superdrunk fuckyou
alright... first
thing s first... fuck you, I'm superdrunlk
oh ya
this character I've
become... so much politics so much
bullshit... aopppaerntly the world( I mean billions of people) are under a
crazy delusion of separetness... yer god. fuckj you. whoa... Im stopping thpoo
think about thoughts so enough of that...
england city of
cvitoria fuck you crazy motherfuckers ... you don't own shit... no one owns
anyting... I hope stupid crown takes these words and uses them to prove how
much I am not worthy to fight for rithghts of all the other crazy delsusional
fucks out there... oh homelsess oh pity me i'm homeless fuck you. If you
support the cutity you are an idiot motherfucjk sonofa bitch goof fuck idiot...
really. your little lives of luxury are making me sick and raping the world...
RAPING RAPOE RAPE RAPE hold er down boys shes a fighter rape. lazy mother
fuckers. God is a fucking job. luxury industry- fuck you... no really yer a
piece of shit that deserves hell... and by hell I meamn a life of perpetual
horrow where your hopes are raised a;ways only to be cast aside... yer a fuck
if you work for the government... ac complete idoat. Taxpayers--- this should
be fun you mindless delsusional idot fucks. Taxpayers -t he foundATION OF
ETERNAL HELL oooh capslock--- is this rage... or is this drunk... is it real or
should it ve cast aside as something that has no worth... ???? well fuck you
anyway . is that rage? watching me and my friensd suffer because
people are having a hard time dealing with the fact that the crown is a
psychotic piece of
shit and all people
who follow her as well...? hard to say... easy to say that taxpayers are
maintaining hell. so FUCK YOU TAXPAYERS... fucking imbeciles... there is no
death idoits.... yer God... oh I am so not kidding or lieing or anything yer
God and you've never made achoice ever erverever evere ever. If you want to
know the meaning of life it is all in the while fate thing. You are your
experinec... figure it ourt. hopifully . love love and stuff... I'm a guy...
just a guy... most poeple want to think I'm crazy because I say I'm god and
stuff... well... fuck you.
In love.