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holy shit! I did not update for a long time! But that doesn't mean that I wasn't working on anything!
I finished the movie "Mutaion Nation" and entered it in to the Hawaii student film festival, which is at 5/28... I think.

And next! I'm going to make a new olelo tape right away after school is finished. It's going to be better than ever and I will put all of our new movies in there. as well as some good old ones. I will also put the stunt tape from highschool back on TV too, so it should be a damn good show. I just want to show "Mutaiton Nation" to everybody right now! and I wanna keep making movies, and improve more and more.

During the summer I'm gonna be gone for 3weeks because I'm going to go to Japan and Taiwan. Just for a liitle relaxing vacation. Then I will be back with lot of free time! time for movie, and band! I'm really looking forward to that. I guess that's about it for now.

see ya!

mmm.. my problem is almost solved I think... it will be fine.
I think we are gonna finish "DDD" soon, so I think we gotta start thinking of a new movie to make. maybe use some new people... OK see ya!

Hi kids, we are still filming the movie "DDD" we were actually doing very well yesterday, filming them great footage. but!!! some crazy thing that I don't even wanna mention happened... so the filming had to be cut short that day, which is very horrible. I wanna kill myself. I'm gonna try to solve this problem today, right after I finish school, which I'm at right now. FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh well, I think everything is going to be OK. and I am still in the middle of editing "Mutation Nation" which is going mighty fine. I just showed the movie to everyone yesterday, it's unfinished still, but good reactions.

THE SHOW! our band "Vagabond" played the show at pink cadillac on feb 5th. I think it went very good. good crowed response with smiles and moshing! I really enjoyed playing. we have a new web page for our band aswell. Kelly Custer is working on it but it's not done yet, so I won't give you the address... but it's there. oh well. see ya!

Hello. this is Eric. we finally finished filming our new movie "Mutation Nation". it is deffinitly our best yet. so I cannot wait until I finish editing it. it should be good.
Now we are gonna finish filming our other movie "DDD"... maybe this sunday..... well I guess that's it for now. seeya!

oh yes, and we are playing a show at pink cadillac on feb.5th, this saturday, so come on down please. the door should be open around 6 or something. we are playing with "Piece of Junk" and "De bauc"

I am really sorry!!! Who ever checks this web page! Happy new years! And I truly thank you for watching my shows and checking on the web page! Thank you so much! You are the greatest!

Even though I have not updated this page forever, it doesn’t mean that I quit making movies. I’m still filming and I’m also still editing like a motherfucker. I’m actually filming tomorrow as well. We are planning to finish shooting our best movie to date “Mutation NationE And I’ll deffinitly play that one on air when we are done.
Thanx to all the people that make movies with me, and thanx everyone for the support, and the people that recognizes me on the street, thanx a bunch for the kind words and the willingness to help. Please come up to me if you see me, because I really like it, and want to hear different opinions. Just don’t beat me up.

I’m gonna work on my movies as much as possible. But there is still going to be things that get in the way like Ework, school, reading comics, girl friend, and playing in a band. But I’ll always put movie firstEmost of the time at least.
Speaking of the band, we have won the UH talent show, and got the first place prize money which was $400!! That was a lot of fun, and I was really happy. It sounds sad but it felt like it could be one of the best days of my life. And our band “VagabondEis playing a show with our fellow band friend “Piece of JunkE So if you want to see both of us bands perform live, come to Pink Cadillac on Feb 5th please. That’s it for today. see ya!

All right! I haven't updated anything for a while, but we didn't stop working on anything. We are trying to film at least one time a week, and I am still editing as much as possible.
We also helped out on couple of TV stuff during the past few weeks. And one of those TV show even stars "B.Spears"! He is the character which Leonard plays in the movieEForgiveness". I was really surprised by how good Leonard’s acting was, and the chemistry between Leonard and Stephanie Sanchez seemed great while they were acting.

Public Access! Is the title of independent moviemaker Lon’s film. It was finally done and we got to see the premiere! I was really happy to see my buddys and I in the semi big screen. I liked it a lot.

Well that’s all the news for now, I thinkEe are still working on our movie “Mutation NationEso if anybody wants to see it keep checking this page, or just send me a mail or something.

Oh and the band stuff. We’ve been playing few shows here and there, some of them were good, and some of them were badEWe also now have a member change. Now our band has a new keyboardist AKIRA! He is a crazy motha fucka with mad skillZ! So watch out! we are gonna change our set list to a more powerful fast heavy stlyle songs. So come and see us next time we play if you wantEOK! seeya!

hoo! we had a great time playing at Pink Cadillac last saturday. This week we are playing at Anna Bananas. The door will be open at 9pm, so I guess we are gonna play really late... this show is on a saturday too, and it might be 21 and over, I'm not sure yet...

Ninja EX! this is a new show that Aron Yamasato is working on, which is going to air during november, well at least he is planning on I think... Taires did a lot of camera work for this show, and you can also see us as extras, so watch out!
About our movies, we are probably gonna start filming next week, well.. thats when Lon and Aron are gonna be done with the DVX100 so we can borrow them again. ok thats it see ya!

oops, I haven't updated for along time... but we were making plenty of movies, and I was also busy with my band, and workENot too much schoolEWell, since I said I was working on plenty of movies, I have put the pictures and descriptions of these movies at the “Movie List SectionElt;BR> some of these films are not even done, so there are some preview photos, check them out if you want to ruin those moviesERight now I am way too busy so the Olelo tape has to wait a bit, plus I want to finish filming and editing these films first, so I can actually put them on air. Right?

Oh yes and our Band is playing at PinkCadilac on Saturday. 9/18/04
Doors open at 5:30, so we probably play around 6:40 I’m thinkingEwe are going to play second, so that sounds about right. Come and see us play, and enjoy the Heavy Metal Madness, and little bit of J-PoP!
see ya!

Yo school started and it's not going to be good anymore. I havn't updated this page for along time... thats because I wasn't working on anything, and I still don't feel like doing anything. for this week I think I'm just gonna go to school and work also practice with the BAND. then maybe next week I will start something, if everybody else can, we can use the DVX100 now so film making should be alot better, since the quality of the film is going to look well. oh well... thats it. see ya!
thanx Vance! for the books and the tapes.

alright motha fucking fools! I'm back from the J-popland(Japan) and back in BIZZNAAAAAZ!
I came back yesterday.
I am currently editing three new movies, one is still in the middle of filming.
I will give you the pending titles.
one is planning to be called "Black Chin's Revenge", the other one is called "Polution Mountain Solution" a.k.a "PMS"... The last one... we are still filming... is probably going to be called "Robo Pig"....... alright that's all three!

and about the live show of our band... it went great, we are gonna start playing some more shows starting from the end of August... so come and see us, if you want, or don't.

and I will make a new Olelo tape pretty soon.
see ya!

ok! it's been really strange how we've all been getting recognized on the streets lately... I didn't expect so many people watching the show, I should of made the tape better. I'm actually not proud of that tape at all, so I get kinda embarrassed after hearing what they saw. oh well, atleast they say they enjoyed it.

