The Reality of
Good day. Patience be with
us all.
Master spin-doctors will be
best served when aware of the fated nature of all motion. This letter, itself,
as an example- knowing that I am not choosing to write, but instead, am acting
as a conduit of the eternal motion that has no beginning.
It is when one is humble
that they emanate the consciousness of the whole (which is the singular soul of
love)... so, if all is love then what is that stuff that tries to make like it
is not love? It is the adventure that love has given itself- to blind itself of
its nature so it may have the adventure of finding itself... mayhaps members of
your order are already aware of some of this?
So, with humility there can
be no trauma that cannot be seen objectively and with patience there is no
trauma that can overwhelm one's access to humility. It is by nature that, once
one objectifies hate (seeing its absurdity), they cannot be hated.
When all the cards are on
the table the transcendent invariably outshines all the ignorance and darkness
put together. So, any who would test this, to the end will try to believe that
redemption is impossible and flail in a downward spiral causing as much
disruption as possible in the attempt to separate themself from God... which is
funny because they are a piece of God doing the only thing, by the nature God
has given them, that they can do... so, apparently, the devil hates God because
destiny cannot be altered.
When one understands that
whatever will be will be they no longer have the ability to fear or hate, and
then they shine and those around them go crazy or take on the shine themselves-
giving much opportunity to those who would enjoy the responsibility of being
superheroes to save the world and bring it to a wise place where the forests
echo with laughter.
Again, invariably, we all
get what's coming to us.
Patience be with us all.
in unavoidable divinity,
David Arthur Johnston
Victoria, BC, Canada -
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