I would love to sleep in a bed
but pride remains in the world.
I would love to marry a beautiful
lady and retire by the ocean
but pride remains in the world.
I would love to think on 'artistic
but pride remains in the world.
There is nothing worth contenting
ourselves with pride.
There is no love in pride (or more to the point- pride is love that has
forgotten it is love).
Are we men? Are we the things made
in 'God's image'? Are we content with anything less than a world of love? Are
we children so addicted to fear that we will condemn ourselves and those around
us before we take the responsibility of knowing love which is to be humble?
This is MY house and pride is
against ME and it cannot stand, so prepare for the adventure that is knowing
love in a time where love means work- it is a good thing that fun comes from
in love,