OKAY!!! tonights the live show!!! we get to play a 40min set at PIPELINE!!! we're asked to be there at 10:30pm, so I think we are gonna play around 11:30pm or so... I don't know.
finaly this is the first official show with the entire 5 members. I think some of us are getting really nervous (especially me), playing at pipeline.... damn.
okAYYY!!! then after I'm done playing that night, I'm supposed to leave to Japan, so I'm not planning to sleep tonight. Fuck! it's busy these days! but I think that's a good thing.
ok see ya

hello, this is Eric... a.k.a Eriya. (I'm now very used to that name now because of work.) well, We started making a movie about detectives and killers... this one may just play on "K5"!! thats channel 5 baby! thats big time... that's if everything goes as planned. but I never finished editing our other movie "Black Chin". So now I have two movies on my hand, and I'm a bit busy these days... so these movies might take a while to finish... especially how everybody is going on a trip for this summer... including me! yey! or is it...
OK! our show has been airing and it still is, so if you never seen it... don't watch it. but if you did accidently watch it, send me some mails, so I can read it, and to my homies. but don't write any gay shit.
I want to make the new Olelo tape already but I'm having some problems making it right now. so wait a little more for that...
Taires!! yes, the man himself has been getting involved with lots of local movie and TV projects... as a assistant! haha. I guess he is getting some good connections now. that is going to really help out for our filming shit. keep working hard Taires.
and here is some pointless info, my band or our band "The Forsaken Foreskin" a.k.a. "ToKI"... ( we are still debating on our band name.)
well, we have all 5 members now and we are ready to play live! so we are actually going to play at "Studio 1" this Thursday... and then play at Pipeline on 6/17.. from 10pm... from what I remember.
come see us, if you are into looking at humans with instruments.
here is our line up now...
Guitar,Vocal - Eriya. Guitar,BackupVocal - Gelly san. Bass - Bass Master 10000. Drum,BackupVocal - Kazu. Keyboard - Hyperspace Monster Leonardon.
I'm looking forward to playing!

oh yeah, I went skydiving few days ago... it was very fast, loud and cold... ok. see ya!

Hello, This is Eric, I haven't updated in a while (I don't like typing) so I will update now, since I am off work and it's summer break now.

The first thing I will say is that I haven't edited the new movie yet, since I am still working on editing this documentary thing, the documentary thing is coming out pretty good and it is almost finished, it should be done by the end of this week, so after I am done with that I can edit the new movie, and then I will make a new tape for olelo.
Speaking of olelo, our show has been airing and some of us were being recognized out side our homes, which is something strange, because I did not really expect too many people watching it, I want to thank all the people that watched the dumb show and gave us great feedbacks, I appreciate it a lot. Huge thanx to Vance and Mizuko! I respect you guys for your kind heart.
Well... this tape will keep playing all through out this month and next month, so if you are interested,
check the T.V. schedule section. But donft expect anything good.

Two days ago, Tairs and I were ask to go to a "Miss Hawaii Beauty Pageant" as cue card holders... yup, it sounds very lame but I guess every experience counts for the film industry, we got to see some ladies in bikinis walking around, but it got very boring after a couple of minutes, and there was lots of disgusting male models too, so we left right after we were done with the cue cards. Thanx Titus.

Alright, I'm probably going to leave to Japan pretty soon, I heard we were leaving at June, 18th or something, oh shit that's in a month! ...Seems like I was just there, but I still kinda wanted to go again, I actually decided to go because Pui wanted to go this time, and the tickets are going to be very cheap too, thanx to Ikaika's sister.
Well, there is no school right now, and I guess I could use a little summer break from work, though I really like being at my job... well it's mother fucking goddamn Japan! I'll find something to do and have a fucking good time!

oh, if anybody wants to see a good movie go rent this movie called Audition from a Block Buster or something, it's good. actually there are few movies that's named Audition, so it's the one thats directed by Takashi Miike.

aight! seeya!

Ok here is some news, our show is going to start playing this week, but it’s going to be at 5am, so don’t even try to watch it, it’s going to keep playing for a couple of months, and starting "may" it will play right at midnight instead of 5am, so don’t stay up for it this time, because it’s definitely not worth it. I don’t even know if anybody should watch this tape at all... at least skip the first 30min of the show, it is crap.

Alright we filmed with Lon again last weekend, I was very tired from the night before but I decided to help him out and learn stuff from him, he has been getting along with Taires really well, and he is starting to teach us how to use his equipments for filming, I really got to thank him, because of him we got to meet a lot of new people, and learn the basics of filming... plus he gives us free food.

Okay! We finished filming the new movie we’ve been working on, it’s going to be called “Black chin’s revenge X" I think it’s basically just full of fighting and has a really week and twisted plot... I’m editing a piece for some people in Japan right now, so after I’m finished with that, I will finish editing “Black chin’s revenge X" I will make sure to put that on the new olelo tape. (that’s actually going to be good...maybe)

does anybody wanna make a new movie?
we should enter ohina film festival, and HIFF... maybe we have a shot this time.

sup fools! Ok Eric here, two days ago instead of finishing up the new movie Paul, Taires, and I went to go look for locations for "Sans Morals"... after we were done, some how we end it up near Olelo, since we were hungry, we decided to eat at the market place that is right next to Olelo. As we were talking and eating salmon, we decided to turn in a new tape on that day since we were already by the goddamn place...(Olelo is the station that puts our video on air)
So we filmed random footage until it got to around 30min, and went to go turn in the tape that’s completely unedited! As I was about to make the tape inside the Olelo building, this guy who banned me. (I forgot his name) decided that not only I cannot turn in any new tapes, I am not allowed to step in the building! That was a surprise, so I gave directions to Taires and got him to make and turn in the tape. The people were very nice inside the building (except that guy), they’ve all seen our show and they were very supportive of us.
I truly appreciate these people who really encourages us, they are the fuel for our fire, this is one of the thing that makes this whole thing fun.
We also ran into Mr. Albis (science teacher from high school) at Olelo, he gave us a really good speech about our direction and his experience working with people like us, his words meant a lot to me, and I just hope that everything goes as well he said. So now I will thank the greatest teachers that kept us going! Thanx Mr.Albis, Mr. Nichols, Ben, and the best teacher of all! Mr.Wolfgram!

oh. the new tape is not gonna be all that bad, after the 30min random unedited things... we also put some movies we made after it... we put "Shippe, Binta, Babachop!", "Forgiveness", and the movie we are still making which has no Title yet, that's going to cutoff in the middle. I think we are gonna finish up that movie this friday.
so if ya wanna see this dumb new tape, check the T.V. schedule in about a week or two. I think next week, I will start making the real new tape, that's actually gonna have some real new edited stuff.
And fuck you assholes that has nothing better to do but to irritate me, get a fucking life and leave me the fuck alone. or else I'll poop in your mom's vagina.

And here are some pictures of our band live when we played at "level 2".
front shot!
side shot!
we're gonna get to play at Pipeline on battle of the bands yey!

hey everyone, let's finish up that movie we were making, I think saturday morning is good. once we're done with that, I can make a new olelo tape!
oh yeah I just switched my program to adobe premiere pro, from adobe premiere 6.5. so that's good.

Yo! we just played the show last night, I think it went really well, we didn't mess up too much on the songs atleast. We got a bunch of Jagermeister merchandise, and we got some kind words from "Sick Nick" and some ramdom others after we were done playing, so we were happy.
I think we are going to keep playing shows and we would just keep havin some rockin' funtime.
Tomorrow Taires, Chris and I are gonna go look around the island for the location to shoot at for "Sans Morals"

And here is some pictures of me in Japan, during spring break. Last night in Japan.

Hi, tomorrow is Alexi's birthday. haha, I'm sure that everyone could give a flying fuck about that.
well, it's almost summer time, and I didn't do shit to prepare shooting for our full feature "Sans Morals". I've been pretty busy with school, work, and band so I didn't spend any time makng movies, or even editing once after I came back.
well, schools almost done for now, so after, I think life is going to be a little better, not that I hate it now. it's just that school work is pretty stressful and time wasting.
oh yeah and come watch us play at "LEVEL2", which is a bar in waikiki. our show is on 4/11, so if ya wanna see some sexy metalers doing their thang, come on down. if you're over 21 that is. or die!! or get raped!!!

