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I doubt there's an affective way to keep you at my website all day, let alone for more than say twenty minutes. So, this will be my way of sending you to interesting things elsewhere on the internet. Additionally, because I'm not one to sit around in my house all day, I'll try and alert some of you to events occurring in the "Triangle" that I think are worth your time. Sorry to any of my international or interstate visitors, I can only tell you what's goin' on in the Raleigh/Chapel Hill spectrum of things (sorry Durham). 

Things Currently Happening...

Nov 15th... Aesop Rock at Cat's Cradle, Carrboro, NC


The Art & Times Of Matt Sigmon. One of my best friends and one of the best artists I have the pleasure of knowing. I'm a featured artist here. That picture next to these words is my contribution to the site. That picture has since been sold to someone in Oak Island, NC.

Atrios' Eschanton weblog (the past three words infuriated spell check) To paraphrase someone else "indispensable".

Wanna find out about the best new music? Want to read some bloated hype/backtracking with the backlash music reviews? Elitist music snobs, UNITE! (I mean that in as positive context as possible.) for those of us in the "Triangle" who've been watching Todd blather on and somehow become enthralled by the words of a sock puppet monkey, that all has been translated into a website.

Like having an encyclopedia that's cool. Don't know what to listen to? Just start poking around this ridiculously expansive database of music reviews, articles, histories etc. and I'll bet you'll learn something new.

Want to kill fourteen hours of your time just dicking around the internet? Don't know how? Start here.

My old website. There's a glut of stuff here that ranges from great (very few) to downright crappy (very few) lots of old stuff, lots of half formed ideas, and worst of all, lots of lack of idea on how to do a website. But go look at it anyways.