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Dunbar High School

Ms. Davidson

Entering the Classroom
1. Enter the classroom quickly and quietly.
2. Immediately begin bell work assignment.
3. Have notebook, paper, pen and other materials ready.
4. Be ready to work and on task at ALL times.

Lockers 1. Have notebook, paper, pen, book(s) and other materials ready when you come to class.
2. No passes to lockers will be given.
3. If you did not come to class prepared, you must speak to Ms. Davidson the moment you enter the room. It will be noted, and you will receive a verbal warning to come to class prepared next time. You need to come to class with ALL materials and be ready for Nothing Less than Success in this classroom.

Bathroom 1. You must go during transition. NO passes at beginning or end of class. Manage your time wisely.
2. Two visit per six weeks limit.
3. Infractions of any kind will result in a loss of privileges.

1. Make it a point to get to class on time every day. If you are late, got to the tardy calculator and get a pass. NO EXCUSES!!!
2. Infractions will result in loss of privileges.

Class work/Homework
1. I have high expectations of all students; therefore, I expect you to come to class prepared and ready to contribute and participate at all times.
2. Stay on task at all times.

1. Be quiet.
2. Listen when lectures are given.
3. Remain on task at all times.
4. If you don’t know or cannot find it, ask.
5. Infractions of any kinds will result in the loss of library time on an individual basis.
6. You must have an ID card in order to check out a book.
7. You and your parents must also have signed the User Agreement form to use the Internet.
8. Individual need to go to library is at the discretion of the teacher.

Questions/Miscellaneous 1. Raise your hand and wait until you are acknowledged. If you don’t understand a task, assignment, procedure and anything else, PLEASE ASK.
2. Do not interrupt when others are speaking.
3. Stay in your seat until you have permission to move.
4. If you finish early, work on the next day’s assignment, write in your journal or read quietly.
5. If you did not come to class prepared, you must speak to Ms. Davidson the moment you enter the room. It will be noted, and you will receive a verbal warning to come to class prepared next time. This is not your neighborhood Walmart, Target, Dollar General, Family Dollar, Big Lots, or Kmart. You need to come to class with ALL materials and be ready for Nothing Less than Success in this classroom. IT CAN BE DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1. All work to be checked or graded will be place in the “In Box".
2. All graded and checked work will be placed in the front of the room.
3. LATE WORK WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. You have one day grace. You will lost points.
Make Up Work

1. A make up envelope will be located in the front of the room. Look at the card, write down your assignment, and ask one or two class buddies for details before you ask me, or get the info from Ms. Davidson's internet site.

Emergency Alert System
1. Be calm and follow all directions.
2. Go out the door, quickly and orderly.

Keeping a notebook 1. You will need a three ring binder with loose leaf paper. It must be organized at all times. It will be checked often.
2. You must have the following sections:
a. Signed copy of Class rules/procedures
b. Notebook Divisions will be as follows
i. Daily Agenda/Reflections
ii. Notes
iii. Writing Samples
iv. Journal
v. Vocabulary/Literary Terminology
vi. Graded Work

Progress Reports 1. Progress reports will be issued every three weeks. This is a means of helping you and your parents keep track of how you are doing in class. The report must be signed and returned.
2. If at any time you have a question about your grades or progress, please see me.

End of Period 1. Before you leave class each day, you will be required to keep a class log of what you are learning. This will take the last few moments of class time.
2. This is a means of self evaluation in understanding of concepts, skills, and other class materials. I will look at these often.
3. You are not to put your belongings away or stop working until told to do so.

4. I will release you from class not the bell. There are to be no disruptions or interruptions. Responding to the Teacher
1. All eyes on the teacher, ready to listen at the sound of the bell. 2. Follow the "1, 2, 3 All eyes on me"

Passes 1. Nurse passes have priority.
2. All other passes are at the discretion of the teacher, unless previously cleared.

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