I'll make the new olelo tape soon, when ever I have time. I will try.

I'm back from Japan... and I'm not happy about it. I had a lot of fun there, and I just wanna go back to living there, instead of leaving with sadness all the time.
back to the Hawaiian life style. vomit

I'm 20years old!!!!! I'm old!! I'm dying!! I have to be mature now!!
well now that I'm twenty, I am a adult in Japan now, and that's where I'm going tomorrow!! see ya!!

oh shit, two more dayz and I'm not a teen... hows that, and three more days and I'm away from Hawaii.
My Band "The Forsaken Foreskin" has officialy changed it's name to "The Masked Man" today.
lot of people liked the name "The Forsaken Foreskin" and many didn't at the same time. so Kelly and I were going through many band names and finally I thought of "The Masked Man" as the band name, as a tribute to Ketsukusa ( many of the early films we made, I was always The Masked Man, and one of The Masked Man's movies "Bat Attack" has alot to do with our band history...it's the reason why we exists).
but the name is not just a refference to that character, it could also mean many things. so our name is more serious now, it was kinda embrassing telling people that we were "The Forsaken Foreskins". I'm hoping the band name "The Masked Man" will grow on us just like the name "Ketsukusa" grew on us...(cuz that's a pretty fucked up name) well, we'll see how long this thing lasts.
Here is a little ruff logo that a quickly made. (I don't like drawing with a mouse.) The Masked Man
see ya!

Hi Eric here, last night we just filmed with the GroundOne crew, they are still making their horror film "The Nun Dead" and we were asked to be in it, or atleast some of us, I think they are really improving with their filming, the tripod, lighting and the whole creating in general... their trailer looks great, check it out, if you are intersted. Nundead Trailer
if anyone is confused, this is not our trailer, this is from another local filming crew called the Ground One
we help eachother out at time to time, but we are a totally seperate group of film makers.
It is almost my time to leave this island... in 4days!!! I'm going to Japan!! my home, my land.
that's it for today... see ya!

hello, this is Eric, we haven't been filming anything for awhile, but I was editing last night, the new movie is going alright... I don't think it can top "Forgiveness" but it is one of our best. well, we aren't done yet, so we'll see how it goes.
SANS MORALS!!!! our big movie.
we haven't really done anything for this movie yet, I've drawn out little sketches and was thinking of location to shoot this, the roles aren't casted yet and were supposed to start shooting in the summer time... when I come back from Japan at 3/30... I will start planning!!!!! right joel, Taires, and Drew? so that's it for today. see ya!

It's MARCH!!!!! haha, it's almost my B-day, I'm gonna turn 20 in 8dayz... to me that sux, I don't wanna be old. oh well... I put the pictures up for the movie "Forgiveness", so if you are interested, check it out at the MOVIE LIST SECTION, but it might be a good idea to not check it out so you won't spoil the movie. I really like this one, I think everybody did a great job... especially Leonard.
And the other thing is that I'm really planning to go back to Japan for awhile, atleast during the spring break, I've been really missing that place lately and it'll be good to catch up with my friends and brother... and dad. so I'm planning to go in the middle of this month. so no movie making during that time, as if it really matters.
ok that's about it. see ya!

Hi, computer nerds. I just went to court today and met some guy who watched the show. he said lots of scenes were lame, but many scenes were funny as well. He saw the stunts and I guess we were not ballsy enough, after hearing what this guy did for him to end up in court, I'd agree with him. he was very cool though, he hates pigs just like me.

ok here is some movie news... Taires was making a guest appearence in Ground one's new movie "The Nun Dead"... last friday I think, now he is gonna shoot with them again today. so that's good.

On saturday, last week Taires and I went to shoot with Lon, who is a independent film maker thats making a movie called "Public Access"... I guess there were many local film industry people there, because Taires recognized everyone, but ofcourse I didn't know anyone, except for the people I was with from last time. well we had fun.
We showed our new movie "Forgiveness" and they had a pretty good reaction. Lon said "this would be the best movie if you are high." oh yeah... and we are still making that pure fighting movie, though we haven't worked on it for awhile.

Crazy Bad Luck Info!!!!
I was caught driving 6 days before the day of getting my licence back, I was driving for 6months without a licence and never got caught... why did it have to be 6days before the fucking court date. FUCK YOU GOD!!!.... for some reason everytime I say that, some bad thing happens to me... or does bad things constantly happen to me anyway. and kelly too... his car got towed and a bird shit fell on him, after the day I got caught driving... haha.

ok. on that same day kelly's car was gone, we had to play a show, since all this crazy shits kept interfering with us, we didn't have time to practice before the show. Hmmm... but thats not that big of a deal, we played at UH and the show went great. we played for over 2 fucking hours!!! Jesus!!! here is some pictures from that night, if you wanna see some guys with instruments that has bad luck. click here.

oh by the way, Mardi Gras was great, not that I care about looking at some fat bitches breasts, but who else was there... good time. Aight!!! or is it Ai....
see ya!

I have a lot of news to tell about movies, and life... but I won't, cuz I got a lot of homework tonight...

is Stratovarius destroyed!? sad news this is a interview with TOLKKI, JARI KAINULAINEN & MissK from the famous finnish rock band Stratovarius.

we were on the show "Blood Of The Samurai" last night... it's kind of hard to see us, but it was enough... the crazy part is that we were in the credits as "Ketsukusa". I didn't think any one knew who we were at the shoot, well, who ever credited us, thanx. I think were gonna be in it next week too, but we are wearing black robes, so it's gonna be hard to recognize ourselves.
also, we started shooting a new movie with barely any story but with lots of fighting, because we wanted to make a fighting flick. and I'm done editing the other new movie so I'll put the pictures up soon, I think it'll be called "Foregiveness".
oh and here is some pics from my band "The Forsaken Foreskin" when we played at Studio1. THE FORSAKEN FORESKIN

yo, our show is cancelled, yup... it aint gonna play again, it all started when some old lady ( probably ugly ) called olelo to tell them that my show is offensive( get a fucking life... ). so olelo looked over the tape and found that nothing was wrong with the contents... until they saw me asking for money at the end of the tape, ofcourse I was jocking and wasn't expecting any money, but was expecting assistance. and thats what I got from people... my tape was 2hrs long and the speech was 5seconds... but olelo apperently took that crazy message very seriously and decided to bann me from their station... I don't care about the being banned but I'm not happy that my tape is not gonna play anymore... well I'm just gonna make another tape and get someone else to turn it in... sorry for the people who actually wanted to see our show. I bow down to you. I'm still trying to discuss more about this case with olelo, but I doubt it's gonna do any good... well we will have a new tape soon, so I'll tell ya when we are finished with it. see ya!

the show didn't play for some reason? what the fuck?

hey, thanx people who sent me E-mails and wanting to help us out, I truly appreciate that.
our show is gonna be on tonight at 12am so if you wanna take a look... go ahead.
BOTS news!
Taires and I were on Blood of The Samurai three nights ago, I guess that was the fourth episode or something? well Taires and I were just laying on the ground for a few seconds and I even had a short close up shot so that was kinda cool. we are gonna be on the show few more times...next Joel, Chris and I are gonna be in the up comming episode... were gonna be dacing horribly like little girls in side the club scene, so watch out!!!!!
and I put some pics up for one of our new movie Hermans Daze, so check that out at the MOVIE LIST section if you want, or don't. see ya!

