angels and
it is a love of truth
that separates
the angels from the witches
made crazy by Babylon
they go on
believing what is easiest
a world where
beauty is a curse
and a retarding effect
to presume the thought of babylon
residing in the all the boys
defences never let down
I was told once
that upon reaching middle age
women go crazy or go to God...
how can one be saved when one's liberation comes from the lie of 'individual truth'?
so we fuck the world
while we fuck
it burns and our only hope
is to fuck some more
we go to Hell.
then there's the angels...
the horror of having
true hope.
a way out of this hell
first it is in our heart-
we will endure and maintain our innocence.
second it is in community-
a place to love and dance from.
third it is in our mind-
how it is and how it comes and what it is, truly.
fourth, fifth and sixth we endure,
we endure
we endure
and dance like the loveninjamonkeys that we really are
the buddhafish that hold every brain.
did you choose to read this?
can you imagine all people
loving understanding
and understanding
that you are 'being there now'
and could be no where else...
just like everything else.
People are afraid to focus
on the fact
that they are God
You are God... or more,
God is you.
God is every cop, murderer, rapist and junky
God is you and your friends and siblings
God is your grandpa and grandma
God is every person that swears they are not God.
The now can only go in one direction
and even God doesn't make choices
God is love and cannot die
God cannot die and is alone
In the name of love satan was invented
to give God the illusion of mortality and drama
the devil can only do what it was instructed to do-
to raise suffering to its height
so that we may see its absurdity-
to objectify it all,
and therefore transcend.
and we sell our souls so that our children will be forced to sell theirs...
how much do we risk?
how far will we go to make sure
our children may know freedom?
All the way.
patience be with us