The world is populated with knights and
angels, demons and vampires. Warriors of God, long in battle, become wary.
Their wills constantly attacked by the soul of what some call 'Babylon'- the
world of money that thinks a world without money where food grows on trees is
absurd and impossible.
'Voting' is a construct invented by a
desire to distract and enslave. Freedom has always been easy- just don't claim
the land with murderous fervor. A joyous life is to be had by living to live,
not living to swim in luxury. The blessing of patience existing to counter any
desire unattainable.
The mass of the Earth's population tricked
into thinking that freedom means 'freedom to manifest any desire', when, in
fact, it means 'freedom from delusion'. The major obstacle being the
stubborness that guards the contented laziness of most people- the laziness
that allows us to fear. This is why patience IS a miracle, because it is the
phenomenon that breeds a desire for the courage to face our laziness.
we have gotten ourselves in a pickle because of a long-time dependency on
corruption. Over-population being only one of many many indicators. Voting
isn't going to be the cure. The opposite, really.
To bring justice and remember freedom we
must have patience and consider the unworthiness of supporting a mindset that
pretends it must rape the world to survive; pretends 'across the board'
prohibition is necessary. By destroying our IDs, ceasing to pay taxes and rent,
and humbly and politely giving no authority to the police (not fearing
prosecution or death) we will begin the process of healing the planet. Moving
knowing conscientiousness we respect the real world around us and do not fear
violating any law as we assert our right to simply exist.
So, truth be told, we do not have the right
to support a system that contents itself with a lie, and voting does just that.
May the next vote be the last. May the next
vote not have any participants (as everyone is too busy reclaiming the paradise
that is this planet's potential).
well and trust that patience is with us,
Arthur Johnston
BC, Canada
Documentary on the 'Right to Sleep'- http://loveandfearlessness.com
page- https://www.angelfire.com/apes/hatrackman