Hi, this is Eric. I guess my new tape was airing couple of times and it's going to air again this week also, but really late this time... thanx to anybody that sat through and watched the show, I hope you enjoyed it, more thanx to people who gave me props in person or e-mails... hearing anyones opinons is always entertaining for us. so thanx... if anybodys reading this.

we just finished shooting a new movie, last weakend.. and I think it's one of our best, very chaotic.now I will start editing.(the boring part...)
and I finished editing the movie we shot two weeks ago, so I'll put the pictures up soon, if anyone cares.
well I think that's about it for now. fuck you bad luck.

Hi everybody, hows it goin, our shows are gonna be playing this week and some other time so check out the TV Schedule if you feel like watching our short movies.

I'm almost done editing the new movie we shot two days ago, so after I'm done with that, I'll probably make another Olelo tape that contains more new and old movies... because I could only fit 2hours at a time... and I have a lot more than that.
ok thats it. good day.

hello cock fucks. we filmed a new movie yesterday, yup we shot the whole thing in one day, but it's going to be good. No titles yet, but the movie is about a loser ass boy who has a weird disease and his friends keeps picking on him.
There was one tragic thing that happened that dayE while we were filming, Paul accidentally hit me with an umbrella to my face, this was not like a light tap or anything, I was laying on the ground filming and he maid a full swing with the umbrella and broke the fucking thing right into my eye/nose regionEwhich concluded to him giving me a black eye and a bloody nose at the same time. Taires was also kinda pissed about his umbrella being broken by Paul. WellEHe didn’t mean to do it, and I got a black eye, big fucking deal, it beats getting my eardrum destroyed or getting kidney stones or being arrested or getting my leg burnt or getting a huge scar on my chestEat least now I can say that I broke a umbrella on my face, plus my face is puffy and fun to play with now.

yo, hows it going brain fuckers. it sux for me cuz school started and the chemistry teacher is the most annoying asshole ever lived on this planet, he was trying to piss me off numerous times at the first day of class, I'm probably gonna drop that shit now and look for a new class... well I read the script for Sans Moral, I like it alot. I think we can make a pretty good movie out of that. I tried to post up the pictures I drew for the movie, but it didn't work out well... I need my own fucking scanner godfuck.
now, we decided to shoot the movie during summer break. and the rest of the time now should be used for preproduction... getting every peace of little shit ready.

oh and I hear that the TV series Blood of the Samurai is starting soon so check us out as extras... but I don't know that the show is gonna be any good... I hope so.

AAAAGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!! I made a new olelo tape and turned it in, this should play in about two weeks so check out the TV schedule sometimes, the new vid is called "Ketsukusa Homemovies". it features Shippe, Stunts, Bat Attack, KHD, and a fight sequence from sword fighter that we did... for the stunts I censored a bunch of stuff, but I think it's still pretty entertaining.

oh and I put some pictures of me and children of bodom in the concert reviews... here.

2004!! happy new years. or is it sad new years?
I heard that the script for "Sans Morals" is done, I heard that it is real good too. I will probably read it soon, but right now I'm busy making music and editing the new olelo tape.
I gotta thank Joel again for writing the script, and now we just have to get that new camera. I'll start sending out the sponsor letters when Taires comes back, which is tomorrow.

Everyone have a good Christmas? I think I did a little...
Well, I read the script for "Sans Morals", it's very good so far, but I think there should be some little changes. I started drawing sketches of some character designs for the movie, so Ifll post that up someday to get the crews spirits up a littlec

I still donft know if we could get the new camera, but I really want to shoot the movie with something other than Hi8 tapesc Ifm not gonna give up on getting sponsorsc give us money motherfuckers!!

Last thingc I wrote a little concert review for all 15 bands I saw when I went to California for a weekc I ranked them 1 through 15, of course 15 being the worst and 1 being the best. I saw bunch of metal bands, some punk, and some jazz kinda thingc they were all pretty pleasant to watchc actually lot of the bands were really good.
well here is my opinion to their performances. Read it if you care, or don't. Concert Reviews.

tomorrow is christmas... that was really quick. Well, I never read it myself yet, but I heard that the script for "Sans Morals" is real good.
I'm looking forward to making it, it'll be stressful but it'll be fun.

alright. schools done for now, finals week was pretty annoying, I just hope I passed all my classes.

we showed our acting class the new movie "Shippe, Binta, Baba chop", and I think that was one of the best reactions we ever got. people were going nuts at it, it's like the whole class was Leonards brother. ( he goes crazy on every single scene.)
everyone said they liked it very much and I was pretty happy about that.
and for the big movie "Sans Moral", we are still planning stuff out, but I don't think we could start shooting during winter break.... we need the new camera first atleast, and I don't know if Joel is done with the script. I'm not gonna give up on making it, I just don't wanna make it suck, so the planning is taking forever, I'm realy thinking about starting on the story board now... I just know this movie is gonna be a shit load of work. I thought Bat Attack took forever to make, this is gonna be hell...

hi. tv schedule up dated. the show is actualy gonna be tonight... or should I say tomorrow morning, well it's at 2:30:00 AM. if anybody stays up that late....

I finished my movie for acting class called "Shippe, Binta, Baba chop". thanx to everyone that helped out that was not even in the movie. I put you guys in the credits, Joel, Pui, Anthony. thanx.

I'm back. ready to live.

Hey,...well I'm gonna be gone for a week, because I'm going to CA. I'll be back on 11/30

Wussup!! Friends, acquaintances, and people I just don’t know!!
First thing I’m gonna mention is to thank director ELon, for hiring us as Viet cons in his movie “Public AccessE thanx for the food, free hat, experience, information, and money. We had plenty of fun, we did leave with cuts all over our body though, but that ain’t no big deal!!


We are currently thinking of ideas and planning shit out for the up coming full feature “Sans MoralE seems that there is many people that wants to help out on our filming shit, and I’m looking forward to making this shit with you crazy fucks. Thanx everyone, Many thanx to Joel, Chris, and Taires for true dedication for our movie making, also thanx to Kelly for working on the sponsor letter. Yes. We are planning to get sponsored; we are planning to at least raise enough money to purchase the camera we are looking to get. If everything goes as planned, we should start filming during winter brake.

MORE INFO!!!!! Taires and I are gonna make a movie for the acting class. It’s gonna be a 5min short film and is going to be called
“Shippe, Binta, Babachop!!E We are probably gonna film that movie this Friday.
One more thingEour metal heavy band “The Forsaken ForeskinEhas been playing shows lately in studio 1, and in Anna Bananas. Fuck!! This is some fun shit!!! I wanted to play in front of a crowd for a pretty long time and now we are doin it, and it is a very good time.
I thank OPEN MIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

wow long time, well we still don't have a camera, but I do have a camera I am looking to get - the DVX100. we found out about this baby yesterday as we were being extras for the indie film "Public Access". the directors was using this camera, and later we went over to his house to see the quality of this DVX 100.
I coudn't believe this was digital, it looked like film.
I was imagining how great it would be to shoot our new big production movie "Sans Moral", with this camera, it's gonna be the fucking shit, more than shit.
so now we have to get this camera, and hurry up and start production for this goddamn gangster movie!! so Joel, keep working on the script!!
this is gonna be THE MOVIE!!!!! we gotta get in to those goddam film festivals!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MOTHER FUCKER!!!!

I also went and bought some bullet holes and cuts today. BLOOD BATH!!!!!

