[1] On AUGUST 12TH, 2009, I was arrested for breaching Judge
Blake's condition given to me, to not erect a temporary abode between the hours
of 7:00 AM and 7:00 PM (File No: 145835-1). It had a new file started for it
(File No: 148013). I plead guilty and was sentenced to 1 day in jail.
[2] On AUGUST 17TH, 2009, I was, again, arrested for
breaching Judge Blake's condition, plead guilty and was sentenced to 1 week in
jail (File No: 148024-1).
[3] On AUGUST 27TH, instead of the breach I was arrested for
having multiple 'no tents between 7:00 AM and 7:00PM' Bylaw tickets (File No:
1201:148095-1) and signed a UTA before pleading. It is this file I would have
moved to Supreme Court as it is being mismanaged by the City, and the
Provincial Court's bias towards me is 'legitimizing' the City's behaviour and
making a fair trial impossible.
[4] I've had an intimate relationship with the City, police
and the Provincial Court since early 2004 when I started challenging the Bylaws
that, de facto, guarantee a monopoly on sleep, here in Victoria, BC, Canada
(see The Journal of the Occupation of St. Ann's Academy- ). This has been a
dramatic campaign that has garnered high public exposure. It would be rare to find
someone in
[5] This process lead to myself and David Micheal Shebib
getting arrested for collection of multiple ‘no tents after 7:00 AM’ Bylaw
tickets on FEBRUARY 9TH, 2009, going to trial and being convicted 3 days later
on FEBRUARY 12TH, 2009. This is the matter being appealed (File No: 145835-1)
and is to proceed in the week of OCTOBER 26TH, 2009 (which will likely be
adjourned if the Appeal's Court is still deliberating on the City's appeal of
the Adams, ruling). My GROUNDS FOR APPEAL (see- ) also gives evidence to a
conspiracy to abuse process by two Provincial Court judges, one of whom
convicted me on AUGUST 17TH, 2009, opening speculation of bias.
[6] The appropriate course is to sentence me to the length of time that Judge Blake had sentenced me to probation. The City is guilty of unlawful arrest and confinement or is guilty of abusing process.