Are you a smart robot?




Are you a smart robot or do you act without knowing what you are and subsequently flail and enjoy the addiction to routine?... Do you believe in democracy? That the majority rules? If the majority voted to forcibly end homelessness by shipping people to camps will you turn your head and ignore or say that they brought it on themselves as you continue to pay taxes to the monster?


How much do you want truth? You will read this or you won't and there is nothing anyone can do to change their fate. So... I want to call you names if you pay taxes or vote, but you just don't know better... paying taxes and voting makes you a bad person- supporting a horror that will kill you if you don't bend to it's will. Your will can be the strongest in the universe.


Oh Christ. It's all so fucked. Just stop it. stop it. All the fucked horrible shit is your fault if you are paying taxes--- just stop it. We will save the world. We will be repressed and suppressed--- a real live war where the good guys invite themselves to be killed and still will not hate.


plant food everywhere


Heaven on Earth starts somewhere----------------------------------------------------------------------------


stop using money


love is


patience be with you




Victoria, BC, Canada