Haha, we are actualy getting good responses from showing our tape on olelo, it's kinda iteresting to hear peoples opinions on our shit. so if anyone have seen it, I would enjoy hearing thoughts.
Thanx to people who actualy gave me E-mails to read.

Great Movie!!!!
I just watched Kill Bill yesterday, just as I thought, the movie was great, I think Quentin is our biggest inspiration, or atleast for Joel and I... maybe...

The new movie we wanna make is going to be the one. we are gonna make this, the longest most perfect movie we ever made, and with a script for the first time!!
we don't realy have too many ideas yet, but we are kinda working on it...maybe...
well... we need a camera first, because we don't have one anymore.... again!!!!!
one more thing is that, I am getting a computer nerd bump on my hand/wrist area. it is from sliding around the mouse I think. I see people with huge computer nerd bump on their wrist, and I don't want one. though I wanna edit and record, I realy have to stay away from the computer more...

go listen to "Blank File" by Sonata Arctica.

Almost done editing the new movie...
bad news, we didn't get in the film festival, I kinda knew it, not that shocked, If we are gonna make another movie, let's make it serious, and with a good, meaningful plot. thats all.
oh, and our tape is playing on tv right now on the Olelo channel, the tape has old movies from 95 to movies made in 2002... not brand new stuff, but I just wanted to put it on for no reason.
I can't even remember the airing schedule, but it's supposed to be airing couple more times.

we should buy a camera..........

Hello, we are in progress of making the new movie Goregious Shadows - remake... I'm starting to get ideas now.... it should be good.

Hey!! my ear is fixed!! I can hear and no blood drippin, I am all G...
alright, I guess I'll type up the movies that we are planing to make...
first one is the prequel to Kicking Drugs Drama, no title yet, and next one is a Duck Hunting movie, no title also... next, a remake of Bloody Gagstaz, this should be very racist, like the other Bloody Gangstaz films... no title again... and then the big one RETARDEAD!!!!! we are looking at locations and thinking of storys and costumes for these psychotic movies right now, but I'm hoping to make atleast one of them this year.

Ouch!! my fucking ear hurts... only because Kelly punched me in the ear and teared my eardrum... I've had two sleepless nights now, I've gone to two hospitals, went to the emergency room one night, and paid about $50 so far... I'm taking tons of medication, cuz my ear does not stop oozing juices and blood, it hurts like a bitch, and I still can't hear... I'm not mad at Kelly though, well actualy I'm not mad anymore... the first night I was in rage, since I was realy worried about my hearing... but you know... accidents happen, especialy when you act like me. well my ear is suppose to be back in business in 4 to 6 weeks... maybe... they say that I may need surgery... I'm kinda dissapointed of all the time I'm wasting right now, I can't do anything because of the pain...
I'm probably not gonna go to work tomorrow too, I just zone out all day, fighting the pain...
god I sound like a bitch.
this whole thing reminds me of that one night in waikiki, when I threw Joel in to the metal table, he had the biggest bump on his head - it was like a size of his fist, and it was all my fault.
eventhough it was an accident, I hurt him realy bad, but nothing serious happened, he just vomited and smiled, it was all good.
in my case the pain stays with me for a long time.
I hate wasting TIME!!!!!!!!!
I just hope I can hear perfectly after this...

ok here is a whole live show by the best band in the whole world "STRAPPING YOUNG LAD" it's a streaming video... if your internet connection is fast enough go watch it computer nerd... enjoy SYL!!!!!
SYL live in Sweden.
if you don't like this band... it just means that you have too many cocks in your mouth. which makes you a faggot.

ok it's 5:50 in the morning right now and I can't sleep........ kelly punched me in the ear at around 1am, and my ear still hurts too much to fall asleep, I basicaly can not hear with my left ear right now, and I am just worried that it will stay like this... I realy just want to go to a Hospital right now... this truly is not good,
when Brad Pit got punched in the ear in fight club, I wonder if he was deaf for over 5hours, I am fucking worried... I wish Kelly punched me in the head, nose, balls or something, it had to be my fucking ear, why!? what the fuck!? I am suffuring like never before,
I can not hear.

sup, fools.. Bat Attack web site is now open!!!!!!! there is not too much on the site yet, but it will be updated as much as possible by Joel and I...

BAT ATTACK website.

sup kids... Eric here... ok today I'm gonna thank all the people that made all my hobbies so entertaining...
first stop is my brother Ian, without this guy I would have never filmed, I would have never known about true heavy metal (or any good music), and guitar... without these thing... my life would be so plain...
next my other brother Sean... his crazy humor affected me so much... turning me in to a psycho, which is a lot more fun than being normal... he showed me what true hard work is... taking months making a 1min animation, filming for hours for a clay animation, making RPGs, 3D movements... we did those shits for hours and hours each day... we have a librabry full of things that we created, movies , animations, comics, clay, drawing, painting, music... and this ain't no amature shit, we took whatever shitty equipment we had to the extreme limit, with the technology now everything is alot easier... which makes me sad alittle for the timeloss... but still it would take a long ass time...
next... I will thank The Yagster - Joel... for being a smart creative fuck of true dedication... he was always the only one left...
from starting the filming until now, Joel's the only one that actualy was filming the whole time (excluding myself), for Break Dancing it was the same... just him, and for drawing or comics... he was the only one.. except for Skating... he quit.
Next... I'll thank Taires, and Chris for bringing so much to the movies... true emotions, and extreme intensity... commin up with good ideas, trying things out... they bring alot to the films, and I think that lot of films will suck without their input...
next... I thank Kelly, for being the Metal brother, and for helping us out with the movies with no complaning...
oh well... I'd thank everyone else that's helpin out on these crazy hobbies, but I don't wanna type nomore...
well thanx everyone... or maybe I should be angry that I'm still doing this filming/ music shit... maybe I'll be having a normal life actualy spending time doing good for my future... than making these pointless things for countless amount of hours...
atleast I can always look back on this shit... 5 or 10years later or something... maybe that's why we do it, to watch it or show it later...
... after all the most entertaining part of creating something is the others reactions...
...if we get anywhere, or if this helps us get anywhere, that'd be great... if nothing happens that's fine too, I don't think it was a waste of time...
I see other people, and I think their life is a waste of time...

well... today I typed a bunch of crap, I didn't try to kiss anyones ass, it's just what I'm thinking right now... shit... I can look back at these words too.
THE!!!! END!!!!!!!

Greatest power metal band - Sonata Arctica.
Tony Kako interview.

The site is alittle updated... but I won't tell you where... that's it, good day.
wake up soon and Scream!!!!!!!

Devin Townsend interview.

BAT ATTACK!!!!!! we are planing to make a DVD version of Bat Attack, since chris bought a DVD burner... we should have some special features like - out takes, Interviews, Art gallery, Commentary, and other random shit...
Chris is still trying to figure out how to do things so it might take a while, I also have to edit the out takes now... this should be good. that's it.
ok... Here is a story...Few days ago Chris, Taires , Joel, and I (Eric) have left to Waipio in chris's truck for the Blood Of The Samurai shoot... if you don't know about Blood of The Samurai it's a local TV series that is going to air on OC16 later this year, and we are being extras for the show.... oh well,
as we were riding in Chris's truck on H3, somethig just flew in from the window, we didn't know what the fuck it was, 5 minutes later, Chris finds it and picks it up...
it was shit smeared on a toilet paper!! how can this even happen we were going around 85mph on H3!! how can a paper with shit on it - come in from the back window!! it was the funniest thing that happened that day!! Chris actualy picked that shit up and was looking at it for a while, until we said "THAT'S SHIT!!"
thank god for the great event.
and another thing happened that day... we met up with the Freckle Monster - Garrett, we haven't seen him in a while, he was buff now and he beat me in arm wrestling. so now I have to train.
Fucking GRAPE!!!!!!!

