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Near a misty stream in Ireland,in the hollow of a tree,live mystical,magical leprechauns who re as clever as can be. with their pointed ears and curled up toes,and coats of green,litttle leprechauns make their shoe and try hard not to be seen Only those who really believe Have seen these little elves And if we are all believers We can surely see for ourselves. if yu shold be walking along a wooden path some moonlit night in spring,and hear faint tapping,yu may be in luck to see a leprechun up close. According to the legend the leprechun has pot of gold.And he i to give it to the one who catches him.But yo'll have to be quick n your feet and think lively because,this leprechaun will do anything to fool you int looking away,in time for his escape. Leprechauns arealso te self-appointed guardians of the treasure left by the danes,when they ransacked Ireland.They hide thi treasure in crocks and pots.If a mortal captures one of these leprechans,he will give taht person treasure in return for his freedom And as long there are Irish people to believe in the "wee folk",there will be leprechauns to reflect he irish sense of fun.