Why Pride is Sin

There is an addiction to a notion called 'choice', which is when people think the ego can dictate the future. It is the reason why pride is a sin, and it is rampant.

Almost the entire human population of this planet thinks there is a moment between the past and the future where a human ego can 'choose'. Not based on the experience that lead them to the moment but based on some magic that allows them to pick one future or another by whim.

It is this delusion that masks the truth of the absurdities of fear and anger. That when we believe people make choices we allow for a 'righteous' spite against bad 'choices'. It allows us to 'choose' to not think about the meaning of life because we 'don't have the time' and that 'there are people who already have the job of figuring it out'. Which is funny because the people who have the job of figuring it out have established institutions that will fall when it is figured out, so, apparently, they lie and do not fit their job description.

  Is it so hard to consider that every action in the 'now' is only what it is because of the history that led to it, including the very thoughts being thunk right now?

  If a choice has a reason it is not a choice, and it means everything.

  Patience be with us all.