Heavy Metal question...
Harsh Vocals: Who Needs Them?

yo everyone. Bat Attack is officialy done, it came out to around 49 minutes. we submited the movie to 2 festivals, HIFF, and cinema paradise film festival. we are hoping to get in atleast onre of them....... for HIFF only 100 out of 500 films gets in, it's pretty tough but Bat Attack might just do it. alright thats it for today.

Yo, hows it going...
good news... the stunt tape was found!!!
and guess who had it... the flippin yagster - Joel Yago had the tape the whole time, I searched my house for hours and hours looking for this tape, I told Joel to search his house around 5 times! he said he knew he returned the tape to me!
Not!! he found it at his house this morning!! god!! I'm happy, but I'm sad about all the hours I wasted searching for this tape... and the worries... huh...!
ok finish Bat Attack!!!!!!!!!

Heavy Metal things...
The American Metal Question.

Hey! looks like Bat Attack is not gonna be expensive, we couldn't use the UH field... sad........oh well... we can just use a normal field...
here is a good news, looks like some of us could be an extra in Blood Of The Samurai TV series, oh yeah.. we are probably gonna get paid too!! yes!
one more suprizing good news, Taires and I talked and shook hands with the Air Head himself...
ADAM SANDLER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
he looked realy red and tired, but it was him... good stuff. he said we couldn't film him though, well I understand... thanx Adam!!
it was a realy good day today.

Hey! looks like Bat Attack is gonna be expensive... to rent the baseball stadium - it's gonna cost us 204 dollars for 1hour!! holy shit!!! but we will pay!!! this film is everything right now!! to me!! or to some others!?
well guys... I wanna reshoot alittle more scenes at the old baseball field... just some quick stuff, I finished editing almost all the footage I have, but I need more Hard drive space!! for real!! I need it now!!!!!! or real soon
more super bad piss off news!! I can't find my edited "Stunt" tape!!!! lots of people wants to see it now!!! where the fuck is it!! I need help to find this shit yo!!
oh well... I'll keep searching.........
I think that's all I wanna say today... I'll see everyone at the field, Good Bye!!!!

Alexi Laiho Signature Model RV-350AL 発売決定.
ESP Guitars.

I'm still editing Bat Attack, 2more scenes to go, it's almost done guys!!
hmmm... I was watching Enter The Dragon today, and I thought Bruce Lee, looks exactly like Chris Lee... I said this before, but shit! Bruce looks exactly like Chris!! except Bruce is macho......
yup that's all I wanna say for today... well that's all I wanna type. typing sux.

hahaha, Metallica...
St.Anger Review.

Today, our favorite Rabbit - Zack has left us from natural causes.
I don't want to type too much about it, except that I will miss Zack, and I will never forget this day of Friday the 13th on a full moon night.
I would like to thank my mom, and Taires for taking care of Zack until the very end, I know that he lived a life of joy through the freedom, and comfort we gave him.
It was his time to go, and there was nothing more we could have done for Zack.
Zack was my brother of purity, and the true peace that he brought to me was unforgetable, but the sadness I'm feeling would also remain. He was a great Rabbit.
1995 ~ June, 13, 2003

Mmmmmm.....!! alright!! we filmed a new movie for no reason, actualy it's because I was realy tired, but still didn't want to waste my time, the movie is called
"Piss Your Pants... I Dare Ya..."
it's totaly done, I finished editing it!! another one day movie!!

arghhhh......We gotta finish Bat Attack!!!!!!! I'm counting on this film!!!! after that's finish, I wanna take a break and concentrate on the music stuff, for a while... for the band...maybe look for a better job too, or start a business. blah.

Hey!! Mother Truckers!! well, today I edited a movie called "The Incredible Buta Man", it's ok... I think... I realy wanna edit more Bat Attack stuff, but Taires has the camera!!! oh no!!
And Saint Mary rules!! hahaha!!! ok!! lets finish up Bat Attack everyone!! july 11, due date!!! will we make it!?

also here is some stuff about Metal, that's Heavy Metal.
The Glory of Metal.
What Makes Someone a Metalhead?
The New Wave of Heavy Metal.

June!!! well we haven't been filming Bat Attack for a while now... looks like it's not gonna be finished in 2weeks. well... I'm still editing the stuff we have so that's ok... on wednesday, if possible we will be doing another shoot of Sword Fighter The Movie, for Ground One. that's it folks

ARRGHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok!!!! we finished filming the masked man scene for Bat Attack, 3 more scenes to go!! or 4... every scene we make is going better than planned so the movie should be realy good, I'm hoping to finish Bat Attack in about 2 more weeks...

The other thing is that I finished editing 5 new movies from 95 ~ 96... the titles are Sleep With One Fist Closed, The Handsome Boat, Ninja Crib, MID Gladiator, and Pay Me Back!! they are good..., I should actualy thank Pui for this, because he is the one who gave me the rage to edit these old films...
when we were meeting up with Anthony of Ground One, he asked us how this filming thing started, as I was trying to explain the beggining of filming with my brothers in 94, Pui butted in, saying that those old films doesn't even count, he actualy started to compare it to whatever he filmed back in the day... which is probably not even a movie...
He was saying that our old film, was shit or something. Me and my brothers spent years, and years filming those movies, being inspired by other great film makers, such as Roberto Radrigaz, Quentin Tarantino, and Jackie chan... studying filming styles, trying to match those movies. we were spending great hours watching those films, as well as making the films. and for Pui to say that those films are shit, is a great insult to me and the Ketsukusa itself... with out that past, Ketsukusa would not exist by any chance!
these movies we filmed during 95, 96 were far better than what we were filming in year 2000, great story, better camera work, and better fighting!! so I decided to bring these movies back 2003 style!! so fuck that Pui's comment!! we worked hard for that shit!! and he compares it to his stupid whatever he filmed with his brother!!!!! what an Asshole!! AAARRRGHHHH!!!!!!
oh yeah, I also thank Taires for bringing back the old films, because he liked Sarumaru, he told me I should put Sarumaru on oleo, I thought with the editing technology now, I could make Sarumaru even better..., then I thought... why not edit everything else too!! .... thanx T-Rex

plus Pui fucked Pauls sister.

Hey fools, it's Eric.
well, we are still filming Bat Attack, and I kicked Kelly in the teeth, Taires hit me in the head with a bad, upper cuted me in the throat... everything is going well, summer break is starting for those that go to school, so we should be able to finish the movie during this month... maybe...

ok!!!!! the other good news! we are gonna work with the people from the crew - GroundOne.
which is another filming crew, right now they are making a project called "Sword Fighter The Movie"... and some of us from Ketsukusa are gonna make a guest appearence in it, hopefuly next thursday, if everything goes well.
check out GroundOne's official website at Cornjob.com.
also...the GroundOne people might make a appearence in our movie Bat Attack, again if things goes as planned.

