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Songs From "The Cause": Volume 1 (Season One)

Hello there, folks. Citizen Matt here with a new Do-It-Yourself-You-Lazy-Bastard Project®. So, by now, you’re wondering, "Why Citizen Matt, what is this grand project that I, the Lazy Bastard, am to do?" Well, I’ll tell you what to do. In easy to understand instructions no less. You see, "The Cause" is usually written with blaring music in the background, and sometimes, that music seeps into the story. So I’ve taken it upon myself to tell you, the reader, what music you should listen to to enhance your "Cause" experience.

  1. Get Morpheus, KazAa, or a sizeable amount of CD’s out, and a CD burner ready.
  2. Get "Unsound" by The Headstones. I think it’s kinda the "theme song" of "The Cause".
  3. Find the CD’s with these songs on them, and burn them onto a CD.
5. Read your favorite episodes of "The Cause" again, the way the author intended.
6. Enjoy.

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