I Will Not Scurry to an
Unwelcome Place: Homeless Shelters and the Delusion of Pride
Fear of liability is innately
corrupt as fear is not excusable, we may empathize without sympathizing.
As it stands the 'homeless' (A.K.A.
those who by ANY fate find themselves sleeping outside in a 'city' environment)
are not given 'benefit of the doubt', are not being presumed innocence, in
their ability to sleep on 'public access' peacefully. For a want of a lie,
people suffer. Then we are told to scurry to an 'emergency' shelter when it is
cold, not knowing whether or not we'll be welcome.
Let me live. The question, for some,
then becomes 'Do I have the right to not use money?'... I would suggest that we
do not have the right to use it. It supports a prideful construct that would
see the enslavement and, eventual, destruction of all life (A.K.A. not only is
it lazy, it's stupid), when, at the same time food grows on trees and people
don't have to feel compelled to wake everything up that they see. Consider that
pride is a sin because that's exactly what you have to know to transcend fear.
Pride is a sin because it ignores the fact that everything is fated; that we do
not create, but are inevitable extensions extending into the future, swimming
in the whole of 'all motion' we reflect the infinite experience behind us.
Patience is good when giving due consideration to the suggestion that you are
God (something with no excuse for fear but laziness).
Time and circumstance has led us to
this point. In our naivety, we've justified our ignorance so far, in part by
using our children as excuses- taking the liberty of sacrificing their honour
for their lives. May every disharmony remind of patience. For our retardation
and for their resentment. May patience precede every judgment.
It doesn't cost anything to not kick
a sleeping guy. It doesn't cost anything to allow the loving support of a
kitchen and community.
The prideful are not afraid of more
crimes and drugs. The prideful are afraid that people will stop paying rent, and
they will. Apparently, when we're not striving to make money, we get much more
busy remembering the truth of the Garden of Eden.
cheers and love
this ego,
David Arthur Johnston
Victoria, BC, Canada