This is a flyer for this POTLUCK

my friends and I are having for people concerned with the RIGHT TO SLEEP (or more to the point, under the government that people pay taxes to, the lack of it). On Friday, June 17th, 2005, at St. Saviour's Parish Hall (1 block down from your first right after the skateboarding park, going towards Esquimalt from downtown Victoria via the Johnson Street bridge) starting at 6:00 PM. It will be mildly informal (mayhaps with the assistance of a digital projector) and deal with general attitude and current policies that revolve around people sleeping outside, with suggestions of ways to counter any naïve injustices and news about current actions (ex. the Occupation of St. Ann's Academy) on this issue. 'Red herrings' and 'agent provocateurs' are welcome (it's always good to practice) as patience will be in the house.


This is made possible by the generosity of the rector of St. Saviour's, as he's volunteered the space, by passionate friends that see this is about everyone's freedom, and by you, the bringers of little bits of tasty food that amount to a giant feast when put all together.


I think it may be fun. Please come take issue and enjoy fellowship. Thank you.




Contact email (me- David Arthur Johnston)-


Interactive documentary on the 'Right to Sleep'-