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Kevin Peth's Bio

Welcome to Kevin Peth's bio. There is little known about special Kevin. He was born sometime in the late 1970s to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peth. His father is a Pastor, and Kevin was brought up with a strict Christian upbringing. When Kevin was in kindergarten he met Mark Cober, and the two quickly became fast friends. They would be best friends for years to come. Kevin became invaluable to Mark later on, especially when Kevin had to talk Mark out of killing himself. At that time Mark was a fragile vessel and life was not treating him so great. Mark would forever be Kevin's friend. Kevin Peth finally graduated from high school in June of 2001. It is not known why he graduated so late in his life, perhaps he failed several years of school? We may never know. After graduation, Kevin atteneded a Ministry School in New York and had intentions of becoming a Pastor, like his father. But poor grades forced Kevin to quit his dreams of becoming a Pastor. Instead, he lived in New York City for three months and spent his time preaching the "word" to drunken hobos. It gave Kevin many new experiences. Today, Kevin resides at home with his parents, and is going "wherever God takes him." Most recently, God has taken Kevin to Mark's place. But perhaps that is where he is needed the most. But we may never know what is in store for Kevin Peth.

At Jeremy Probst's 20th birthday party on Sept 14, 2002, Kevin borrowed a guitar and started singing his infamous cupcake song. This brilliant song was made up as he sang along. The lyrics have been added here for your reading pleasure! Now you can all have a sing-a-long!

"THE CUPCAKE SONG" by Kevin Peth

"Cupakes, especially mommy's cupcakes,

it's so great!

Yummy in my Tummy,

and I only had one'ie,

til I said man that was really good,

so I had TWO!

(Ashley)- NO!!! Fuck you man!!!

(Kevin)- I don't do them kind of things,

I think it's really disgusting,

especially when I'm eating my cupcake.

It's not very yummy,

I dont like the feeling and taste of cummy,

it doesn't taste very yummy,

it tastes very cummy,

like my CUPCAKE!

And this is the end,


Kevin singing his cupcake song

Kevin is "special"

Always beware of Kevin

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