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Jeremy's Bio

Jeremy Probst was born on the 14th of September 1982 A.D. to his parents. Jeremy had a good childhood, and has no specific complaints. But physically, Jeremy grew up a complete wreck. Since birth he was plagued with problems with his hip, which forced him to have a titanium rod implanted. Some have even rumored that he has a wooden leg, but it has never been proven. Some days the pain in Jeremy's hip would be terrible, forcing him to walk only with the aid of crutches. But most days there is no pain at all, and he can walk freely with only the slighest limp. Because of this problem he was forced to take adaptive physical education (APE). It was in one of these classes in early fall 2000, that he and Mad Dog created The Collection. It is those days that Jeremy cherishes the most.

During that time he had a brief working experience washing dishes alongside Mark and Tito. It was a fun time. Tossing dishes like frisbees and watching them shatter off of a nearby wall, making jokes with Tito. They were good times. But the pain to his hands was too intense, and left deep scars, which forced Jeremy to stop showing up to work. But better times were ahead. During this time he created several websites, the most famous being the Saiyen Zone. The Saiyen Zone was later turned into a RPG and remains so to this day. Although, it was tragically abandoned and he now runs Eternity RPG with Hanz.

A year later Jeremy would drop out of school and get his own apartment. By that time he was working along side his mother at Evergreen Nursing Home, and eventually being promoted to full time with a raise. But the hours are long and difficult, 4:00 AM to 1:00 PM. It is rough on Jeremy, but he is making out well. Now he lives with Hanz, Laura, and thier daughter. They recently moved into a new house.

Today, Jeremy is a proud man with much to live for. He has a steady job, has plans of getting his GED and going to college, and he's a proud grandfather. Jeremy has seen it all, and will see much more. He is a man of few words, and a man of many words. Sometimes he will have good days, and sometimes he will have painful days. But one thing he will always be is Jeremy.

Jeremy proudly over comes Codi

Jeremy in 7th grade

Jeremy with his bithday cake on his face

Jeremy trying to eat with his busted hand.