The Only Way Out Of This One Is To Remember That You Are The Buddha
No attachments. Fearlessly facing the ego's mortality... and all that jazz. You probably already sort of know... you are the Buddha, after all... the soul of life reflected in the experiences of your body being given the gift of the illusion of suffering.
It means all the raz-ma-taz of the eternal beauty and love and such. That the 'now' is perfect and everything that can be perceived as 'evil' isn't really.
You can only remember you are the Buddha if you love truth. Only through experience can one eventually become inspired to love truth... luck, sort of. Being the Buddha is not a 'grand mystical experience'. It is just a thing that will be commonplace soon enough. Yes, you are God, and there is nothing special about that... there is nothing that is not God. One of the curses of remembering that you are the Buddha is putting up with all the other Buddhas that don't know they are the Buddha yet... the ones still addicted to fear and anger... the ones that adamantly insist that fear and anger are 'natural human emotions' and not just the conditioning brought about through lifetimes of attempting to justify laziness and psychotic behaviour...
Our 'human' preconceptions, very likely, may never happen. We may never see freedom and the planet may remain under the control of the retarded Buddhas until the planet, itself, dies... its hard to say. It is safe to say that whatever happens it is the only thing that can happen, as logic dictates that history determines the future and there is only one history. So we may see freedom yet. A world populated with life that is 'self-aware'.
Patience is key in self-realization because the trick is not just accumulation of information, but staying sane as you do. You may want it all, now... you might not get that desire. Does that mean you flail and smash everything? Maybe... hard to say. Part of my enlightenment included smashing stuff... though if we could not learn from other's experiences we would be surely lost.
You are the Buddha. Patience be with you.
in fate,
David Arthur Johnston - Victoria, BC, Canada -