to see the voice which
spoke to me …” Cf. DAN 5:7; 10:5. Also, s. IX:2. “… but know ye that ye cannot frustrate GOD (by your
falsehood); but that GOD
with shame those who reject Him.”
[16] Sūra IX:8. “… most of them are rebellious & wicked.”
[17] Sūra V:90. “… for GOD loveth not those given to excess.”
[18] See JOB Ch. 3. Cf. DEUT 4:24,* 5:24 - 26, 9:24, 25, 11:25; Sūra VII.44 – 46, 50; Sūra XIV:48, 50, 52; &, Sūra XXIII:104. Also see, J. G. Fraser, The Golden Bough, LXII § 3: “They leap through the flames, saying, ‘May the hemp grow high…’ & ‘I leave my sins behind me:’ [worshipping Greek fire – cf. Sūra IX:17].”
[19] Sūra
CVII. Cf. Sūra IV:98. “Except, those who are (really) weak &
oppressed – men, women, & children – who have no means in their power …” through
physical, mental, or moral incapacity unable – must content to put up with
evil, just guarding from it : GOD’s Gracious Mercy will recognize & forgive if it is real
weakness. If we look to the Ultimate
Cause of all things, all things come from GOD.
In GOD’s
Hand is All-Good.
[20] Sūra IX:9, 12. Also, s. VII:50, 146, 147; &, s. LXXXVIII:28, 30, 32, 34, 36.
[21] Read Sūra II:§’s 35 – 39.
[22] REV 19:9. “Happy are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb.” REV 19:17. “Come, be collected for the great banquet of GOD: so that you may devour the flesh …”
[23] Cf. JUDG 1:7. “… as I did GOD has repaid me!”
[24] Cf. ROM 2:18. “… being taught by The LAW.”
[25] Cf. EPH 2:12. “… not having ‘a hope’ & without (a) GOD in the universe. “
[26] Cf. ROM 2:21 – 24. “… through you the Name of GOD is defamed among the heathen.”
[27] MARK 12:38 – 40.
[28] ROM 1:18 – 32. “The Righteous shall live by Faith …”
[Faith & good works are not enough. Cf. 1 COR 13:13.]
[29] REV 4:11.
[30] Cf. MATT 22:36 – 38.
[31] Cf. LUKE 20:46, 47. “… such will receive the severest punishment.” Also, MATT 23:1 – 26. “Woe to you!”
[32] MARK 12:38 – 40; ROM 1:23 – 32.
[33] Sūra IX:24.
[34] Sūra IX:26.
[35] ISA 1:6. “& from the foot sole to the crown is no health – but only wounds & bruises & festering sores, never cleansed nor wrapped up, & not softened with oils.”
[36] See, PS 59:14, 15. Cf. PS 122:2. “Our feet we set towards you Gates, O! City of Newly-Weds & the Nearly Dead.”
[37] EPH 2:17. “He announced the Good News of Peace to you - afar off – making gentle-lipped peace to [those] near & distant.” Cf. ISA 57:19.
[38] LUKE 23:42. “I tell you truly, today you shall be with ME in Paradise.” Cf. Sūra II:248.
[39] Cf. 1 COR 13:12 “… face to face.”
[40] Cf. 1 PET 1:6, 7. “On which account you should be exceeding glad …”
[41] Cf. PROV 1:7. “Respect for the Lord is the first-fruit of Wisdom …”
[42] 2 ESD 16:77. “- woe be unto them that are bound with their sins, & covered with their iniquities.”
[43] See, ISA 57:16 – 21.
[44] JOB 21:22. Cf. 1 PET 1:16. “Become Holy, for I Myself AM Holy.”
[45] ACT 2:40. “… perverse …” Cf. LUKE 6:24 – 26.
[46] PS 33:22. “Let your mercy Lord rest upon us, for our hope has been fixed upon you.”
[47] Sūra III:77.
