I Haven't Used
Money for Seven Years, Today
I probably have written an article on this day every year since that fateful afternoon. June 27th, 2003. Maybe they've said, already, mostly what I'm about to say.
In the last seven years the entire world has gone through a total mindfuck of delusion where most of the people are starting to see it for what it is, and many, as well, becoming exponentially adamant about justifying psychotic behaviour to survive in what could be called 'God's Great Test'. The knowledge of the universal parameter that evolves people into their superheroness being carefully tucked away on the other side of the fear of death. How exciting!
7 years of not using money. I am well loved. Surprisingly sane-ish if you ask anyone, sans concern of my 'preacher of fate' character and my messiah complex. Generally, I imagine I'm more sane than most people would expect someone to be under these conditions. In truth, I have had this whole 'legislated freedom' thing and all of the brilliant intrigue it has brought to help pass the time, so maybe my circumstance is rare and complex to define. I've enjoyed most significant karma... people make friends easier when they know you'll never jack them of their dough... which is also funny because my actions have directly cost people a lot of money.
It feels like an important day for me. A symbol of the day I was given the 'how'. Most of the time I don't think much about it... not using money has never really been an issue beyond being happy to be an example of that basic fact.
Tomorrow is the anniversary of my enlightenment. June 28th, 1997. When I saw truth for what it was... it is also my birthday... it is also the Governor General's birthday, who, I was happy to hear, is also named David Johnston (did you know that one of his titles is 'Commander-in-Chief of Canada'?).
The two best words for any true philosopher are fate and patience. In them is enough to save the world and your sanity. Patience be with you.
in loving the whole, whole loving, and hugging the whole universe with your invisible angel wings,
David Arthur Johnston
Home page- http://www.angelfire.com/apes/hatrackman
Journal of the Occupation of