what hate
all is
love. In our naivety we think sometimes that love is fragile and in danger then
we 'hate' the thing that opposes it.
No person
is responsible for the thoughts they think (AKA being proud is the root
delusion- you are not the maker of your action, nor is anyone else. Everything
in the 'now' can only move the way its experience dictates... every thought,
every speck of dust). It is only people that don't know this base truth that
flail in their naivety. The way to peace is through understanding and
forgiving. There is no righteous justification for anger or fear (even if your
mother is being raped in front of you... warriors interject, they don't rage).
So... if
you are proud you are a retarded NAZI mother fucker, destroying the world
because you are afraid of the work involved in rather being dead than paying
The crown
brought the band councils and through those cursed the natives with thinking
pride brings them together in times of trouble. The crown purposely raped
thousands of native children to demoralize the culture. The crown purposely
destroyed the buffalo to control the food supply. If you pay taxes you adhere
to this mentality. Now that you know you can consider that even if there is no
other system to go to (actually, we can trust in anarchy) it would be better
that everything die than be condemned to eternal slavery...