[48] JAMES 2:13. “… for justice is merciless to him who has not practiced mercy; but mercy triumphs ovwer judgment.”
[49] MATT 13:37 – 43.
[50] Cf. 2 COR 4:17. “For the fleeting trifle our sufferings will acquire to us, in an immeasurable eternity, an unsurpassed load of glory; we, not looking at the seen, but at the unseen: for the seen is temporary, but the unseen eternal … [ACT 14:22 … & showing that it is necessary to endure many sufferings in order to enter the Kingdom of GOD.”
[51] Cf. JOHN 13:21 – 30.
[52] MATT 3:8.
[53] JOHN 13:34. “Thy Way - that ye love one another.” Also, 2 ESD 3:7.
[54] Abraham … father of JEW & ARAB.
[55] Sūra LI:56 – 60. “WE [Have only Created…] that may serve ME. No sustenance do I require of them, nor do I that they shouldst feed ME. For I AM that I AM Who Giveth (All) Sustenance – Lord of Power – steadfast (for ever). For the wrong-doers, their portion is like the portion of their fellows (of earlier generations): Then let them not ask ME to hasten (that portion)! Woe, then, to the unbelievers, on account of that Day of theirs which they have been promised! Punishment in the Hereafter, as well as punishment in this life.”
[56] WISDOM OF SOLOMON 1:13 – 16.
[57] Ibid. WISD 2:23, 24. “For GOD Created man to be immortal, & made He him to be an image of His Own Eternity. Nevertheless, the envy of the devil became death into the world: & they that do hold of his side do find it.”
[58] TOLSTOY : “Thus, when GOD wishes to punish, he can change the rich man to a pauper in an hour.”
[59] WISD 3:1 – 19. “… for horrible is the end of an unrighteous generation.”
[60] Cf. EZEK 18:30 – 32.
[61] EZEK 33:11. “Turn! Turn!”
[62] Cf. Gal 6:7 – 10. “Do not err; GOD cannot be deluded: for what a man sows, that he will also reap. If he sows for his sensuality, from that sensuality he will reap peredition; but sowing for the spirit, from the spirit he will reap eternal life. & acting nobly, we shall not suffer; for if we faint not, we shall reap at the right season. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all; but especially to those Citizens of the Faith.”
[63] JOHN 8:42 - 44.
[64] ISA 65:15. “To My Chosen your name shall be [left] as a curse.”
[65] REV 6:1 – 8. Cf. white, red, black, livid, & grave
… Also, cf. the five disciples
of the Muni (reclusive) Bodhisattva (incarnation of wisdom) – who, at length,
with fear & consternation, gradually relinquished worship of sensual gods
(& rites & sacrifices) – to devote themselves to virtue & the
general happiness of mankind.
[66] MATT 12:39. “But in reply He said, Does a depraved & debauched race ask for a Divine Sign? None, however, will be given it [other than the Sign of the prophet ZUN-NUN Jonas] …”
[67] ISA 8:19, 20. “When they say to you, Come to the Raisers of Spirits, & to those taught by Whisperers & the Entranced – shouldst not a people go to its GOD?” Plato’s legend of ‘the revenant’: a remarkable witness for the craving in the mind of man, that he who gives assurance of a world after death should have himself visited that world.
[68] 2 ESD 8:58. “Yea, & that knowing, they must die!”
[69] Cf. JOHN 5:30 – 47.
[70] Nature of faith as a moral act is not to be forced by signs or wonders, for where there is an determined alienation of Will & affections from Truth, no impression which miracles maketh, even as genuine, can be more than transitional.
[71] JOHN 12:13. “Hosanna! Bless the ONE.”
[72] ACT 10:40 – 42.
[73] JOHN 12:7.
[74] Cf. PLATO, Republic X.614 - Er the Pamphylion, returning from the place where souls are judged, to testify of the greatness of the rewards of the just, & the dreadfulness of the doom of sinners.
[75] JOHN 11:35.