Loves Violent Revolution
Had a talk with a fellow
today saying that however much we want to avoid a violent response to the
innate fascism of capitalism we may not be able to. I suggested to him that he
was only giving voice to his own fear of facing his personal responsibility. A
'personal responsibility' is as individual as any ego, though many egos share
similar delusions (A.K.A. the 'from birth' lies we are taught- that democracy
is good- that voting gives control- that food comes from the market- that money
is only a neutral tool- that the 'now' is come to through 'choices' and not
through an inevitable flow of a singular event that could be described as 'all
Instead many find that
they would rather rely on the tactics taught to us by the exact world we would
oppose. Instead of taking the moral responsibility to stop paying taxes we
would organize mass violent demonstrations that would see Grand Freemason
Temples and police stations themselves under siege... the adage is true- live
violently, die violently.
peaceful suggestion to this very imagined scenario comes simply- if one would
risk everything to counter a damning and torturous mentality why not risk
everything by living our lives while calmly disregarding the system that is
repressing the people. Stop paying taxes. Don't be afraid of getting arrested
again and again and again (even until you die) in not giving authority to the
government and all agents and agencies under the thing that calls itself the
When we
decry the brutality of the police remember that you may be decrying yourself,
if you are the one paying their salary--- it IS that simple.
and sow the seeds of good food. Practice patience so as to be able to face the
unknown. Support the notion of tent-city because it is these people who have
felt the brunt of the spite of capitalism. Consider that we help maintain this
world because we have been maliciously taught to specifically be afraid of
anarchy; consider that ‘anarchy’ may come to be a heart-achingly beautiful
word. The world of trust is real, as real as community.
in peace,
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