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Pray for Our Nation

What to Pray

Prayer Sites

The Dwelling Place--church
Blessed Hope
World Prayer
Crusade for Christ
Edline--Educational Resources
Praying Together No Matter What
Pray Today
World Prayer Network
Catholic Church
More Websites and Links
Focus on the Family
Fast For President Bush
Pray for the USA
Fasting and Prayer
Renewal Ministries
Pray for Our Nation
National Day of Prayer


It is time for us to come together as a nation and pray to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Our country needs as much prayer and fasting as we can give.

Focus on God and his goodness. It is not and was not his intention to see so many die.

We live in an evil, fallen world where evil is prevalent.

Pray that God would have mercy on the nations.
Pray that He would heal our nation.
Pray that we would, as a nation, turn from our wicked ways and turn to God.


If you know nothing else to pray, just call on the name of JESUS.