One more news!!!! Mother Fucker!!! more Movies!!!!
I'm editing 8 new movies right now!!(not including Bat Attack) actualy these are realy old movies from 1994, to 1996. I wanted to bring these great films back by using the editing technology of year 2003... I made hundreds of movies back then, so these 8 movies are the carefuly chosen great ones... I actualy spent like 5 to 6 hours looking over the old tapes. most of them are realy short but some of them go up to over 10min. these are gonna be very different from the stuff we are making these days!! but it's going to be good, don't under estimate the young Rossiters!!! 1994!! that's old!!!! I didn't even know english back then!!!!! so expect some subtitle action!!!!!

well here are the working titles of the new/old 8 films.

yup, that should be it, ah... the filming things are going well these days, we are moving forward Ketsukusa!!!!! or are we........ see ya

oh!! it's may, we met some good people at the film festival, and I think we're finaly moving forward alittle with this movie thing...I think that's great.
yup, still filming Bat Attack, evrythings still looking good. that's it!!!!!!!!!

Hahahahaha!!!! We are still making BAT ATTACK!! we've been getting hurt alot for this film, especialy when Taires decided to swing a BAT at the back of my head, it wasn't like a little tap, it was a full on killer swing bash straight to my skull!! ......it hurt. but it's ok, for the movies... I'll do alot. and that seems to be the case for most of our filmers, everyone is getting hurt in someways...

Hi Guys, this here is Eric.
we are still having fun filming Bat Attack as much as we can. the special effects are looking good and the story is kickin. thats it see ya

Sup fools! I'm Joel! You best be watchin a whole mess of Ketsukusa shit! Besides that, some bad news, we aren't in the film festival, chum(p)s. Ain't that the pits? But get this, Paul Booth, the coordinator wants to meet with us, so hopefully we can maybe get a T.V. deal out of this.
Oh yeah, more bad news. BAT ATTACK: THE LEGEND OF ALL BASEBALLS GRAND PRIX PLUS ALPHA TURN A TO THE THIRD DEGREE X (title pending) has halted its filming for at least another week. Why, you may ask? Well, it seems that ole Joeliscia here has caught some leptospirosis (i think). Let's see, I have had the following symptoms: jaundice(yellowness of the eyes, skin !?), dry cough, abrupt fevers, night sweats, vomitting...the list goes on. Hopefully, i stop it before it gets to phase two, which includes kidney failure, liver failure, and meningitis (inflamation of the spine).
And on a lighter note, it's my b-day this time, but i don't get todai. Huzzah!!

BAT ATTACK SE!!!!ARGHHHHH!!!! I still can't figure out how to make the ball spin around while moving!!!! I think I'm close though... well I'm basically done editing most of what we filmed so far of BAT ATTACK, we need Taires! I wanna finish filming it already!! Hahahahahahaha!!!
ok different topic...
here is a story... one time... like 5 months ago... we were hiking.............. it was a realy boring trail, so we decided to go off trail, to get to the top faster ofcourse - climbing up a mountain of grass that was realy steep,
Chris and Paul didn't want to join my adventure, so I went alone...........all by myself...not knowing the power of the wilderness...
around 7min of climbing this monster mountain, I looked down and got realy scared... chance of dying... there was no way I could go back down...so I decided to go all the way up to the top of the mountain while shaking from fright... hoping there is a trail above...
but guess what? there were none!! I wondered around the top of the mountain by myself worring my ass off for about 30min, trying to think of a way to get down with out going back from where I came from - The 90degree drop!!
...well I had to go back... there was no other choice, I decided to risk my life...
I went down the mountain with my back against the bushes, I was realy scared, moving slowly...
I was thinking of what people could see...... some little Eric with his back against the mountain pissing his pants going down,I wish we filmed this, especialy what happened next,
the bushes I was holding on to slowly started to rip apart, I looked down and there was barely anything except a drop to Hell, oh no, the grass teared out, and then... there I was falling/sliding for about 10meters shitting my self (I didn't shit), luckly there was a little bump on the mountain that stoped me from falling all the way to Hell, haha,
it was kind of easy after that, I got down all the way and went to where Chris's Truck was parked...
You know, even though that was realy scary, I liked it, the thrill of the adventure... it was a great experience.

OK!! Hi Ketsukusa crew!! or others!! we entered 4 titles in to the film festival!! they are called "Kicking Drugs Drama", "Fools Follow Trends", "Poochi Boy", and "Shadow Vice".... yup that's it, I wish we could have entered "Psytroub-WW" like we were supposed too, that sucks... wasn't finished on time..... well now we are filming a new movie for the upcomming Ohina Film Festival, the movie will be called "BAT ATTACK", we filmed alot for this movie already, and in my opinion this is the best movie ever made! and it has no swearing!! big + for faul mouthed psychos like us. ok thanks to everyone that's helping me make this movie, and fuck you everyone that acts like homo pussies that lies it's ass off, or bitches that bitches it's guts out, get the fuck out.

ok, my B-day tomorrow,and I basicaly finished up the editing of "Fools Follow Trends", I also saw the new "Psytroub", very good special effects, but a bad ending. good job.
I've written some more stuff in the movie list section so check that out if you want.
I think we are ready for film festival and I think we will do good with these three titles. "Psytroub", "Fools Follow Trends" and the ultimate..."Kickng Drugs Drama" bad titles? fuck you!!
alright that's it have fun. see ya!

Hahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!! hahaha!! haha! haha...hahaha...........hu.....
I went to court yesterday. haha.
FUCK!! I'm really frustrated editing "Fools Follow Trends" I've encountered so many problems, that I swetted during editing, cryed during editing, and I was so hopeless that my vision started to go blurry, none of these are lies, I'm keepin it real G.
well I'm almost done now, and I guess it's a pretty good movie... gotta finish it before March 15!! Film Festival!!!! AAAARRRRGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

Hi. This is Eric, what's going on, what up dudes, yo yo yo.... well three days ago we decided to swim to this mystery island from the shore of Lanikai Beach. it took about 2hours of paddling our boogie boards, but we made it...... here is where it gets interesting, while we were paddling back to Laninkai....from out of nowhere!! this worldfamous monster attack me with it's huge teeth, my feet were torn apart by this terrorizer. it was
Jones!! (Jaws to the homosexuals)
now I have a really hard time walking, at least it never swallowed my leg, or I would have ended up like Vince.
the other thing I wanna say is that, I'm happy that everyone is letting their creativity out. everyone is so good at doing their shit, and now I don't feel like the only guy doing everything for everything, it's great........ or is it...........
listen to some new songs, if you are intersted in listening to strip metal music.... click here.
and here is a interview with Strapping Young Lads infamous drummer Gene Hoglan.
also this one is Opeths Mikael Akerfeldt.

Something crazy happened yesterday.... as we were finishing up the final scenes for "Fools Follow Trends"... My clone passed by in the back seat of a Jeep, this guy was exactly like me. he had my face, hair (same length, same color), skin, clothes (green, and black Children Of Bodom shirt), and my pose. it was shocking but real. really REAL. he could've been my best friend.

I finished filming the styles movie which is probably going to be called "Fools follow trends" and, the other movie that the other guys are making should be done soon, we decided to enter three of the movies in the upcomming film festival. I really hope we can win something... we worked so hard.....

We started making a new movie about STYLES...yes about clothing... it's gonna be pretty good. and We should start finishing up the movie for the up comming film festival........... And here is a song that we made... it's the first song ever so it ain't that good....plus it's not finished yet.

