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Jason Fennell's Bio

Jason Fennell was born in the fall of 1982. He has a younger sister whose name I can't remember. He is best friends with Chief. They have known eachother their entire lives and they live down the street from one another, in East Butler Pa. He has lived an uneventful life, at least he thinks so. He can't remember most of his life. He can not recall any memories before the age of 11. But he does know that he has always been happy. His only down fall is his speech imparment and studdering, which has made him the frequent butt of jokes among his peers. But Jason Fennell has always held strong.

Every weekend in-season the Fennell clan travels to Cooks Forest for camping and square dancing. It is a ritual they have carried on for years, and each trip promises a new fun filled adventure, at least that's the optimistic outlook Jason has. But after all these years of camping and travelling, Jason has never found girl friend. But he probably isn't ready yet.

Recently Jason has had some exciting adventures of his own. He choked on a piece of roast beast during his senior year. His father disloged it enough for him to breath while he was taken to the hospital. There they sent a tube down his throat and removed the deadly roast beast. For the next week at lunch at school he had the nurse sit with him as he ate. He was too scared to eat food by himself. He did eventually get over the roast beef incident, but he vows never to eat roast beef again. Still, overall he feels the experience has made him more of a man.

In June of 2002, Jason Fennell graduated from high school. During the summer he worked for a youth group and gained practice driving. He is taking classes at the local community college, BCCC, and majoring in the same computer field that Chief is majoring in. He had applied for a job working along side Chief at Cheapskates, but his speech imparament prevented him from him getting that "ideal" job. But other that that, Jason is content and happy with his new dog, Trixy, and old dog, Casie. He has even perfected his skills on the piano. He currently is employed as a stock boy in Butler's new Wal-Mart Supercenter, where he has gotten on every manager's nerves since he has arrived. He remains true to himself and to his dogs. But Jason has yet to see the harsh reality of life. He could not handle college so he failed. He screws around with his sister and his uni-brow pulsates when has has sex.

Jason Fennell as a new born

Jason in his bedroom, which he redecorates twice a week

Jason studdered while on the toilet, and this is what happened

Current Residence: 610 E Madison Ave East Butler, PA
Telephone: (724) 283-5402