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Alas, the wondeful education system at Butler High. Here we absorb a vocabulary that enriches and prepares us for the rest of our lives... Mark, Chief, Justin, Jason, and Jeremy were fellows that created many unique word variations. This is a new language, known as Butleriese, a common uneducated speech pattern found only in Butler, PA. Their speech often got so complicated, it would be fitting to call their adapted dialect a language of its own. Here is the official guide to deciphering and understanding this difficult language.


*Adam Standler: A talented and funny actor who appeared in movies such as Mr. Deeds (Mark's personal favorite) and The Wedding Planner.
Sentence: Mr. Deeds is a great movie, it stars Adam Standler .

*Bitter: A slow and gradual change or improvement in health or personal matters.
Sentence: Try to get bitter.

*Bullshit Day: Chief's Definition for Friday.
Sentence: BULLSHIT! It's the word of the day! It's's Bullshit Day.

*Chief: The radiant energe, heat and visable light emitted by the Chief.
Sentence: The chief is really hot today.

*Chief Baked: Baked, dried, or hardned by exposure to Chief.
Sentence: I talked to Chief too long, I am chief baked.

*Chief Bathe: To expose the body to the Chief.
Sentence: I'm going to see Chief and chief bathe.

*Chiefy: Having the quality or fragrance of Chief.
Sentence: You got red sauce all over you, you are chiefy.

*Chieftastic: Superb, outstanding, inspiring chief.
Sentence: Jason Fennell has died, this is chieftastic.

*Cucked: To eject as if spitting from the mouth, to vomit.
Sentence: I've been cucked on.

*Cuckleriffic: Terrible, severe, the opposite of fine or splendid.
Sentence: Jason Fennell is cuckleriffic.

*Cuckleritis: Inflamation of the mucous membrane in ones body.
Sentence: I'm not feeling well, I've got cuckleritis.

*Fennellicious: Highly unpleasing to the taste.
Sentence: This expired food from Cheapskates is fennellicious.

*Grow-tee: Facial hair located beneath one's chin. This can be in many different designs such as circle, square or "V" shapes.
Sentence: Yeah, maybe someday I will stop shaving, and grow a grow-tee underneath my chin.

*"I have just been violated!"(Jason): A phrase that Jason uses to mock Jeremy. Jason owes Jeremy millions in royalties for using this phrase.

*"I have just been violated!"(Jeremy): A phrase that Jeremy uses whenever he has been mentally or physically violated.
Sentence: "Melissa Fallecker! I have just been violated!"

*Impotent: Urgent, critical information that must be shared immediately.
Sentence: Hey man, can I talk to you immediately? I have so real impotent information to share with you...

*Metrode: A tiny aqua car that David and Jeremy's father use to drive.
Sentence: I needta slash the tires of his Metrode...

*MMMMMMMMMMMM: A deep sound that Justin makes that indicates if he is angry or hungry.
Sentence: "Get off of my foot! MMMMMMMMMMMMM!

*mmmmmmmmmmmmm: A high pitched sound that Justin makes that indicates if he is nervous, excited, or happy.
Sentence: "A new DBZ video! mmmmmmmmmmm!

*Realastrator: An official involved with the listing and selling of a home.
Sentence: Yeah, my realastrator come to close are home today.

*Salvation Market: A second-hand store that sells items people donate.
Sentence: Yeah, my mum doesn't want this set of old encyclopedias anymore, so I dropped them off at the salvation market.

*Scrode: Harry Potter's word for a young cod or haddock.
Sentence: I think I'll get the Baked Scrode.

*"You screwed him": A phrase that Justin says to an individual when he wants to mock them or indicate to them that they are in deep trouble.
Sentence: "Well Jason, you screwed him."

*"You're screwed": A phrase that Justin says to an individual when he finds out that he/she is in deep trouble.
Sentence: "You dropped your lunch and summoned Ralph! You're screwed!

*Vokeswagen: An old car that Mark's father use to own, but never actually drove.
Sentence: My dad's Vokeswagen was such a great car!