I was watching my own movies today, and... you know what, they are so breastin good!! It made me want to put my movies on the Oleo Channel again!!!!! so I think I will, I also hope, that no one will sue us this time. please God... I won't kill you......

damn...and I wish everyone would just finish up their secret movie already. I wanna FILM TOO!! common gang.

well..... My brothers car got broken into yesterday, so that's a very sad thing, not only that these mind less fucks just broke in to it, they stole the whole goddam car, and took everything in it with it..... which includes, ESP Guitar, Amp, CDs, Stereo, and many more Random shit.... (lots of stuff, that these monkeys won't figure out how to use.)
the car was found today... and it was raped, like Taires when some dog jump on his back..... a truly sad event that should be remembered.... only if Bat Man was real..... the world would be perfect.... That's right!! we need fucking super heros!! these cops(pigs) are completly useless, they are never there when you need them, and then they appear when you don't want them, arresting you for pointless shit.... be where the real crime is at!! look for it bitches!!! it's everywhere!! you fucking assholes!!!!!!!! kill the crooks!! not the innoucent!!! I know that Bat Man will!!!!!

Nothing Updated today.... or is it...
Coolest Human in the whole world.

I cut my finger off....NOT!!

I'm back, and we are updating the kicking drugs drama movie, for the new film festival in march... the rest of the crew is also making a new movie, as a little surprize, which is a very good thing. well that's it folks.
here's a interview with Alexi "Wild Child" Laiho here.

< 12/14/02
I updated THE MAKING OF KINCKING DRUGS DRAMA in the movie list section. it's more organized now, so that's good. and I completly finished the Stunt movie. which is giving people some fun reactions, I actually think this one is good, ok that's it.

I'm basically done editing the stunt film, it ended up to be around 35min long... I'm also gonna leave to NYC pretty soon so, before I go I have to make some copys and send it to different countrys and states. there is another film festival comming up, so we're going to try to enter Kicking Drugs Drama again, this time we actually have a clean version, so maybe we can get in... we had to make a clean one, because the movie is full of racism and swearing. I hope the gore is fine...but, you know what that's how a movie should be Nigger!!

We filmed some more stunts last night (with special guest Akari.) it kinda hurt, but that's alright, it looks good. that's it folks.

Yup, the stunt thing is goin pretty well... we have about 40min of pure crazy stunt footage. I got rid of lot of old crappy stunts, so the film should be more entertaining.... ok that's it. stay true to METAL!!

Finished editing the Buffalo movie... now I'm gonna edit more stunts.

Posted pictures of the film "Poochi Boy" in our Movie List Section, also I'm starting to edit the new movie "The Revenge Of The Buffalo". One more thing about the stunts, now we have a shit load of footage so it's gonna take a while to edit it all, but the finished version should be pretty entertaining. Fire pants piss leg!!

I finished a movie called Poochie Boy, it's satanic and amazin,blazin cuz!!!

I just wanna say, that I'm having fun filming stunts every week, last saturday... I got burned pretty bad, but I think we got some pretty good footage that day. I guess the video is going to be good. and we are also gonna start filming a new movie about gangsters, this weekend if possible. this one is going to be seriously big, so watch out!!

10/17/02 8:29pm
yeah go ahead Joel, write as much poop shit you want, I just completed the ninja movie today and it's called "Shadow Vice".... good name isn't it, Joel thought of that name, because i wanted to call it Poochie Boy. The picture for Shadow Vice is in the movie list section, so go ahead and check it out.
Now I'm gonna start editing the new stunts we have done, and add it in to the EXY, to make the tape longer ofcourse. that's it B.

This is Joel, and Molelesster Eric came up to me and said, "Joel! Joel! Please help me with my webpage, master!" So I decided to help so that the World Trade Center would not explode again!! I put the making of Kicking Drugs Drama under Kicking Drugs Drama Revisited in the movie section. Also, I wrote more movie descriptions and change the Chink's discription in making KDD, since Taires claims he actually is Chinese...

We finally finished the ninja movie, and all I have to do is just editing... so now we can film stunts during the day as much as we want. So if you wanna film stunts, let's film stunts.
click here to watch Andrew W. K. and his shit. I use his music on our films.....
click here to read about Cky, Jackass, and everything in between, lots of good news and info, read up....

I went to go see Steveo, Weeman, and Preston's show today.
the show was absolutly amazing and it was worth skipping my work. Chris and I have snuck in the bottom floor and got to see the show on the very front, seeing all the blood and vomit everywhere.
The show was the greatest, and now I want to do more true Hardcore stunts. also because Justin got a gigantic JACKASS symbol tatoo on his back, and now we have to make a fucking great tape!!
I got to shake Steveos hand and succeeded on getting a autograph too.
it was alot of fun.... I was screaming and smiling the whole time.

Pictures of - Beauty Is Only Skindeep is added on the Movie list section. Look at it.....
We decided we are going to enter our new movie (not the ninja one) in the next International Film Festival, this one is expensive, but we know what not to do now, so we will probably make it in. also we are starting to film more stunts in the weekends, so lets film more stunts!! God Dammit!!

I added pictures of Praying To Mantis, The Under Trucker, The Under Trucker2, and Table Of Death to the movie list section. also Ikaika made a website on asianavenue.com about ketsukusa production, go there and look for "ketsukusa".
click here to watch In Flames's good stuff, this has nothing to do with the movies, eccept that I use their music on our films.

Our movie"Kicking Drugs Drama" did NOT make it to the film festival......
they told us that the movie was too long and it had too much obscene languages.... but they also told us that Kicking Drugs Drama was there favorite movie, out of all the other short film festival contestants films, and gave us an advice about putting our films on OC16 or have a Tv series on that channel.
It was very sad that KDD didn't make it, because we worked so hard on it, especially me.....
well... we are making a new movie now.... it is a story based around two Ninjas attempting to kidnap and hold randsom a high druglord`s son. The two are faced with many challenes including an archrival Ninjutsu Clan, The Tawagashi`s. Will they survive to unvail their plans..?
the movie stars: Eric, Joel, Ikaika, Taires, and Chris.

I don't even know when we are finishing this movie,because of the tight schedules of ours from work, and school. I also want to film way more stunts but could never find free time, or to gather everyone.... I don't know.... maybe I'll quit my job for the movies. or just work at another place... that actually gives me days off!!!!!

Added pictures of The Anal Demons, Exy, Rabbit Dash To HeLL, F.U.C.K., Monkey Boy Sarumaru, Toilet-No-Kagi, Tag Attack, Bloody Gangstaz, Bloody Gangstaz2, Gorgeous Shadows, Flooded Doors, Women Wallet, Crazy Rushers, Buta Man, Bat Attack and Racer Fire speed on the movie list section, So check them out!! also a new section called THE MAKING OF KICKING DRUGS DRAMA is on now.

Finished Kicking Drugs Drama (26min 59sec.) and entered the movie in the Ohina Short Film Festival. I don't know if the movie is going to be accepted yet, but I think we have a good chance, because I saw most of the movies from last year's Film festival, and I didn't think they were too good.

Still making Kicking Drugs Drama.... the best movie sofar.... by far!! We decided to enter the movie in the short film festival, to do something with the great movie that it is. also looking forward to making the stunt video with TVR.

Making the new movie "Kicking Drugs Drama", and another movie called "Racer Fire Speed!!"

Thinking about editing for real, and get serious more than ever to make a great tape.
then shit on a car. see ya

We have a camera now and we are currently filming a new movie that is going to be called
"Kicking Drugs Drama", we are planing to make this our best film yet with a play time of 30minutes. we are also filming lots of new stunts for EXY at the same time.

Super poop day, Film lots of poop, more poop later.

Sorry but I don't I have any news to tell except that I made this page today and we don't have a camera to film anymore. It sucks and makes me sad in my heart. If anyone wants to let me borrow a camera, I'll give you the reward of the Blind Rabbit. That's an offer you can't resist, can you? I hope so... What I really want to say is that I want to start filming again so if you wanna help out Ketsukusa Productions and want to see our films, help us out by doing anything or fucking everything!!!

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