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Irish Names


  • Abban

    The name of a famous Leinster saint of the sixth century; associated chiefly with Wexford.
  • Calbach

    An Irish name, meaning bald, once of Ely, O'Molloys, O'Donnells, O'Reillys. Now generally Charles.
  • Dannan

    Brown, the name of four Irish saints.


  • Mealla

    The name of several holy women in ancient Ireland.
  • Nuala

    A shortened form of Fionnuala.
  • Luighseach

    Lucy; the femalle form of Lughaidh, The name of an Irish virgin saint who was venerated on 22 May.

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Irish names that begin with s-y: Salmon Savage Shane McShane Shea Scanlon Scannell Scott Scully Sexton Sharkey O'Shaughnessy Shaw O'Shea Sheehan Sheridan Shiels Shields Simpson Sinnott Slater Slattery Sloan Smiley Smith Stack Staunton Steele Stephens Stevens Stewart O'Sullivan Sweeney U Usher V Vaughan McVeigh W Wade Waldron Walker Wall Wallace Walsh Ward Waters Weir Wheeler Whelan White Whitney Wilkinson Williams Wilson Wolfe
T Taaffe Taggart Taylor Talbot Thornton Thompson Tierney Tighe Timmins Timmons Tobin O'Toole Traynor Treacy Tully Tuohy Turner Twomey Tyrrell U Usher V Vaughan McVeigh W Wade Waldron Walker Wall Wallace Walsh Ward Waters Weir Wheeler Whelan White Whitney Wilkinson Williams Wilson Wolfe Woulfe Wright Wynne Woulfe Wright Wynne Y Yeates Young